"help":"Build the bootloader, in addition to the MCUboot library.",
"help":"Start address of the primary (bootable) image slot. Target-dependent, please set on a per-target basis.",
"help":"Size of the primary (bootable) image slot, in bytes. Target-dependent, please set on a per-target basis.",
"help":"Start address of the scratch area. If needed, please set on a per-target basis.",
"help":"Size of the scratch area, in bytes. If needed, please set on a per-target basis.",
"help":"Always check the signature of the image in the primary slot before booting, even if no upgrade was performed. This is recommended if the boot time penalty is acceptable.",
"help":"If RSA is used for signature algorithm, this specifies the length.",
"help":"The crypto library backend. NOTE: TinyCrypt is currently only supported with GCC for Mbed-OS builds.",
"help":"The default is to support A/B image swapping with rollback. A simpler code path, which only supports overwriting the existing image with the update image, is also available. (null to disable)",
"help":"Only erase and overwrite those primary slot sectors needed to install the new image, rather than the entire image slot.",
"help":"Exclude non-bootloader logs from Mbed OS (e.g. underlying storage).",
"help":"Maximum number of flash sectors per image slot. Target-dependent, please set on a per-target basis.",
"help":"Granularity of read operations, in bytes. Enables a workaround if your block device does not support reading a single byte at a time. If this is used, it should be at least the value of your specific <blockdevice>->get_read_size() result.",
"help":"Use hardware key (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Boot swap using move (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Updateable image number (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Swap save enctlv (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Encrypt images using RSA (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Encrypt images using EC256 (NOT TESTED)",
"help":"Encrypt images using X25519 (NOT TESTED)",