
158 lines
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package system
import (
const systemDebug = false
// A File represents basic IO interactions with the underlying file system
type File interface {
Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
WriteString(s string) (ret int, err error)
Sync() (err error)
Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)
ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (n int, err error)
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err error)
Fd() uintptr
Close() error
// filesystem is a unexposed interface to allow the switch between the native file system or a mocked implementation
type filesystem interface {
openFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (file File, err error)
stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
find(baseDir string, pattern string) (dirs []string, err error)
readFile(name string) (content []byte, err error)
// systemCaller represents unexposed Syscall interface to allow the switch between native and mocked implementation
// Prevent unsafe call, since go 1.15, see "Pattern 4" in: https://go101.org/article/unsafe.html
type systemCaller interface {
syscall(trap uintptr, f File, signal uintptr, payload unsafe.Pointer) (r1, r2 uintptr, err SyscallErrno)
// digitalPinAccesser represents unexposed interface to allow the switch between different implementations and
// a mocked one
type digitalPinAccesser interface {
isSupported() bool
createPin(chip string, pin int, o ...func(gobot.DigitalPinOptioner) bool) gobot.DigitalPinner
setFs(fs filesystem)
// spiAccesser represents unexposed interface to allow the switch between different implementations and a mocked one
type spiAccesser interface {
isSupported() bool
createDevice(busNum, chipNum, mode, bits int, maxSpeed int64) (gobot.SpiSystemDevicer, error)
// Accesser provides access to system calls, filesystem, implementation for digital pin and SPI
type Accesser struct {
sys systemCaller
fs filesystem
digitalPinAccess digitalPinAccesser
spiAccess spiAccesser
// NewAccesser returns a accesser to native system call, native file system and the chosen digital pin access.
// Digital pin accesser can be empty or "sysfs", otherwise it will be automatically chosen.
func NewAccesser(options ...func(Optioner)) *Accesser {
s := &Accesser{
sys: &nativeSyscall{},
fs: &nativeFilesystem{},
s.spiAccess = &periphioSpiAccess{fs: s.fs}
s.digitalPinAccess = &sysfsDigitalPinAccess{fs: s.fs}
for _, option := range options {
return s
// UseDigitalPinAccessWithMockFs sets the digital pin handler accesser to the chosen one. Used only for tests.
func (a *Accesser) UseDigitalPinAccessWithMockFs(digitalPinAccess string, files []string) digitalPinAccesser {
fs := newMockFilesystem(files)
var dph digitalPinAccesser
switch digitalPinAccess {
case "sysfs":
dph = &sysfsDigitalPinAccess{fs: fs}
case "cdev":
dph = &gpiodDigitalPinAccess{fs: fs}
dph = &mockDigitalPinAccess{fs: fs}
a.fs = fs
a.digitalPinAccess = dph
return dph
// UseMockSyscall sets the Syscall implementation of the accesser to the mocked one. Used only for tests.
func (a *Accesser) UseMockSyscall() *mockSyscall {
msc := &mockSyscall{}
a.sys = msc
return msc
// UseMockFilesystem sets the filesystem implementation of the accesser to the mocked one. Used only for tests.
func (a *Accesser) UseMockFilesystem(files []string) *MockFilesystem {
fs := newMockFilesystem(files)
a.fs = fs
return fs
// UseMockSpi sets the SPI implementation of the accesser to the mocked one. Used only for tests.
func (a *Accesser) UseMockSpi() *MockSpiAccess {
msc := &MockSpiAccess{}
a.spiAccess = msc
return msc
// NewDigitalPin returns a new system digital pin, according to the given pin number.
func (a *Accesser) NewDigitalPin(chip string, pin int,
o ...func(gobot.DigitalPinOptioner) bool) gobot.DigitalPinner {
return a.digitalPinAccess.createPin(chip, pin, o...)
// IsSysfsDigitalPinAccess returns whether the used digital pin accesser is a sysfs one.
func (a *Accesser) IsSysfsDigitalPinAccess() bool {
if _, ok := a.digitalPinAccess.(*sysfsDigitalPinAccess); ok {
return true
return false
// NewPWMPin returns a new system PWM pin, according to the given pin number.
func (a *Accesser) NewPWMPin(path string, pin int, polNormIdent string, polInvIdent string) gobot.PWMPinner {
return newPWMPinSysfs(a.fs, path, pin, polNormIdent, polInvIdent)
// NewSpiDevice returns a new connection to SPI with the given parameters.
func (a *Accesser) NewSpiDevice(busNum, chipNum, mode, bits int, maxSpeed int64) (gobot.SpiSystemDevicer, error) {
return a.spiAccess.createDevice(busNum, chipNum, mode, bits, maxSpeed)
// OpenFile opens file of given name from native or the mocked file system
func (a *Accesser) OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (File, error) {
return a.fs.openFile(name, flag, perm)
// Stat returns a generic FileInfo, if the file with given name exists. It uses the native or the mocked file system.
func (a *Accesser) Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
return a.fs.stat(name)
// Find finds file from native or the mocked file system
func (a *Accesser) Find(baseDir string, pattern string) ([]string, error) {
return a.fs.find(baseDir, pattern)
// ReadFile reads the named file and returns the contents. A successful call returns err == nil, not err == EOF.
// Because ReadFile reads the whole file, it does not treat an EOF from Read as an error to be reported.
func (a *Accesser) ReadFile(name string) ([]byte, error) {
return a.fs.readFile(name)