--- name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve gopsutil --- **Describe the bug** [A clear and concise description of what the bug is.] **To Reproduce** ```go // paste example code reproducing the bug you are reporting ``` **Expected behavior** [A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.] **Environment (please complete the following information):** - [ ] Windows: [paste the result of `ver`] - [ ] Linux: [paste contents of `/etc/os-release` and the result of `uname -a`] - [ ] Mac OS: [paste the result of `sw_vers` and `uname -a` - [ ] FreeBSD: [paste the result of `freebsd-version -k -r -u` and `uname -a`] - [ ] OpenBSD: [paste the result of `uname -a`] **Additional context** [Cross-compiling? Paste the command you are using to cross-compile and the result of the corresponding `go env`]