497 lines
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497 lines
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package gpio
import (
const (
stepperDriverDebug = false
// StepperDriverForward is to set the stepper to run in forward direction (e.g. turn clock wise)
StepperDriverForward = "forward"
// StepperDriverBackward is to set the stepper to run in backward direction (e.g. turn counter clock wise)
StepperDriverBackward = "backward"
type phase [][4]byte
// StepperModes to decide on Phase and Stepping
var StepperModes = struct {
SinglePhaseStepping phase
DualPhaseStepping phase
HalfStepping phase
// 1 cycle = 4 steps with lesser torque
SinglePhaseStepping: phase{
{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 1},
// 1 cycle = 4 steps with higher torque and current
DualPhaseStepping: phase{
{1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 1},
// 1 cycle = 8 steps with lesser torque than full stepping
HalfStepping: phase{
{1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 1},
// StepperDriver is a common driver for stepper motors. It supports 3 different stepping modes.
type StepperDriver struct {
pins [4]string
phase phase
stepsPerRev float32
stepperDebug bool
speedRpm uint
direction string
skipStepErrors bool
haltIfRunning bool // stop automatically if run is called
disabled bool
valueMutex *sync.Mutex // to ensure that read and write of values do not interfere
stepFunc func() error
sleepFunc func() error
stepNum int
stopAsynchRunFunc func(bool) error
// NewStepperDriver returns a new StepperDriver given a DigitalWriter
// Pins - To which the stepper is connected
// Phase - Defined by StepperModes {SinglePhaseStepping, DualPhaseStepping, HalfStepping}
// Steps - No of steps per revolution of Stepper motor
// Supported options:
// "WithName"
func NewStepperDriver(
a DigitalWriter,
pins [4]string,
phase phase,
stepsPerRev uint,
opts ...interface{},
) *StepperDriver {
if stepsPerRev <= 0 {
panic("steps per revolution needs to be greater than zero")
//nolint:forcetypeassert // no error return value, so there is no better way
d := &StepperDriver{
driver: newDriver(a.(gobot.Connection), "Stepper", opts...),
pins: pins,
phase: phase,
stepsPerRev: float32(stepsPerRev),
stepperDebug: stepperDriverDebug,
skipStepErrors: false,
haltIfRunning: true,
direction: StepperDriverForward,
stepNum: 0,
speedRpm: 1,
valueMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
d.speedRpm = d.MaxSpeed()
d.stepFunc = d.phasedStepping
d.sleepFunc = d.sleepOuputs
d.beforeHalt = d.shutdown
d.AddCommand("MoveDeg", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
degs, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["degs"].(string))
return d.MoveDeg(degs)
d.AddCommand("Move", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
steps, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["steps"].(string))
return d.Move(steps)
d.AddCommand("Step", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
return d.Move(1)
d.AddCommand("Run", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
return d.Run()
d.AddCommand("Sleep", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
return d.Sleep()
d.AddCommand("Stop", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
return d.Stop()
d.AddCommand("Halt", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
return d.Halt()
return d
// Move moves the motor for given number of steps.
func (d *StepperDriver) Move(stepsToMove int) error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
if err := d.stepAsynch(float64(stepsToMove)); err != nil {
// something went wrong with preparation
return err
err := d.stopAsynchRunFunc(false) // wait to finish with err or nil
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = nil
return err
// MoveDeg moves the motor given number of degrees at current speed. Negative values cause to move backward.
func (d *StepperDriver) MoveDeg(degs int) error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
stepsToMove := float64(degs) * float64(d.stepsPerRev) / 360
if err := d.stepAsynch(stepsToMove); err != nil {
// something went wrong with preparation
return err
err := d.stopAsynchRunFunc(false) // wait to finish with err or nil
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = nil
return err
// Run runs the stepper continuously. Stop needs to be done with call Stop().
func (d *StepperDriver) Run() error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
return d.stepAsynch(float64(math.MaxInt) + 1)
// IsMoving returns a bool stating whether motor is currently in motion
func (d *StepperDriver) IsMoving() bool {
return d.stopAsynchRunFunc != nil
// Stop running the stepper
func (d *StepperDriver) Stop() error {
if d.stopAsynchRunFunc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not yet started", d.driverCfg.name)
err := d.stopAsynchRunFunc(true)
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = nil
return err
// Sleep release all pins to the same output level, so no current is consumed anymore.
func (d *StepperDriver) Sleep() error {
return d.sleepFunc()
// SetDirection sets the direction in which motor should be moving, default is forward.
// Changing the direction affects the next step, also for asynchronous running.
func (d *StepperDriver) SetDirection(direction string) error {
direction = strings.ToLower(direction)
if direction != StepperDriverForward && direction != StepperDriverBackward {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid direction '%s'. Value should be '%s' or '%s'",
direction, StepperDriverForward, StepperDriverBackward)
// ensure that write of variable can not interfere with read in step()
defer d.valueMutex.Unlock()
d.direction = direction
return nil
// MaxSpeed gives the max RPM of motor
// max. speed is limited by:
// * motor friction, inertia and inductance, load inertia
// * full step rate is normally below 1000 per second (1kHz), typically not more than ~400 per second
// * mostly not more than 1000-2000rpm (20-40 revolutions per second) are possible
// * higher values can be achieved only by ramp-up the velocity
// * duration of GPIO write (PI1 can reach up to 70kHz, typically 20kHz, so this is most likely not the limiting factor)
// * the hardware driver, to force the high current transitions for the max. speed
// * there are CNC steppers with 1000..20.000 steps per revolution, which works with faster step rates (e.g. 200kHz)
func (d *StepperDriver) MaxSpeed() uint {
const maxStepsPerSecond = 700 // a typical value for a normal, lightly loaded motor
return uint(float32(60*maxStepsPerSecond) / d.stepsPerRev)
// SetSpeed sets the rpm for the next move or run. A valid value is between 1 and MaxSpeed().
// The run needs to be stopped and called again after set this value.
func (d *StepperDriver) SetSpeed(rpm uint) error {
var err error
if rpm <= 0 {
rpm = 0
err = fmt.Errorf("RPM (%d) cannot be a zero or negative value", rpm)
maxRpm := d.MaxSpeed()
if rpm > maxRpm {
rpm = maxRpm
err = fmt.Errorf("RPM (%d) cannot be greater then maximal value %d", rpm, maxRpm)
defer d.valueMutex.Unlock()
d.speedRpm = rpm
return err
// CurrentStep gives the current step of motor
func (d *StepperDriver) CurrentStep() int {
// ensure that read can not interfere with write in step()
defer d.valueMutex.Unlock()
return d.stepNum
// SetHaltIfRunning with the given value. Normally a call of Run() returns an error if already running. If set this
// to true, the next call of Run() cause a automatic stop before.
func (d *StepperDriver) SetHaltIfRunning(val bool) {
d.haltIfRunning = val
// shutdown the driver
func (d *StepperDriver) shutdown() error {
// stops the continuous motion of the stepper, if running
return d.stopIfRunning()
func (d *StepperDriver) stepAsynch(stepsToMove float64) error {
if d.disabled {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is disabled and can not be running or moving", d.driverCfg.name)
// if running, return error or stop automatically
if d.stopAsynchRunFunc != nil {
if !d.haltIfRunning {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' already running or moving", d.driverCfg.name)
d.debug("stop former run forcefully")
if err := d.stopAsynchRunFunc(true); err != nil {
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = nil
return err
// prepare stepping behavior
stepsLeft := uint64(math.Abs(stepsToMove))
if stepsLeft == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no steps to do for '%s'", d.driverCfg.name)
// t [min] = steps [st] / (steps_per_revolution [st/u] * speed [u/min]) or
// t [min] = steps [st] * delay_per_step [min/st], use safety factor 2 and a small offset of 100 ms
// prepare this timeout outside of stop function to prevent data race with stepsLeft
stopTimeout := time.Duration(2*stepsLeft)*d.getDelayPerStep() + 100*time.Millisecond
endlessMovement := false
if stepsLeft > math.MaxInt {
stopTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
endlessMovement = true
} else {
d.direction = "forward"
if stepsToMove < 0 {
d.direction = "backward"
// prepare new asynchronous stepping
onceDoneChan := make(chan struct{})
runStopChan := make(chan struct{})
runErrChan := make(chan error)
sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt)
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = func(forceStop bool) error {
defer func() {
d.debug("RUN: cleanup stop channel")
if runStopChan != nil {
runStopChan = nil
d.debug("STOP: cleanup err channel")
if runErrChan != nil {
runErrChan = nil
d.debug("STOP: cleanup done")
d.debug("STOP: wait for once done")
<-onceDoneChan // wait for the first step was called
// send stop for endless movement or a forceful stop happen
if endlessMovement || forceStop {
d.debug("STOP: send stop channel")
runStopChan <- struct{}{}
if !endlessMovement && forceStop {
// do not wait if an normal movement was stopped forcefully
log.Printf("'%s' was forcefully stopped\n", d.driverCfg.name)
return nil
// wait for go routine is finished and cleanup
d.debug(fmt.Sprintf("STOP: wait %s for err channel", stopTimeout))
select {
case err := <-runErrChan:
return err
case <-time.After(stopTimeout):
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' was not finished in %s", d.driverCfg.name, stopTimeout)
d.debug(fmt.Sprintf("going to start go routine - endless=%t, steps=%d", endlessMovement, stepsLeft))
go func(name string) {
var err error
var onceDone bool
defer func() {
// some cases here:
// * stop by stop channel: error should be send as nil
// * count of steps reached: error should be send as nil
// * write error occurred
// * for Run(): caller needs to send stop channel and read the error
// * for Move(): caller waits for the error, but don't send stop channel
d.debug(fmt.Sprintf("RUN: write '%v' to err channel", err))
runErrChan <- err
for stepsLeft > 0 {
select {
case <-sigChan:
d.debug("RUN: OS signal received")
err = fmt.Errorf("OS signal received")
case <-runStopChan:
d.debug("RUN: stop channel received")
if err == nil {
err = d.stepFunc()
if err != nil {
if d.skipStepErrors {
fmt.Printf("step skipped for '%s': %v\n", name, err)
err = nil
} else {
d.debug("RUN: write error occurred")
if !onceDone {
close(onceDoneChan) // to inform that we are ready for stop now
onceDone = true
d.debug("RUN: once done")
if !endlessMovement {
if err != nil {
return nil
// getDelayPerStep gives the delay per step
// formula: delay_per_step [min] = 1/(steps_per_revolution * speed [rpm])
func (d *StepperDriver) getDelayPerStep() time.Duration {
// considering a max. speed of 1000 rpm and max. 1000 steps per revolution, a microsecond resolution is needed
// if the motor or application needs bigger values, switch to nanosecond is needed
return time.Duration(60*1000*1000/(d.stepsPerRev*float32(d.speedRpm))) * time.Microsecond
// phasedStepping moves the motor one step with the configured speed and direction. The speed can be adjusted
// by SetSpeed() and the direction can be changed by SetDirection() asynchronously.
func (d *StepperDriver) phasedStepping() error {
// ensure that read and write of variables (direction, stepNum) can not interfere
defer d.valueMutex.Unlock()
oldStepNum := d.stepNum
if d.direction == StepperDriverForward {
} else {
if d.stepNum >= int(d.stepsPerRev) {
d.stepNum = 0
} else if d.stepNum < 0 {
d.stepNum = int(d.stepsPerRev) - 1
r := int(math.Abs(float64(d.stepNum))) % len(d.phase)
for i, v := range d.phase[r] {
if err := d.digitalWrite(d.pins[i], v); err != nil {
d.stepNum = oldStepNum
return err
delay := d.getDelayPerStep()
return nil
func (d *StepperDriver) sleepOuputs() error {
for _, pin := range d.pins {
if err := d.digitalWrite(pin, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// stopIfRunning stop the stepper if moving or running
func (d *StepperDriver) stopIfRunning() error {
// stops the continuous motion of the stepper, if running
if d.stopAsynchRunFunc == nil {
return nil
err := d.stopAsynchRunFunc(true)
d.stopAsynchRunFunc = nil
return err
func (d *StepperDriver) debug(text string) {
if d.stepperDebug {