* @file readme.txt
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Licensed module readme file.
This module is not directly available on GitHub as it is subject to a restrictive license (ST Ultimate Liberty).
CAUTION: Some steps described below (e.g. license display, download start) may
take a few to several seconds depending on the browser used.
Please follow the steps below in order to obtain it:
1. Click on the link below to be redirected to the MW web page on ST servers.
2. The terms of the license shall be displayed on your screen (this may take a few seconds).
Once you have read them carefully and accepted them click on the "ACCEPT" button.
3. You will be then prompted to login/register or to provide your name and e-mail.
Note 1: This step is necessary only in case you logged out from "st.com"
website for more than 24 hours.
Otherwise this step will be automatically skipped.
Note 2: In case you have no "st.com" account and decide to register you will
be prompted for a full registration.
The next times however you can login simply by providing your e-mail
address and password.
Note 3: The other alternative as mentioned above is to provide your name and
e-mail and click on the "Download" button (on bottom of the displayed
dialog box). In this case, you will receive an e-mail asking you for
4. Your download shall start automatically (this may take a few seconds) or an
"Open/Save" dialog box will be opened depending on the browser used.
The module will be downloaded in the form of a compressed file.
Extract its content and place it under the same folder as this readme.txt file.