
210 lines
4.6 KiB

package neurosky
import (
const (
// BTSync is the sync code
BTSync byte = 0xAA
// CodeEx Extended code
CodeEx byte = 0x55
// CodeSignalQuality POOR_SIGNAL quality 0-255
CodeSignalQuality byte = 0x02
// CodeAttention ATTENTION eSense 0-100
CodeAttention byte = 0x04
// CodeMeditation MEDITATION eSense 0-100
CodeMeditation byte = 0x05
// CodeBlink BLINK strength 0-255
CodeBlink byte = 0x16
// CodeWave RAW wave value: 2-byte big-endian 2s-complement
CodeWave byte = 0x80
// CodeAsicEEG ASIC EEG POWER 8 3-byte big-endian integers
CodeAsicEEG byte = 0x83
// Extended event
Extended = "extended"
// Signal event
Signal = "signal"
// Attention event
Attention = "attention"
// Meditation event
Meditation = "meditation"
// Blink event
Blink = "blink"
// Wave event
Wave = "wave"
// EEG event
EEG = "eeg"
// Error event
Error = "error"
// Driver is the Gobot Driver for the Mindwave
type Driver struct {
name string
connection gobot.Connection
// EEGData is the EEG raw data returned from the Mindwave
type EEGData struct {
Delta int
Theta int
LoAlpha int
HiAlpha int
LoBeta int
HiBeta int
LoGamma int
MidGamma int
// NewDriver creates a Neurosky Driver
// and adds the following events:
// extended - user's current extended level
// signal - shows signal strength
// attention - user's current attention level
// meditation - user's current meditation level
// blink - user's current blink level
// wave - shows wave data
// eeg - showing eeg data
func NewDriver(a *Adaptor) *Driver {
n := &Driver{
name: "Neurosky",
connection: a,
Eventer: gobot.NewEventer(),
return n
// Connection returns the Driver's connection
func (n *Driver) Connection() gobot.Connection { return n.connection }
// Name returns the Driver name
func (n *Driver) Name() string { return n.name }
// SetName sets the Driver name
func (n *Driver) SetName(name string) { n.name = name }
// adaptor returns neurosky adaptor
func (n *Driver) adaptor() *Adaptor {
return n.Connection().(*Adaptor)
// Start creates a go routine to listen from serial port
// and parse buffer readings
func (n *Driver) Start() (err error) {
go func() {
for {
buff := make([]byte, 1024)
_, err := n.adaptor().sp.Read(buff[:])
if err != nil {
n.Publish(n.Event("error"), err)
} else {
// Halt stops neurosky driver (void)
func (n *Driver) Halt() (err error) { return }
// parse converts bytes buffer into packets until no more data is present
func (n *Driver) parse(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
for buf.Len() > 2 {
b1, _ := buf.ReadByte()
b2, _ := buf.ReadByte()
if b1 == BTSync && b2 == BTSync {
length, _ := buf.ReadByte()
payload := make([]byte, length)
//checksum, _ := buf.ReadByte()
// parsePacket publishes event according to data parsed
func (n *Driver) parsePacket(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
for buf.Len() > 0 {
b, _ := buf.ReadByte()
switch b {
case CodeEx:
n.Publish(n.Event("extended"), nil)
case CodeSignalQuality:
ret, _ := buf.ReadByte()
n.Publish(n.Event("signal"), ret)
case CodeAttention:
ret, _ := buf.ReadByte()
n.Publish(n.Event("attention"), ret)
case CodeMeditation:
ret, _ := buf.ReadByte()
n.Publish(n.Event("meditation"), ret)
case CodeBlink:
ret, _ := buf.ReadByte()
n.Publish(n.Event("blink"), ret)
case CodeWave:
var ret = make([]byte, 2)
n.Publish(n.Event("wave"), int16(ret[0])<<8|int16(ret[1]))
case CodeAsicEEG:
ret := make([]byte, 25)
i, _ := buf.Read(ret)
if i == 25 {
n.Publish(n.Event("eeg"), n.parseEEG(ret))
// parseEEG returns data converted into EEG map
func (n *Driver) parseEEG(data []byte) EEGData {
return EEGData{
Delta: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[0:3]),
Theta: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[3:6]),
LoAlpha: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[6:9]),
HiAlpha: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[9:12]),
LoBeta: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[12:15]),
HiBeta: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[15:18]),
LoGamma: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[18:21]),
MidGamma: n.parse3ByteInteger(data[21:25]),
func (n *Driver) parse3ByteInteger(data []byte) int {
return ((int(data[0]) << 16) |
(((1 << 16) - 1) & (int(data[1]) << 8)) |
(((1 << 8) - 1) & int(data[2])))