# [mcuboot](http://mcuboot.com/) [![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/12307/badge.svg)][coverity] [![Build/Test](https://img.shields.io/travis/mcu-tools/mcuboot/master.svg?label=travis-ci)][travis] [coverity]: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/mcuboot [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/mcu-tools/mcuboot This is mcuboot version 1.7.0-rc2 MCUboot is a secure bootloader for 32-bit MCUs. The goal of MCUboot is to define a common infrastructure for the bootloader, system flash layout on microcontroller systems, and to provide a secure bootloader that enables simple software upgrades. MCUboot is operating system and hardware independent and relies on hardware porting layers from the operating. Currently, mcuboot works with both the Apache Mynewt and Zephyr operating systems, but more ports are planned in the future. RIOT is currently supported as a boot target with a complete port planned. ## Using MCUboot Instructions for different operating systems can be found here: - [Zephyr](docs/readme-zephyr.md) - [Mynewt](docs/readme-mynewt.md) - [RIOT](docs/readme-riot.md) - [Mbed-OS](docs/readme-mbed.md) - [Simulator](sim/README.rst) ## Roadmap The issues being planned and worked on are tracked using GitHub issues. To participate please visit: [MCUBoot GitHub Issues](https://github.com/mcu-tools/mcuboot/issues) ~~Issues were previously tracked on [MCUboot JIRA](https://runtimeco.atlassian.net/projects/MCUB/summary) , but it is now deprecated.~~ ## Browsing Information and documentation on the bootloader are stored within the source. ~~It was previously also documented on confluence: [MCUBoot Confluence](https://runtimeco.atlassian.net/wiki/discover/all-updates) however, it is now deprecated and not currently maintained~~ For more information in the source, here are some pointers: - [boot/bootutil](boot/bootutil): The core of the bootloader itself. - [boot/boot\_serial](boot/boot_serial): Support for serial upgrade within the bootloader itself. - [boot/zephyr](boot/zephyr): Port of the bootloader to Zephyr - [boot/mynewt](boot/mynewt): Mynewt bootloader app - [imgtool](scripts/imgtool.py): A tool to securely sign firmware images for booting by mcuboot. - [sim](sim): A bootloader simulator for testing and regression ## Joining Developers welcome! * Our developer mailing list: https://groups.io/g/mcuboot * Our Slack channel: https://mcuboot.slack.com/
Get your invite [here!](https://join.slack.com/t/mcuboot/shared_invite/MjE2NDcwMTQ2MTYyLTE1MDA4MTIzNTAtYzgyZTU0NjFkMg) * Our IRC channel: http://irc.freenode.net, #mcuboot