#ifndef VLPR_CONFIG_H_ #define VLPR_CONFIG_H_ enum Color { BLUE, YELLOW, WHITE, GREEN, BLACK, UNKNOWN }; enum LocateType { SOBEL, COLOR, CMSER, OTHER }; enum CharSearchDirection { LEFT, RIGHT }; enum { PR_DETECT_SOBEL = 0x01, /**Sobel detect type, using twice Sobel */ PR_DETECT_COLOR = 0x02, /**Color detect type */ PR_DETECT_CMSER = 0x04, /**Character detect type, using mser */ }; static const char* kDefaultSvmPath = "../resources/model/svm.xml"; static const char* kLBPSvmPath = "../resources/model/svm_lbp_final.xml"; static const char* kDefaultAnnPath = "../resources/model/ann.xml"; static const char* kChineseAnnPath = "../resources/model/ann_chinese.xml"; typedef enum { kForward = 1, // correspond to "has plate" kInverse = 0 // correspond to "no plate" } SvmLabel; static const int kPlateResizeWidth = 136; static const int kPlateResizeHeight = 36; static const int kShowWindowWidth = 800; static const int kShowWindowHeight = 600; static const float kSvmPercentage = 0.7f; static const int kCharacterInput = 120; static const int kChineseInput = 440; static const int kAnnInput = kCharacterInput; static const int kCharacterSize = 10; static const int kChineseSize = 20; static const int kPredictSize = kCharacterSize; static const int kNeurons = 40; static const char *kChars[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", /* 10 */ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", /* {"I", "I"} */ "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", /* {"O", "O"} */ "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", /* 24 */ "zh_cuan", "zh_e", "zh_gan", "zh_gan1", "zh_gui", "zh_gui1", "zh_hei", "zh_hu", "zh_ji", "zh_jin", "zh_jing", "zh_jl", "zh_liao", "zh_lu", "zh_meng", "zh_min", "zh_ning", "zh_qing", "zh_qiong", "zh_shan", "zh_su", "zh_sx", "zh_wan", "zh_xiang", "zh_xin", "zh_yu", "zh_yu1", "zh_yue", "zh_yun", "zh_zang", "zh_zhe" /* 31 */ }; static const int kCharactersNumber = 34; static const int kChineseNumber = 31; static const int kCharsTotalNumber = 65; static bool kDebug = false; #endif // EASYPR_CONFIG_H_