219 lines
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package ollie
import (
// Driver is the Gobot driver for the Sphero Ollie robot
type Driver struct {
name string
connection gobot.Connection
seq uint8
packetChannel chan *packet
const (
// bluetooth service IDs
spheroBLEService = "22bb746f2bb075542d6f726568705327"
robotControlService = "22bb746f2ba075542d6f726568705327"
// BLE characteristic IDs
wakeCharacteristic = "22bb746f2bbf75542d6f726568705327"
txPowerCharacteristic = "22bb746f2bb275542d6f726568705327"
antiDosCharacteristic = "22bb746f2bbd75542d6f726568705327"
commandsCharacteristic = "22bb746f2ba175542d6f726568705327"
responseCharacteristic = "22bb746f2ba675542d6f726568705327"
// SensorData event
SensorData = "sensordata"
// Collision event
Collision = "collision"
// Error event
Error = "error"
type packet struct {
header []uint8
body []uint8
checksum uint8
// NewDriver creates a Driver for a Sphero Ollie
func NewDriver(a *ble.ClientAdaptor) *Driver {
n := &Driver{
name: "Ollie",
connection: a,
Eventer: gobot.NewEventer(),
packetChannel: make(chan *packet, 1024),
return n
// Connection returns the connection to this Ollie
func (b *Driver) Connection() gobot.Connection { return b.connection }
// Name returns the name for the Driver
func (b *Driver) Name() string { return b.name }
// SetName sets the Name for the Driver
func (b *Driver) SetName(n string) { b.name = n }
// adaptor returns BLE adaptor
func (b *Driver) adaptor() *ble.ClientAdaptor {
return b.Connection().(*ble.ClientAdaptor)
// Start tells driver to get ready to do work
func (b *Driver) Start() (err error) {
// send commands
go func() {
for {
packet := <-b.packetChannel
err := b.write(packet)
if err != nil {
b.Publish(b.Event(Error), err)
// Halt stops Ollie driver (void)
func (b *Driver) Halt() (err error) {
time.Sleep(750 * time.Microsecond)
// Init is used to initialize the Ollie
func (b *Driver) Init() (err error) {
// subscribe to Sphero response notifications
b.adaptor().Subscribe(robotControlService, responseCharacteristic, b.HandleResponses)
// AntiDOSOff turns off Anti-DOS code so we can control Ollie
func (b *Driver) AntiDOSOff() (err error) {
str := "011i3"
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err = b.adaptor().WriteCharacteristic(spheroBLEService, antiDosCharacteristic, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("AntiDOSOff error:", err)
return err
// Wake wakes Ollie up so we can play
func (b *Driver) Wake() (err error) {
buf := []byte{0x01}
err = b.adaptor().WriteCharacteristic(spheroBLEService, wakeCharacteristic, buf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Wake error:", err)
return err
// SetTXPower sets transmit level
func (b *Driver) SetTXPower(level int) (err error) {
buf := []byte{byte(level)}
err = b.adaptor().WriteCharacteristic(spheroBLEService, txPowerCharacteristic, buf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("SetTXLevel error:", err)
return err
// HandleResponses handles responses returned from Ollie
func (b *Driver) HandleResponses(data []byte, e error) {
fmt.Println("response data:", data)
// SetRGB sets the Ollie to the given r, g, and b values
func (b *Driver) SetRGB(r uint8, g uint8, bl uint8) {
b.packetChannel <- b.craftPacket([]uint8{r, g, bl, 0x01}, 0x02, 0x20)
// Roll tells the Ollie to roll
func (b *Driver) Roll(speed uint8, heading uint16) {
b.packetChannel <- b.craftPacket([]uint8{speed, uint8(heading >> 8), uint8(heading & 0xFF), 0x01}, 0x02, 0x30)
// Stop tells the Ollie to stop
func (b *Driver) Stop() {
b.Roll(0, 0)
// Sleep says Go to sleep
func (b *Driver) Sleep() {
b.packetChannel <- b.craftPacket([]uint8{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, 0x00, 0x22)
// EnableStopOnDisconnect auto-sends a Stop command after losing the connection
func (b *Driver) EnableStopOnDisconnect() {
b.packetChannel <- b.craftPacket([]uint8{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}, 0x02, 0x37)
func (b *Driver) write(packet *packet) (err error) {
buf := append(packet.header, packet.body...)
buf = append(buf, packet.checksum)
err = b.adaptor().WriteCharacteristic(robotControlService, commandsCharacteristic, buf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("send command error:", err)
return err
func (b *Driver) craftPacket(body []uint8, did byte, cid byte) *packet {
packet := new(packet)
packet.body = body
dlen := len(packet.body) + 1
packet.header = []uint8{0xFF, 0xFF, did, cid, b.seq, uint8(dlen)}
packet.checksum = b.calculateChecksum(packet)
return packet
func (b *Driver) calculateChecksum(packet *packet) uint8 {
buf := append(packet.header, packet.body...)
return calculateChecksum(buf[2:])
func calculateChecksum(buf []byte) byte {
var calculatedChecksum uint16
for i := range buf {
calculatedChecksum += uint16(buf[i])
return uint8(^(calculatedChecksum % 256))