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package i2c
import (
const pca9685DefaultAddress = 0x40
const (
pca9685Mode1Reg = 0x00
pca9685Mode2Reg = 0x01
pca9685Subadr1Reg = 0x02
pca9685Subadr2Reg = 0x03
pca9685Subadr3Reg = 0x04
pca9685Led0OnLReg = 0x06
pca9685Led0OnHReg = 0x07
pca9685Led0OffLReg = 0x08
pca9685Led0OffHReg = 0x09
pca9685AllLedOnLReg = 0xFA
pca9685AllLedOnHReg = 0xFB
pca9685AllLedOffLReg = 0xFC
pca9685AllLedOffHReg = 0xFD
pca9685PrescaleReg = 0xFE
pca9685Mode1RegRestartBit = 0x80 // bit 7 - 0: restart disabled (default)
pca9685Mode1RegSleepBit = 0x10 // bit 4 - 0: normal, 1: low power (default)
pca9685Mode1RegAllCallBit = 0x01 // bit 0 - 0: no response to all-call, 1: respond to all-call (default)
pca9685Mode2RegInvertBit = 0x10 // bit 4 - 0: outputs not inverted (default), 1: outputs inverted
pca9685Mode2RegOutdrvBit = 0x04 // bit 2 - 0: open-drain, 1: totem-pole (default)
pca9685AllLedOffHRegShutDown = 0x10 // bit 4 - 1: orderly shut down
// PCA9685Driver is a Gobot Driver for the PCA9685 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo controller.
// For example, here is the Adafruit board that uses this chip:
// https://www.adafruit.com/product/815
type PCA9685Driver struct {
// NewPCA9685Driver creates a new driver with specified i2c interface
// Params:
// c Connector - the Adaptor to use with this Driver
// Optional params:
// i2c.WithBus(int): bus to use with this driver
// i2c.WithAddress(int): address to use with this driver
func NewPCA9685Driver(c Connector, options ...func(Config)) *PCA9685Driver {
p := &PCA9685Driver{
Driver: NewDriver(c, "PCA9685", pca9685DefaultAddress),
p.afterStart = p.initialize
p.beforeHalt = p.shutdown
for _, option := range options {
p.AddCommand("PwmWrite", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
pin := params["pin"].(string)
val, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["val"].(string))
return p.PwmWrite(pin, byte(val))
p.AddCommand("ServoWrite", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
pin := params["pin"].(string)
val, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["val"].(string))
return p.ServoWrite(pin, byte(val))
p.AddCommand("SetPWM", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
channel, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["channel"].(string))
on, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["on"].(string))
off, _ := strconv.Atoi(params["off"].(string))
return p.SetPWM(channel, uint16(on), uint16(off))
p.AddCommand("SetPWMFreq", func(params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
freq, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(params["freq"].(string), 32)
return p.SetPWMFreq(float32(freq))
return p
// SetPWM sets a specific channel to a pwm value from 0-4095.
// Params:
// channel int - the channel to send the pulse
// on uint16 - the time to start the pulse
// off uint16 - the time to stop the pulse
// Most typically you set "on" to a zero value, and then set "off" to your desired duty.
func (p *PCA9685Driver) SetPWM(channel int, on uint16, off uint16) (err error) {
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Led0OnLReg + 4*channel), byte(on) & 0xFF}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Led0OnHReg + 4*channel), byte(on >> 8)}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Led0OffLReg + 4*channel), byte(off) & 0xFF}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Led0OffHReg + 4*channel), byte(off >> 8)}); err != nil {
return err
// SetAllPWM sets all channels to a pwm value from 0-4095.
// Params:
// on uint16 - the time to start the pulse
// off uint16 - the time to stop the pulse
// Most typically you set "on" to a zero value, and then set "off" to your desired duty.
func (p *PCA9685Driver) SetAllPWM(on uint16, off uint16) (err error) {
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685AllLedOnLReg), byte(on) & 0xFF}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685AllLedOnHReg), byte(on >> 8)}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685AllLedOffLReg), byte(off) & 0xFF}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685AllLedOffHReg), byte(off >> 8)}); err != nil {
return err
// SetPWMFreq sets the PWM frequency in Hz between 24Hz and 1526Hz, the default is 200Hz.
func (p *PCA9685Driver) SetPWMFreq(freq float32) error {
// internal IC oscillator frequency is 25 MHz
var prescalevel float32 = 25000000
// find frequency of PWM waveform
prescalevel /= 4096
// ratio between desired frequency and maximum
prescalevel /= freq
// round value to nearest whole
prescale := byte(prescalevel + 0.5)
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Mode1Reg)}); err != nil {
return err
oldmode, err := p.connection.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return err
// put oscillator in sleep mode, clear the restart bit 7 here to prevent unneeded restart
sleepMode := (oldmode &^ pca9685Mode1RegRestartBit) | pca9685Mode1RegSleepBit
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Mode1Reg), sleepMode}); err != nil {
return err
// write prescaler value
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685PrescaleReg), prescale}); err != nil {
return err
// put back to old settings, ensure no sleep
noSleepMode := oldmode &^ pca9685Mode1RegSleepBit
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Mode1Reg), noSleepMode}); err != nil {
return err
// wait >500us according to data sheet
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// initiate a restart
restartMode := oldmode | pca9685Mode1RegRestartBit
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Mode1Reg), restartMode}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// PwmWrite writes a PWM signal to the specified channel aka "pin".
// Value values are from 0-255, to conform to the PwmWriter interface.
// If you need finer control, please look at SetPWM().
func (p *PCA9685Driver) PwmWrite(pin string, val byte) (err error) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(pin)
if err != nil {
v := gobot.ToScale(gobot.FromScale(float64(val), 0, 255), 0, 4095)
return p.SetPWM(i, 0, uint16(v))
// ServoWrite writes a servo signal to the specified channel aka "pin".
// Valid values are from 0-180, to conform to the ServoWriter interface.
// If you need finer control, please look at SetPWM().
func (p *PCA9685Driver) ServoWrite(pin string, val byte) (err error) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(pin)
if err != nil {
v := gobot.ToScale(gobot.FromScale(float64(val), 0, 180), 200, 500)
return p.SetPWM(i, 0, uint16(v))
// initialize the driver according to the data sheet section " Restart mode"
// * ensure the sleep bit is unset
// * wait > 500us
// * write a logic 1 to bit 7 (RESTART) of register "MODE1"
func (p *PCA9685Driver) initialize() error {
if err := p.SetAllPWM(0, 0); err != nil {
return err
// set not inverted (default), outputs change on stop (default), OE reaction to 0 (default), totem-pole (default)
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{pca9685Mode2Reg, pca9685Mode2RegOutdrvBit}); err != nil {
return err
// reset of sleep bit together with set of no restart (default), internal clock (default), no AI (default),
// no response to sub address 1, 2 or 3 (default), activate response to all-call (default)
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{pca9685Mode1Reg, pca9685Mode1RegAllCallBit}); err != nil {
return err
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// initiate the restart
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{byte(pca9685Mode1Reg)}); err != nil {
return err
oldmode, err := p.connection.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return err
oldmode = oldmode | byte(pca9685Mode1RegRestartBit)
if _, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{pca9685Mode1Reg, oldmode}); err != nil {
return err
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
return nil
func (p *PCA9685Driver) shutdown() error {
_, err := p.connection.Write([]byte{pca9685AllLedOffHReg, pca9685AllLedOffHRegShutDown})
return err