#!/usr/bin/env pwsh param ( [switch]$DisableInteractive = $false, [switch]$EnableCUDA = $false, [switch]$EnableCUDNN = $false, [switch]$EnableOPENCV = $false, [switch]$EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false, [switch]$UseVCPKG = $false, [switch]$InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG = $false, [switch]$InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest = $false, [switch]$ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD = $false, [switch]$DoNotUpdateVCPKG = $false, [switch]$DoNotUpdateDARKNET = $false, [switch]$DoNotDeleteBuildFolder = $false, [switch]$DoNotSetupVS = $false, [switch]$DoNotUseNinja = $false, [switch]$ForceCPP = $false, [switch]$ForceStaticLib = $false, [switch]$ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval = $false, [switch]$ForceSetupVS = $false, [switch]$EnableCSharpWrapper = $false, [switch]$DownloadWeights = $false, [Int32]$ForceGCCVersion = 0, [Int32]$ForceOpenCVVersion = 0, [Int32]$NumberOfBuildWorkers = 8, [string]$AdditionalBuildSetup = "" # "-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=30" ) $build_ps1_version = "0.9.6" $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" Stop-Transcript | out-null $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" Start-Transcript -Path $PSScriptRoot/build.log Function MyThrow ($Message) { if ($DisableInteractive) { Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red throw } else { # Check if running in PowerShell ISE if ($psISE) { # "ReadKey" not supported in PowerShell ISE. # Show MessageBox UI $Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" $Shell.Popup($Message, 0, "OK", 0) throw } $Ignore = 16, # Shift (left or right) 17, # Ctrl (left or right) 18, # Alt (left or right) 20, # Caps lock 91, # Windows key (left) 92, # Windows key (right) 93, # Menu key 144, # Num lock 145, # Scroll lock 166, # Back 167, # Forward 168, # Refresh 169, # Stop 170, # Search 171, # Favorites 172, # Start/Home 173, # Mute 174, # Volume Down 175, # Volume Up 176, # Next Track 177, # Previous Track 178, # Stop Media 179, # Play 180, # Mail 181, # Select Media 182, # Application 1 183 # Application 2 Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host -NoNewline "Press any key to continue..." while (($null -eq $KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode) -or ($Ignore -contains $KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode)) { $KeyInfo = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown") } Write-Host "" throw } } Function DownloadNinja() { Write-Host "Unable to find Ninja, downloading a portable version on-the-fly" -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja.zip if ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) { $url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-win.zip" } elseif ($IsLinux) { $url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-linux.zip" } elseif ($IsMacOS) { $url = "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.10.2/ninja-mac.zip" } else { MyThrow("Unknown OS, unsupported") } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get -ContentType application/zip -OutFile "ninja.zip" Expand-Archive -Path ninja.zip Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ninja.zip } Write-Host "Darknet build script version ${build_ps1_version}" if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $UseVCPKG)) { $Result = Read-Host "Enable vcpkg to install darknet dependencies (yes/no)" if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) { $UseVCPKG = $true } } if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableCUDA) -and (-Not $IsMacOS)) { $Result = Read-Host "Enable CUDA integration (yes/no)" if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) { $EnableCUDA = $true } } if ($EnableCUDA -and (-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableCUDNN)) { $Result = Read-Host "Enable CUDNN optional dependency (yes/no)" if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) { $EnableCUDNN = $true } } if ((-Not $DisableInteractive) -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) { $Result = Read-Host "Enable OpenCV optional dependency (yes/no)" if (($Result -eq 'Yes') -or ($Result -eq 'Y') -or ($Result -eq 'yes') -or ($Result -eq 'y')) { $EnableOPENCV = $true } } Write-Host -NoNewLine "PowerShell version:" $PSVersionTable.PSVersion if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) { $IsWindowsPowerShell = $true } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { MyThrow("Your PowerShell version is too old, please update it.") } if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { $bootstrap_ext = ".sh" $exe_ext = "" } elseif ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) { $bootstrap_ext = ".bat" $exe_ext = ".exe" } if ($InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest -and -not $InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG) { Write-Host "You requested darknet dependencies to be installed by vcpkg in manifest mode but you didn't enable installation through vcpkg, doing that for you" $InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG = $true } if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG -and -not $UseVCPKG) { Write-Host "You requested darknet to be installed by vcpkg but you didn't enable vcpkg, doing that for you" $UseVCPKG = $true } if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG -and -not $EnableOPENCV) { Write-Host "You requested darknet to be installed by vcpkg but you didn't enable OpenCV, doing that for you" $EnableOPENCV = $true } if ($UseVCPKG) { Write-Host "vcpkg bootstrap script: bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext}" } if ((-Not $IsWindows) -and (-Not $IsWindowsPowerShell) -and (-Not $ForceSetupVS)) { $DoNotSetupVS = $true } if ($ForceStaticLib) { Write-Host "Forced CMake to produce a static library" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF " } if (($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) -and ($ForceGCCVersion -gt 0)) { Write-Host "Manually setting CC and CXX variables to gcc version $ForceGCCVersion" $env:CC = "gcc-$ForceGCCVersion" $env:CXX = "g++-$ForceGCCVersion" } if (($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) -and (-Not $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET)) { $env:VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET = "x64-windows" } if ($EnableCUDA) { if ($IsMacOS) { Write-Host "Cannot enable CUDA on macOS" -ForegroundColor Yellow $EnableCUDA = $false } Write-Host "CUDA is enabled" } elseif (-Not $IsMacOS) { Write-Host "CUDA is disabled, please pass -EnableCUDA to the script to enable" } if ($EnableCUDNN) { if ($IsMacOS) { Write-Host "Cannot enable CUDNN on macOS" -ForegroundColor Yellow $EnableCUDNN = $false } Write-Host "CUDNN is enabled" } elseif (-Not $IsMacOS) { Write-Host "CUDNN is disabled, please pass -EnableCUDNN to the script to enable" } if ($EnableOPENCV) { Write-Host "OPENCV is enabled" } else { Write-Host "OPENCV is disabled, please pass -EnableOPENCV to the script to enable" } if ($EnableCUDA -and $EnableOPENCV -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV_CUDA)) { Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableOPENCV_CUDA" } elseif ($EnableOPENCV -and $EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableCUDA)) { Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but CUDA is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableCUDA" $EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false } elseif ($EnableCUDA -and $EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) { Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but OPENCV is not enabled, you can enable it passing -EnableOPENCV" $EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false } elseif ($EnableOPENCV_CUDA -and (-Not $EnableCUDA) -and (-Not $EnableOPENCV)) { Write-Host "OPENCV with CUDA extension was requested, but OPENCV and CUDA are not enabled, you can enable them passing -EnableOPENCV -EnableCUDA" $EnableOPENCV_CUDA = $false } if ($UseVCPKG) { Write-Host "VCPKG is enabled" if ($DoNotUpdateVCPKG) { Write-Host "VCPKG will not be updated to latest version if found" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Write-Host "VCPKG will be updated to latest version if found" } } else { Write-Host "VCPKG is disabled, please pass -UseVCPKG to the script to enable" } if ($DoNotSetupVS) { Write-Host "VisualStudio integration is disabled" } else { Write-Host "VisualStudio integration is enabled, please pass -DoNotSetupVS to the script to disable" } if ($EnableCSharpWrapper -and ($IsWindowsPowerShell -or $IsWindows)) { Write-Host "Yolo C# wrapper integration is enabled. Will be built with Visual Studio generator. Disabling Ninja" $DoNotUseNinja = $true } else { $EnableCSharpWrapper = $false Write-Host "Yolo C# wrapper integration is disabled, please pass -EnableCSharpWrapper to the script to enable. You must be on Windows!" } if ($DoNotUseNinja) { Write-Host "Ninja is disabled" } else { Write-Host "Ninja is enabled, please pass -DoNotUseNinja to the script to disable" } if ($ForceCPP) { Write-Host "ForceCPP build mode is enabled" } else { Write-Host "ForceCPP build mode is disabled, please pass -ForceCPP to the script to enable" } Push-Location $PSScriptRoot $GIT_EXE = Get-Command "git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if (-Not $GIT_EXE) { MyThrow("Could not find git, please install it") } else { Write-Host "Using git from ${GIT_EXE}" } if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/.git") { Write-Host "Darknet has been cloned with git and supports self-updating mechanism" if ($DoNotUpdateDARKNET) { Write-Host "Darknet will not self-update sources" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Write-Host "Darknet will self-update sources, please pass -DoNotUpdateDARKNET to the script to disable" $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "pull" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Updating darknet sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } } $CMAKE_EXE = Get-Command "cmake" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if (-Not $CMAKE_EXE) { MyThrow("Could not find CMake, please install it") } else { Write-Host "Using CMake from ${CMAKE_EXE}" $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${CMAKE_EXE} -ArgumentList "--version" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("CMake version check failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } if (-Not $DoNotUseNinja) { $NINJA_EXE = Get-Command "ninja" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if (-Not $NINJA_EXE) { DownloadNinja $env:PATH += ";${PSScriptRoot}/ninja" $NINJA_EXE = Get-Command "ninja" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if (-Not $NINJA_EXE) { $DoNotUseNinja = $true Write-Host "Could not find Ninja, unable to download a portable ninja, using msbuild or make backends as a fallback" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } if ($NINJA_EXE) { Write-Host "Using Ninja from ${NINJA_EXE}" Write-Host -NoNewLine "Ninja version " $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${NINJA_EXE} -ArgumentList "--version" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { $DoNotUseNinja = $true Write-Host "Unable to run Ninja previously found, using msbuild or make backends as a fallback" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $generator = "Ninja" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" } } } function getProgramFiles32bit() { $out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES(X86)} if ($null -eq $out) { $out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES} } if ($null -eq $out) { MyThrow("Could not find [Program Files 32-bit]") } return $out } function getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadPath() { $programFiles = getProgramFiles32bit $vswhereExe = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" if (Test-Path $vswhereExe) { $output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -format xml [xml]$asXml = $output foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) { $installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash } if (!$installationPath) { Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also partial installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow $output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -format xml [xml]$asXml = $output foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) { $installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash } } if (!$installationPath) { MyThrow("Could not locate any installation of Visual Studio") } } else { MyThrow("Could not locate vswhere at $vswhereExe") } return $installationPath } function getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadVersion() { $programFiles = getProgramFiles32bit $vswhereExe = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" if (Test-Path $vswhereExe) { $output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -format xml [xml]$asXml = $output foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) { $installationVersion = $instance.InstallationVersion } if (!$installationVersion) { Write-Host "Warning: no full Visual Studio setup has been found, extending search to include also partial installations" -ForegroundColor Yellow $output = & $vswhereExe -products * -latest -format xml [xml]$asXml = $output foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance) { $installationVersion = $instance.installationVersion } } if (!$installationVersion) { MyThrow("Could not locate any installation of Visual Studio") } } else { MyThrow("Could not locate vswhere at $vswhereExe") } return $installationVersion } $vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $false if ((Test-Path env:VCPKG_ROOT) -and $UseVCPKG) { $vcpkg_path = "$env:VCPKG_ROOT" Write-Host "Found vcpkg in VCPKG_ROOT: $vcpkg_path" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON" } elseif ((Test-Path "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg") -and $UseVCPKG) { $vcpkg_path = "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg" $env:VCPKG_ROOT = "${env:WORKSPACE}/vcpkg" $vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true Write-Host "Found vcpkg in WORKSPACE/vcpkg: $vcpkg_path" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON" } elseif (-not($null -eq ${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT})) { if ((Test-Path "${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT}") -and $UseVCPKG) { $vcpkg_path = "${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT}" $env:VCPKG_ROOT = "${RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT}" $vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true Write-Host "Found vcpkg in RUNVCPKG_VCPKG_ROOT_OUT: ${vcpkg_path}" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON" } } elseif ($UseVCPKG) { if (-Not (Test-Path "$PWD/vcpkg")) { $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Cloning vcpkg sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } $vcpkg_path = "$PWD/vcpkg" $env:VCPKG_ROOT = "$PWD/vcpkg" $vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script = $true Write-Host "Found vcpkg in $PWD/vcpkg: $PWD/vcpkg" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=ON" } else { Write-Host "Skipping vcpkg integration`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION:BOOL=OFF" } if ($UseVCPKG -and (Test-Path "$vcpkg_path/.git") -and (-Not $DoNotUpdateVCPKG)) { Push-Location $vcpkg_path $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $GIT_EXE -ArgumentList "pull" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Updating vcpkg sources failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $PWD/bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext} -ArgumentList "-disableMetrics" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Bootstrapping vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } Pop-Location } if ($UseVCPKG -and ($vcpkg_path.length -gt 40) -and ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell)) { Write-Host "vcpkg path is very long and might fail. Please move it or" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "the entire darknet folder to a shorter path, like C:\darknet" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "You can use the subst command to ease the process if necessary" -ForegroundColor Yellow if (-Not $DisableInteractive) { $Result = Read-Host "Do you still want to continue? (yes/no)" if (($Result -eq 'No') -or ($Result -eq 'N') -or ($Result -eq 'no') -or ($Result -eq 'n')) { MyThrow("Build aborted") } } } if ($ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval -and (-Not $UseVCPKG)) { Write-Host "VCPKG is not enabled, so local vcpkg binary cache will not be deleted even if requested" -ForegroundColor Yellow } if (($ForceOpenCVVersion -eq 2) -and $UseVCPKG) { Write-Host "You requested OpenCV version 2, so vcpkg will install that version" -ForegroundColor Yellow $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV4=OFF -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV2=ON" } if (($ForceOpenCVVersion -eq 3) -and $UseVCPKG) { Write-Host "You requested OpenCV version 3, so vcpkg will install that version" -ForegroundColor Yellow $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV4=OFF -DVCPKG_USE_OPENCV3=ON" } if ($UseVCPKG -and $ForceVCPKGCacheRemoval) { if ($IsWindows -or $IsWindowsPowerShell) { $vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA/vcpkg/archive" } elseif ($IsLinux) { $vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:HOME/.cache/vcpkg/archive" } elseif ($IsMacOS) { $vcpkgbinarycachepath = "$env:HOME/.cache/vcpkg/archive" } else { MyThrow("Unknown OS, unsupported") } Write-Host "Removing local vcpkg binary cache from $vcpkgbinarycachepath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $vcpkgbinarycachepath } if (-Not $DoNotSetupVS) { $CL_EXE = Get-Command "cl" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if ((-Not $CL_EXE) -or ($CL_EXE -match "HostX86\\x86") -or ($CL_EXE -match "HostX64\\x86")) { $vsfound = getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadPath Write-Host "Found VS in ${vsfound}" Push-Location "${vsfound}\Common7\Tools" cmd.exe /c "VsDevCmd.bat -arch=x64 & set" | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "=") { $v = $_.split("="); Set-Item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -value "$($v[1])" } } Pop-Location Write-Host "Visual Studio Command Prompt variables set" } $tokens = getLatestVisualStudioWithDesktopWorkloadVersion $tokens = $tokens.split('.') if ($DoNotUseNinja) { $dllfolder = "Release" $selectConfig = " --config Release " if ($tokens[0] -eq "14") { $generator = "Visual Studio 14 2015" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`"" } elseif ($tokens[0] -eq "15") { $generator = "Visual Studio 15 2017" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`"" } elseif ($tokens[0] -eq "16") { $generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -T `"host=x64`" -A `"x64`"" } else { MyThrow("Unknown Visual Studio version, unsupported configuration") } } if (-Not $UseVCPKG) { $dllfolder = "../3rdparty/pthreads/bin" } } if ($DoNotSetupVS -and $DoNotUseNinja) { $generator = "Unix Makefiles" $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" } Write-Host "Setting up environment to use CMake generator: $generator" if (-Not $IsMacOS -and $EnableCUDA) { $NVCC_EXE = Get-Command "nvcc" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition if (-Not $NVCC_EXE) { if (Test-Path env:CUDA_PATH) { $env:PATH += ";${env:CUDA_PATH}/bin" Write-Host "Found cuda in ${env:CUDA_PATH}" } else { Write-Host "Unable to find CUDA, if necessary please install it or define a CUDA_PATH env variable pointing to the install folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } if (Test-Path env:CUDA_PATH) { if (-Not(Test-Path env:CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR)) { $env:CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR = "${env:CUDA_PATH}" Write-Host "Added missing env variable CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR" -ForegroundColor Yellow } if (-Not(Test-Path env:CUDACXX)) { $env:CUDACXX = "${env:CUDA_PATH}/bin/nvcc" Write-Host "Added missing env variable CUDACXX" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } if ($ForceCPP) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DBUILD_AS_CPP:BOOL=ON" } if (-Not $EnableCUDA) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CUDA:BOOL=OFF" } if (-Not $EnableCUDNN) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CUDNN:BOOL=OFF" } if (-Not $EnableOPENCV) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_OPENCV:BOOL=OFF" } if (-Not $EnableOPENCV_CUDA) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DVCPKG_BUILD_OPENCV_WITH_CUDA:BOOL=OFF" } if ($EnableCSharpWrapper) { $AdditionalBuildSetup = $AdditionalBuildSetup + " -DENABLE_CSHARP_WRAPPER:BOOL=ON" } if ($InstallDARKNETthroughVCPKG) { if ($ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD) { $headMode = " --head " } $features = "opencv-base" $feature_manifest_opencv = "--x-feature=opencv-base" if ($EnableCUDA) { $features = $features + ",cuda" $feature_manifest_cuda = "--x-feature=cuda" } if ($EnableCUDNN) { $features = $features + ",cudnn" $feature_manifest_cudnn = "--x-feature=cudnn" } if (-not (Test-Path "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}")) { $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath ${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/bootstrap-vcpkg${bootstrap_ext} -ArgumentList "-disableMetrics" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Bootstrapping vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } if ($InstallDARKNETdependenciesThroughVCPKGManifest) { Write-Host "Running vcpkg in manifest mode to install darknet dependencies" Write-Host "vcpkg install --x-no-default-features $feature_manifest_opencv $feature_manifest_cuda $feature_manifest_cudnn $headMode" $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " install --x-no-default-features $feature_manifest_opencv $feature_manifest_cuda $feature_manifest_cudnn $headMode " $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Installing darknet through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } else { Write-Host "Running vcpkg to install darknet" Write-Host "vcpkg install darknet[${features}] $headMode --recurse" Push-Location ${env:VCPKG_ROOT} if ($ForceVCPKGDarknetHEAD) { $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests remove darknet --recurse " $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Removing darknet through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } } $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests upgrade --no-dry-run " $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Upgrading vcpkg installed ports failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath "${env:VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg${exe_ext}" -ArgumentList " --feature-flags=-manifests install darknet[${features}] $headMode --recurse " # "-manifest" disables the manifest feature, so that if vcpkg is a subfolder of darknet, the vcpkg.json inside darknet folder does not trigger errors due to automatic manifest mode $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Installing darknet dependencies through vcpkg failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } Pop-Location } } else { $build_folder = "./build_release" if (-Not $DoNotDeleteBuildFolder) { Write-Host "Removing folder $build_folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $build_folder } New-Item -Path $build_folder -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null Set-Location $build_folder $cmake_args = "-G `"$generator`" ${AdditionalBuildSetup} -S .." Write-Host "Configuring CMake project" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "CMake args: $cmake_args" $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $CMAKE_EXE -ArgumentList $cmake_args $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Config failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } Write-Host "Building CMake project" -ForegroundColor Green $proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -FilePath $CMAKE_EXE -ArgumentList "--build . ${selectConfig} --parallel ${NumberOfBuildWorkers} --target install" $handle = $proc.Handle $proc.WaitForExit() $exitCode = $proc.ExitCode if (-Not ($exitCode -eq 0)) { MyThrow("Config failed! Exited with error code $exitCode.") } Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue DarknetConfig.cmake Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue DarknetConfigVersion.cmake $dllfiles = Get-ChildItem ./${dllfolder}/*.dll if ($dllfiles) { Copy-Item $dllfiles .. } Set-Location .. Copy-Item cmake/Modules/*.cmake share/darknet/ Pop-Location } Write-Host "Build complete!" -ForegroundColor Green if ($DownloadWeights) { Write-Host "Downloading weights..." -ForegroundColor Yellow & $PSScriptRoot/scripts/download_weights.ps1 Write-Host "Weights downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green } if ($vcpkg_root_set_by_this_script) { $env:VCPKG_ROOT = $null } $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" Stop-Transcript | out-null $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"