local M = { } -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6380820/get-containing-path-of-lua-file function script_path() local str = debug.getinfo(2, "S").source:sub(2) return str:match("(.*/)") end function M.parse(arg) local cmd = torch.CmdLine() cmd:text() cmd:text('OpenFace') cmd:text() cmd:text('Options:') ------------ General options -------------------- cmd:option('-outDir', './reps/', 'Subdirectory to output the representations') cmd:option('-data', paths.concat(script_path(), '..', 'data', 'lfw', 'dlib-affine-sz:96'), 'Home of dataset') cmd:option('-model', paths.concat(script_path(), '..', 'models', 'openface', 'nn4.small2.v1.t7'), 'Path to model to use.') cmd:option('-imgDim', 96, 'Image dimension. nn1=224, nn4=96') cmd:option('-batchSize', 50, 'mini-batch size') cmd:option('-cuda', false, 'Use cuda') cmd:option('-cache', false, 'Cache loaded data.') cmd:text() local opt = cmd:parse(arg or {}) os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. opt.outDir) return opt end return M