#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2016-2099 Ailemon.net # # This file is part of ASRT Speech Recognition Tool. # # ASRT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # ASRT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ASRT. If not, see . # ============================================================================ """ @author: nl8590687 语音识别的语言模型 基于马尔可夫模型的语言模型 """ import platform as plat class ModelLanguage(): # 语音模型类 def __init__(self, modelpath): self.modelpath = modelpath system_type = plat.system() # 由于不同的系统的文件路径表示不一样,需要进行判断 self.slash = '' if(system_type == 'Windows'): self.slash = '\\' elif(system_type == 'Linux'): self.slash = '/' else: print('*[Message] Unknown System\n') self.slash = '/' if(self.slash != self.modelpath[-1]): # 在目录路径末尾增加斜杠 self.modelpath = self.modelpath + self.slash pass def LoadModel(self): self.dict_pinyin = self.GetSymbolDict('dict.txt') self.model1 = self.GetLanguageModel(self.modelpath + 'language_model1.txt') self.model2 = self.GetLanguageModel(self.modelpath + 'language_model2.txt') self.pinyin = self.GetPinyin(self.modelpath + 'dic_pinyin.txt') model = (self.dict_pinyin, self.model1, self.model2 ) return model pass def SpeechToText(self, list_syllable): ''' 为语音识别专用的处理函数 实现从语音拼音符号到最终文本的转换 ''' r='' length = len(list_syllable) if(length == 0): # 传入的参数没有包含任何拼音时 return '' # 先取出一个字,即拼音列表中第一个字 str_tmp = [list_syllable[0]] for i in range(0, length - 1): # 依次从第一个字开始每次连续取两个字拼音 str_split = list_syllable[i] + ' ' + list_syllable[i+1] #print(str_split,str_tmp,r) # 如果这个拼音在汉语拼音状态转移字典里的话 if(str_split in self.pinyin): # 将第二个字的拼音加入 str_tmp.append(list_syllable[i+1]) else: # 否则不加入,然后直接将现有的拼音序列进行解码 str_decode = self.decode(str_tmp, 0.0000) #print('decode ',str_tmp,str_decode) if(str_decode != []): r += str_decode[0][0] # 再重新从i+1开始作为第一个拼音 str_tmp = [list_syllable[i+1]] #print('最后:', str_tmp) str_decode = self.decode(str_tmp, 0.0000) #print('剩余解码:',str_decode) if(str_decode != []): r += str_decode[0][0] return r def decode(self,list_syllable, yuzhi = 0.0001): ''' 实现拼音向文本的转换 基于马尔可夫链 ''' #assert self.dic_pinyin == null or self.model1 == null or self.model2 == null list_words = [] num_pinyin = len(list_syllable) #print('======') #print('decode function: list_syllable\n',list_syllable) #print(num_pinyin) # 开始语音解码 for i in range(num_pinyin): #print(i) ls = '' if(list_syllable[i] in self.dict_pinyin): # 如果这个拼音在汉语拼音字典里的话 # 获取拼音下属的字的列表,ls包含了该拼音对应的所有的字 ls = self.dict_pinyin[list_syllable[i]] else: break if(i == 0): # 第一个字做初始处理 num_ls = len(ls) for j in range(num_ls): tuple_word = ['',0.0] # 设置马尔科夫模型初始状态值 # 设置初始概率,置为1.0 tuple_word = [ls[j], 1.0] #print(tuple_word) # 添加到可能的句子列表 list_words.append(tuple_word) #print(list_words) continue else: # 开始处理紧跟在第一个字后面的字 list_words_2 = [] num_ls_word = len(list_words) #print('ls_wd: ',list_words) for j in range(0, num_ls_word): num_ls = len(ls) for k in range(0, num_ls): tuple_word = ['',0.0] tuple_word = list(list_words[j]) # 把现有的每一条短语取出来 #print('tw1: ',tuple_word) tuple_word[0] = tuple_word[0] + ls[k] # 尝试按照下一个音可能对应的全部的字进行组合 #print('ls[k] ',ls[k]) tmp_words = tuple_word[0][-2:] # 取出用于计算的最后两个字 #print('tmp_words: ',tmp_words,tmp_words in self.model2) if(tmp_words in self.model2): # 判断它们是不是再状态转移表里 #print(tmp_words,tmp_words in self.model2) tuple_word[1] = tuple_word[1] * float(self.model2[tmp_words]) / float(self.model1[tmp_words[-2]]) # 核心!在当前概率上乘转移概率,公式化简后为第n-1和n个字出现的次数除以第n-1个字出现的次数 #print(self.model2[tmp_words],self.model1[tmp_words[-2]]) else: tuple_word[1] = 0.0 continue #print('tw2: ',tuple_word) #print(tuple_word[1] >= pow(yuzhi, i)) if(tuple_word[1] >= pow(yuzhi, i)): # 大于阈值之后保留,否则丢弃 list_words_2.append(tuple_word) list_words = list_words_2 #print(list_words,'\n') #print(list_words) for i in range(0, len(list_words)): for j in range(i + 1, len(list_words)): if(list_words[i][1] < list_words[j][1]): tmp = list_words[i] list_words[i] = list_words[j] list_words[j] = tmp return list_words pass def GetSymbolDict(self, dictfilename): ''' 读取拼音汉字的字典文件 返回读取后的字典 ''' txt_obj = open(dictfilename, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') # 打开文件并读入 txt_text = txt_obj.read() txt_obj.close() txt_lines = txt_text.split('\n') # 文本分割 dic_symbol = {} # 初始化符号字典 for i in txt_lines: list_symbol=[] # 初始化符号列表 if(i!=''): txt_l=i.split('\t') pinyin = txt_l[0] for word in txt_l[1]: list_symbol.append(word) dic_symbol[pinyin] = list_symbol return dic_symbol def GetLanguageModel(self, modelLanFilename): ''' 读取语言模型的文件 返回读取后的模型 ''' txt_obj = open(modelLanFilename, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') # 打开文件并读入 txt_text = txt_obj.read() txt_obj.close() txt_lines = txt_text.split('\n') # 文本分割 dic_model = {} # 初始化符号字典 for i in txt_lines: if(i!=''): txt_l=i.split('\t') if(len(txt_l) == 1): continue #print(txt_l) dic_model[txt_l[0]] = txt_l[1] return dic_model def GetPinyin(self, filename): file_obj = open(filename,'r',encoding='UTF-8') txt_all = file_obj.read() file_obj.close() txt_lines = txt_all.split('\n') dic={} for line in txt_lines: if(line == ''): continue pinyin_split = line.split('\t') list_pinyin=pinyin_split[0] if(list_pinyin not in dic and int(pinyin_split[1]) > 1): dic[list_pinyin] = pinyin_split[1] return dic if(__name__=='__main__'): ml = ModelLanguage('model_language') ml.LoadModel() #str_pinyin = ['zhe4','zhen1','shi4','ji2', 'hao3','de5'] #str_pinyin = ['jin1', 'tian1', 'shi4', 'xing1', 'qi1', 'san1'] #str_pinyin = ['ni3', 'hao3','a1'] #str_pinyin = ['wo3','dui4','shi4','mei2','cuo4','ni3','hao3'] #str_pinyin = ['wo3','dui4','shi4','tian1','mei2','na5','li3','hai4'] #str_pinyin = ['ba3','zhe4','xie1','zuo4','wan2','wo3','jiu4','qu4','shui4','jiao4'] #str_pinyin = ['wo3','qu4','a4','mei2','shi4','er2','la1'] #str_pinyin = ['wo3', 'men5', 'qun2', 'li3', 'xiong1', 'di4', 'jian4', 'mei4', 'dou1', 'zai4', 'shuo1'] #str_pinyin = ['su1', 'an1', 'ni3', 'sui4', 'li4', 'yun4', 'sui2', 'cong2', 'jiao4', 'ming2', 'tao2', 'qi3', 'yu2', 'peng2', 'ya4', 'yang4', 'chao1', 'dao3', 'jiang1', 'li3', 'yuan2', 'kang1', 'zhua1', 'zou3'] #str_pinyin = ['da4', 'jia1', 'hao3'] str_pinyin = ['kao3', 'yan2', 'yan1', 'yu3', 'ci2', 'hui4'] #r = ml.decode(str_pinyin) r=ml.SpeechToText(str_pinyin) print('语音转文字结果:\n',r)