-- Source: https://github.com/soumith/imagenet-multiGPU.torch/blob/master/dataset.lua -- Modified by Brandon Amos in Sept 2015 for OpenFace by adding -- `samplePeople` and `sampleTriplet`. require 'torch' torch.setdefaulttensortype('torch.FloatTensor') local ffi = require 'ffi' local dir = require 'pl.dir' local argcheck = require 'argcheck' require 'sys' require 'xlua' require 'image' local dataset = torch.class('dataLoader') local initcheck = argcheck{ pack=true, help=[[ A dataset class for images in a flat folder structure (folder-name is class-name). Optimized for extremely large datasets (upwards of 14 million images). Tested only on Linux (as it uses command-line linux utilities to scale up) ]], {check=function(paths) local out = true; for _,v in ipairs(paths) do if type(v) ~= 'string' then print('paths can only be of string input'); out = false end end return out end, name="paths", type="table", help="Multiple paths of directories with images"}, {name="sampleSize", type="table", help="a consistent sample size to resize the images"}, {name="split", type="number", help="Percentage of split to go to Training" }, {name="samplingMode", type="string", help="Sampling mode: random | balanced ", default = "balanced"}, {name="verbose", type="boolean", help="Verbose mode during initialization", default = false}, {name="loadSize", type="table", help="a size to load the images to, initially", opt = true}, {name="forceClasses", type="table", help="If you want this loader to map certain classes to certain indices, " .. "pass a classes table that has {classname : classindex} pairs." .. " For example: {3 : 'dog', 5 : 'cat'}" .. "This function is very useful when you want two loaders to have the same " .. "class indices (trainLoader/testLoader for example)", opt = true}, {name="sampleHookTrain", type="function", help="applied to sample during training(ex: for lighting jitter). " .. "It takes the image path as input", opt = true}, {name="sampleHookTest", type="function", help="applied to sample during testing", opt = true}, } function dataset:__init(...) -- argcheck local args = initcheck(...) print(args) for k,v in pairs(args) do self[k] = v end if not self.loadSize then self.loadSize = self.sampleSize; end if not self.sampleHookTrain then self.sampleHookTrain = self.defaultSampleHook end if not self.sampleHookTest then self.sampleHookTest = self.defaultSampleHook end -- find class names self.classes = {} local classPaths = {} if self.forceClasses then for k,v in pairs(self.forceClasses) do self.classes[k] = v classPaths[k] = {} end end local function tableFind(t, o) for k,v in pairs(t) do if v == o then return k end end end -- loop over each paths folder, get list of unique class names, -- also store the directory paths per class -- for each class, for _,path in ipairs(self.paths) do local dirs = dir.getdirectories(path); for _,dirpath in ipairs(dirs) do local class = paths.basename(dirpath) local idx = tableFind(self.classes, class) if not idx then table.insert(self.classes, class) idx = #self.classes classPaths[idx] = {} end if not tableFind(classPaths[idx], dirpath) then table.insert(classPaths[idx], dirpath); end end end self.classIndices = {} for k,v in ipairs(self.classes) do self.classIndices[v] = k end -- define command-line tools, try your best to maintain OSX compatibility local wc = 'wc' local cut = 'cut' local find = 'find' if jit.os == 'OSX' then wc = 'gwc' cut = 'gcut' find = 'gfind' end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Options for the GNU find command local extensionList = {'jpg', 'png','JPG','PNG','JPEG', 'ppm', 'PPM', 'bmp', 'BMP'} local findOptions = ' -iname "*.' .. extensionList[1] .. '"' for i=2,#extensionList do findOptions = findOptions .. ' -o -iname "*.' .. extensionList[i] .. '"' end -- find the image path names self.imagePath = torch.CharTensor() -- path to each image in dataset self.imageClass = torch.LongTensor() -- class index of each image (class index in self.classes) self.classList = {} -- index of imageList to each image of a particular class self.classListSample = self.classList -- the main list used when sampling data print('running "find" on each class directory, and concatenate all' .. ' those filenames into a single file containing all image paths for a given class') -- so, generates one file per class local classFindFiles = {} for i=1,#self.classes do classFindFiles[i] = os.tmpname() end local combinedFindList = os.tmpname(); local tmpfile = os.tmpname() local tmphandle = assert(io.open(tmpfile, 'w')) -- iterate over classes for i, _ in ipairs(self.classes) do -- iterate over classPaths for _,path in ipairs(classPaths[i]) do local command = find .. ' "' .. path .. '" ' .. findOptions .. ' >>"' .. classFindFiles[i] .. '" \n' tmphandle:write(command) end end io.close(tmphandle) os.execute('bash ' .. tmpfile) os.execute('rm -f ' .. tmpfile) print('now combine all the files to a single large file') tmpfile = os.tmpname() tmphandle = assert(io.open(tmpfile, 'w')) -- concat all finds to a single large file in the order of self.classes for i=1,#self.classes do local command = 'cat "' .. classFindFiles[i] .. '" >>' .. combinedFindList .. ' \n' tmphandle:write(command) end io.close(tmphandle) os.execute('bash ' .. tmpfile) os.execute('rm -f ' .. tmpfile) --========================================================================== print('load the large concatenated list of sample paths to self.imagePath') local maxPathLength = tonumber(sys.fexecute(wc .. " -L '" .. combinedFindList .. "' |" .. cut .. " -f1 -d' '")) + 1 local length = tonumber(sys.fexecute(wc .. " -l '" .. combinedFindList .. "' |" .. cut .. " -f1 -d' '")) assert(length > 0, "Could not find any image file in the given input paths") assert(maxPathLength > 0, "paths of files are length 0?") self.imagePath:resize(length, maxPathLength):fill(0) local s_data = self.imagePath:data() local count = 0 for line in io.lines(combinedFindList) do ffi.copy(s_data, line) s_data = s_data + maxPathLength if self.verbose and count % 10000 == 0 then xlua.progress(count, length) end; count = count + 1 end self.numSamples = self.imagePath:size(1) if self.verbose then print(self.numSamples .. ' samples found.') end --========================================================================== print('Updating classList and imageClass appropriately') self.imageClass:resize(self.numSamples) local runningIndex = 0 for i=1,#self.classes do if self.verbose then xlua.progress(i, #(self.classes)) end local clsLength = tonumber(sys.fexecute(wc .. " -l '" .. classFindFiles[i] .. "' |" .. cut .. " -f1 -d' '")) if clsLength == 0 then error('Class has zero samples: ' .. self.classes[i]) else self.classList[i] = torch.linspace(runningIndex + 1, runningIndex + clsLength, clsLength):long() self.imageClass[{{runningIndex + 1, runningIndex + clsLength}}]:fill(i) end runningIndex = runningIndex + clsLength end --========================================================================== -- clean up temporary files print('Cleaning up temporary files') local tmpfilelistall = '' for i=1,#(classFindFiles) do tmpfilelistall = tmpfilelistall .. ' "' .. classFindFiles[i] .. '"' if i % 1000 == 0 then os.execute('rm -f ' .. tmpfilelistall) tmpfilelistall = '' end end os.execute('rm -f ' .. tmpfilelistall) os.execute('rm -f "' .. combinedFindList .. '"') --========================================================================== if self.split == 100 then self.testIndicesSize = 0 else print('Splitting training and test sets to a ratio of ' .. self.split .. '/' .. (100-self.split)) self.classListTrain = {} self.classListTest = {} self.classListSample = self.classListTrain local totalTestSamples = 0 -- split the classList into classListTrain and classListTest for i=1,#self.classes do local list = self.classList[i] count = self.classList[i]:size(1) local splitidx = math.floor((count * self.split / 100) + 0.5) -- +round local perm = torch.randperm(count) self.classListTrain[i] = torch.LongTensor(splitidx) for j=1,splitidx do self.classListTrain[i][j] = list[perm[j]] end if splitidx == count then -- all samples were allocated to train set self.classListTest[i] = torch.LongTensor() else self.classListTest[i] = torch.LongTensor(count-splitidx) totalTestSamples = totalTestSamples + self.classListTest[i]:size(1) local idx = 1 for j=splitidx+1,count do self.classListTest[i][idx] = list[perm[j]] idx = idx + 1 end end end -- Now combine classListTest into a single tensor self.testIndices = torch.LongTensor(totalTestSamples) self.testIndicesSize = totalTestSamples local tdata = self.testIndices:data() local tidx = 0 for i=1,#self.classes do local list = self.classListTest[i] if list:dim() ~= 0 then local ldata = list:data() for j=0,list:size(1)-1 do tdata[tidx] = ldata[j] tidx = tidx + 1 end end end end end -- size(), size(class) function dataset:size(class, list) list = list or self.classList if not class then return self.numSamples elseif type(class) == 'string' then return list[self.classIndices[class]]:size(1) elseif type(class) == 'number' then return list[class]:size(1) end end -- size(), size(class) function dataset:sizeTrain(class) if self.split == 0 then return 0; end if class then return self:size(class, self.classListTrain) else return self.numSamples - self.testIndicesSize end end -- size(), size(class) function dataset:sizeTest(class) if self.split == 100 then return 0 end if class then return self:size(class, self.classListTest) else return self.testIndicesSize end end -- by default, just load the image and return it function dataset:defaultSampleHook(imgpath) local out = image.load(imgpath, 3, byte) out = image.scale(out, self.sampleSize[3], self.sampleSize[2]) return out end -- getByClass function dataset:getByClass(class) local index = math.ceil(torch.uniform() * self.classListSample[class]:nElement()) local imgpath = ffi.string(torch.data(self.imagePath[self.classListSample[class][index]])) return self:sampleHookTrain(imgpath) end -- converts a table of samples (and corresponding labels) to a clean tensor local function tableToOutput(self, dataTable, scalarTable) local data, scalarLabels, labels local quantity = #scalarTable local samplesPerDraw if dataTable[1]:dim() == 3 then samplesPerDraw = 1 else samplesPerDraw = dataTable[1]:size(1) end if quantity == 1 and samplesPerDraw == 1 then data = dataTable[1] scalarLabels = scalarTable[1] labels = torch.LongTensor(#(self.classes)):fill(-1) labels[scalarLabels] = 1 else data = torch.Tensor(quantity * samplesPerDraw, self.sampleSize[1], self.sampleSize[2], self.sampleSize[3]) scalarLabels = torch.LongTensor(quantity * samplesPerDraw) labels = torch.LongTensor(quantity * samplesPerDraw, #(self.classes)):fill(-1) for i=1,#dataTable do local idx = (i-1)*samplesPerDraw data[{{idx+1,idx+samplesPerDraw}}]:copy(dataTable[i]) scalarLabels[{{idx+1,idx+samplesPerDraw}}]:fill(scalarTable[i]) labels[{{idx+1,idx+samplesPerDraw},{scalarTable[i]}}]:fill(1) end end return data, scalarLabels, labels end -- sampler, samples from the training set. function dataset:sample(quantity) if self.split == 0 then error('No training mode when split is set to 0') end quantity = quantity or 1 local dataTable = {} local scalarTable = {} for _=1,quantity do local class = torch.random(1, #self.classes) local out = self:getByClass(class) table.insert(dataTable, out) table.insert(scalarTable, class) end local data, scalarLabels, labels = tableToOutput(self, dataTable, scalarTable) return data, scalarLabels, labels end -- Naively sample random triplets. function dataset:sampleTriplet(quantity) if self.split == 0 then error('No training mode when split is set to 0') end quantity = quantity or 1 local dataTable = {} local scalarTable = {} -- Anchors for _=1,quantity do local anchorClass = torch.random(1, #self.classes) table.insert(dataTable, self:getByClass(anchorClass)) table.insert(scalarTable, anchorClass) end -- Positives for i=1,quantity do local posClass = scalarTable[i] table.insert(dataTable, self:getByClass(posClass)) table.insert(scalarTable, posClass) end -- Negatives for i=1,quantity do local posClass = scalarTable[i] local negClass = posClass while negClass == posClass do negClass = torch.random(1, #self.classes) end table.insert(dataTable, self:getByClass(negClass)) table.insert(scalarTable, negClass) end local data, scalarLabels, labels = tableToOutput(self, dataTable, scalarTable) return data, scalarLabels, labels end function dataset:samplePeople(peoplePerBatch, imagesPerPerson) if self.split == 0 then error('No training mode when split is set to 0') end local classes = torch.randperm(#trainLoader.classes)[{{1,peoplePerBatch}}]:int() local nSamplesPerClass = torch.Tensor(peoplePerBatch) for i=1,peoplePerBatch do local nSample = math.min(self.classListSample[classes[i]]:nElement(), imagesPerPerson) nSamplesPerClass[i] = nSample end local data = torch.Tensor(nSamplesPerClass:sum(), self.sampleSize[1], self.sampleSize[2], self.sampleSize[3]) local dataIdx = 1 for i=1,peoplePerBatch do local cls = classes[i] local nSamples = nSamplesPerClass[i] local nTotal = self.classListSample[classes[i]]:nElement() local shuffle = torch.randperm(nTotal) for j = 1, nSamples do imgNum = self.classListSample[cls][shuffle[j]] imgPath = ffi.string(torch.data(self.imagePath[imgNum])) data[dataIdx] = self:sampleHookTrain(imgPath) dataIdx = dataIdx + 1 end end assert(dataIdx - 1 == nSamplesPerClass:sum()) return data, nSamplesPerClass end function dataset:get(i1, i2) local indices, quantity if type(i1) == 'number' then if type(i2) == 'number' then -- range of indices indices = torch.range(i1, i2); quantity = i2 - i1 + 1; else -- single index indices = {i1}; quantity = 1 end elseif type(i1) == 'table' then indices = i1; quantity = #i1; -- table elseif (type(i1) == 'userdata' and i1:nDimension() == 1) then indices = i1; quantity = (#i1)[1]; -- tensor else error('Unsupported input types: ' .. type(i1) .. ' ' .. type(i2)) end assert(quantity > 0) -- now that indices has been initialized, get the samples local dataTable = {} local scalarTable = {} for i=1,quantity do -- load the sample local idx = self.testIndices[indices[i]] local imgpath = ffi.string(torch.data(self.imagePath[idx])) local out = self:sampleHookTest(imgpath) table.insert(dataTable, out) table.insert(scalarTable, self.imageClass[idx]) end local data, scalarLabels, labels = tableToOutput(self, dataTable, scalarTable) return data, scalarLabels, labels end function dataset:test(quantity) if self.split == 100 then error('No test mode when you are not splitting the data') end local i = 1 local n = self.testIndicesSize local qty = quantity or 1 return function () if i+qty-1 <= n then local data, scalarLabelss, labels = self:get(i, i+qty-1) i = i + qty return data, scalarLabelss, labels end end end return dataset