
283 lines
7.1 KiB

package gpio
import (
var _ gobot.Driver = (*HD44780Driver)(nil)
func initTestHD44780Driver() *HD44780Driver {
d, _ := initTestHD44780Driver4BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
if err := d.Start(); err != nil {
return d
func initTestHD44780Driver4BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor() (*HD44780Driver, *gpioTestAdaptor) {
a := newGpioTestAdaptor()
dataPins := HD44780DataPin{
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "12",
return NewHD44780Driver(a, 2, 16, HD44780_4BITMODE, "13", "15", dataPins), a
func initTestHD44780Driver8BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor() (*HD44780Driver, *gpioTestAdaptor) {
a := newGpioTestAdaptor()
dataPins := HD44780DataPin{
D0: "31",
D1: "33",
D2: "35",
D3: "37",
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "12",
return NewHD44780Driver(a, 2, 16, HD44780_8BITMODE, "13", "15", dataPins), a
func TestNewHD44780Driver(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
a := newGpioTestAdaptor()
dataPins := HD44780DataPin{
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "12",
// act
d := NewHD44780Driver(a, 16, 2, HD44780_4BITMODE, "13", "15", dataPins)
// assert
assert.IsType(t, &HD44780Driver{}, d)
// assert: gpio.driver attributes
require.NotNil(t, d.driver)
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(d.driverCfg.name, "HD44780"))
assert.Equal(t, a, d.connection)
assert.NotNil(t, d.afterStart)
assert.NotNil(t, d.beforeHalt)
assert.NotNil(t, d.Commander)
assert.NotNil(t, d.mutex)
// assert: driver specific attributes
assert.Equal(t, "", d.hd44780Cfg.pinRW)
assert.Equal(t, 16, d.cols)
assert.Equal(t, 2, d.rows)
assert.Equal(t, HD44780_4BITMODE, d.busMode)
assert.NotNil(t, d.pinRS)
assert.NotNil(t, d.pinEN)
assert.Nil(t, d.pinRW) // will be set optionally
assert.NotNil(t, d.pinRS)
assert.Equal(t, [4]int{0, 64, 16, 80}, d.rowOffsets)
assert.Len(t, d.pinDataBits, 4)
for _, b := range d.pinDataBits {
assert.NotNil(t, b)
assert.Equal(t, 0, d.displayCtrl)
assert.Equal(t, 0, d.displayFunc)
assert.Equal(t, 0, d.displayMode)
func TestNewHD44780Driver_options(t *testing.T) {
// This is a general test, that options are applied in constructor by using the common WithName() option, least one
// option of this driver and one of another driver (which should lead to panic). Further tests for options can also
// be done by call of "WithOption(val).apply(cfg)".
// arrange
const (
myName = "LCD output"
pinRW = "3"
dataPins := HD44780DataPin{
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "12",
panicFunc := func() {
NewHD44780Driver(newGpioTestAdaptor(), 16, 2, HD44780_4BITMODE, "1", "2", dataPins, WithName("crazy"),
aio.WithActuatorScaler(func(float64) int { return 0 }))
// act
d := NewHD44780Driver(newGpioTestAdaptor(), 16, 2, HD44780_4BITMODE, "1", "2", dataPins, WithName(myName),
// assert
assert.Equal(t, pinRW, d.hd44780Cfg.pinRW)
assert.Equal(t, myName, d.Name())
assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "'scaler option for analog actuators' can not be applied on 'crazy'", panicFunc)
func TestHD44780Start(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
d, _ := initTestHD44780Driver4BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
// act & assert: tests also initialize()
require.NoError(t, d.Start())
func TestHD44780StartError(t *testing.T) {
a := newGpioTestAdaptor()
var pins HD44780DataPin
var d *HD44780Driver
pins = HD44780DataPin{
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "",
d = NewHD44780Driver(a, 2, 16, HD44780_4BITMODE, "13", "15", pins)
require.EqualError(t, d.Start(), "Initialization error")
pins = HD44780DataPin{
D0: "31",
D1: "33",
D2: "35",
D3: "37",
D4: "22",
D5: "18",
D6: "16",
D7: "",
d = NewHD44780Driver(a, 2, 16, HD44780_8BITMODE, "13", "15", pins)
require.EqualError(t, d.Start(), "Initialization error")
func TestHD44780Write(t *testing.T) {
var d *HD44780Driver
d, _ = initTestHD44780Driver4BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
_ = d.Start()
require.NoError(t, d.Write("hello gobot"))
d, _ = initTestHD44780Driver8BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
_ = d.Start()
require.NoError(t, d.Write("hello gobot"))
func TestHD44780WriteError(t *testing.T) {
var d *HD44780Driver
var a *gpioTestAdaptor
d, a = initTestHD44780Driver4BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
a.digitalWriteFunc = func(string, byte) error {
return errors.New("write error")
_ = d.Start()
require.EqualError(t, d.Write("hello gobot"), "write error")
d, a = initTestHD44780Driver8BitModeWithStubbedAdaptor()
a.digitalWriteFunc = func(string, byte) error {
return errors.New("write error")
_ = d.Start()
require.EqualError(t, d.Write("hello gobot"), "write error")
func TestHD44780Clear(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Clear())
func TestHD44780Home(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Home())
func TestHD44780SetCursor(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.SetCursor(0, 3))
func TestHD44780SetCursorInvalid(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.EqualError(t, d.SetCursor(-1, 3), "Invalid position value (-1, 3), range (1, 15)")
require.EqualError(t, d.SetCursor(2, 3), "Invalid position value (2, 3), range (1, 15)")
require.EqualError(t, d.SetCursor(0, -1), "Invalid position value (0, -1), range (1, 15)")
require.EqualError(t, d.SetCursor(0, 16), "Invalid position value (0, 16), range (1, 15)")
func TestHD44780DisplayOn(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Display(true))
func TestHD44780DisplayOff(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Display(false))
func TestHD44780CursorOn(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Cursor(true))
func TestHD44780CursorOff(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Cursor(false))
func TestHD44780BlinkOn(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Blink(true))
func TestHD44780BlinkOff(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.Blink(false))
func TestHD44780ScrollLeft(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.ScrollLeft())
func TestHD44780ScrollRight(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.ScrollRight())
func TestHD44780LeftToRight(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.LeftToRight())
func TestHD44780RightToLeft(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.RightToLeft())
func TestHD44780SendCommand(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.SendCommand(0x33))
func TestHD44780WriteChar(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
require.NoError(t, d.WriteChar(0x41))
func TestHD44780CreateChar(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
charMap := [8]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
require.NoError(t, d.CreateChar(0, charMap))
func TestHD44780CreateCharError(t *testing.T) {
d := initTestHD44780Driver()
charMap := [8]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
require.EqualError(t, d.CreateChar(8, charMap), "can't set a custom character at a position greater than 7")