/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "system_psoc6.h" #include "cy_pdl.h" #include "cyhal.h" #include "cy_retarget_io.h" #include "watchdog.h" /* Define pins for UART debug output */ #define CY_DEBUG_UART_TX (P5_1) #define CY_DEBUG_UART_RX (P5_0) #if defined(PSOC_062_2M) #warning "Check if User LED is correct for your target board." #define LED_PORT GPIO_PRT13 #define LED_PIN 7U #elif defined(PSOC_062_1M) #define LED_PORT GPIO_PRT13 #define LED_PIN 7U #elif defined(PSOC_062_512K) #define LED_PORT GPIO_PRT11 #define LED_PIN 1U #endif #define LED_NUM 5U #define LED_DRIVEMODE CY_GPIO_DM_STRONG_IN_OFF #define LED_INIT_DRIVESTATE 1 const cy_stc_gpio_pin_config_t LED_config = { .outVal = 1, .driveMode = CY_GPIO_DM_STRONG_IN_OFF, .hsiom = HSIOM_SEL_GPIO, .intEdge = CY_GPIO_INTR_DISABLE, .intMask = 0UL, .vtrip = CY_GPIO_VTRIP_CMOS, .slewRate = CY_GPIO_SLEW_FAST, .driveSel = CY_GPIO_DRIVE_FULL, .vregEn = 0UL, .ibufMode = 0UL, .vtripSel = 0UL, .vrefSel = 0UL, .vohSel = 0UL, }; #define WATCHDOG_UPD_MESSAGE "[BlinkyApp] Update watchdog timer started in MCUBootApp to mark successful start of user app\r\n" #define WATCHDOG_FREE_MESSAGE "[BlinkyApp] Turn off watchdog timer\r\n" #ifdef BOOT_IMG #define BLINK_PERIOD (1000u) #define GREETING_MESSAGE_VER "[BlinkyApp] BlinkyApp v1.0 [CM4]\r\n" #define GREETING_MESSAGE_INFO "[BlinkyApp] Red led blinks with 1 sec period\r\n" #elif defined(UPGRADE_IMG) #define BLINK_PERIOD (250u) #define GREETING_MESSAGE_VER "[BlinkyApp] BlinkyApp v2.0 [+]\r\n" #define GREETING_MESSAGE_INFO "[BlinkyApp] Red led blinks with 0.25 sec period\r\n" #else #error "[BlinkyApp] Please specify type of image: -DBOOT_IMG or -DUPGRADE_IMG\r\n" #endif void check_result(int res) { if (res != CY_RSLT_SUCCESS) { CY_ASSERT(0); } } void test_app_init_hardware(void) { /* enable interrupts */ __enable_irq(); /* Disabling watchdog so it will not interrupt normal flow later */ Cy_GPIO_Pin_Init(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, &LED_config); /* Initialize retarget-io to use the debug UART port */ check_result(cy_retarget_io_init(CY_DEBUG_UART_TX, CY_DEBUG_UART_RX, CY_RETARGET_IO_BAUDRATE)); printf("\n===========================\r\n"); printf(GREETING_MESSAGE_VER); printf("===========================\r\n"); printf("[BlinkyApp] GPIO initialized \r\n"); printf("[BlinkyApp] UART initialized \r\n"); printf("[BlinkyApp] Retarget I/O set to 115200 baudrate \r\n"); } int main(void) { uint32_t blinky_period = BLINK_PERIOD; test_app_init_hardware(); printf(GREETING_MESSAGE_INFO); /* Update watchdog timer to mark successful start up of application */ printf(WATCHDOG_UPD_MESSAGE); cy_wdg_kick(); printf(WATCHDOG_FREE_MESSAGE); cy_wdg_free(); for (;;) { /* Toggle the user LED periodically */ Cy_SysLib_Delay(blinky_period/2); /* Invert the USER LED state */ Cy_GPIO_Inv(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); } return 0; }