505 lines
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package i2c
import (
var adafruitDebug = false // Set this to true to see debug output
var (
// Each Adafruit HAT must have a unique I2C address. The default address for
// the DC and Stepper Motor HAT is 0x60. The addresses of the Motor HATs can
// range from 0x60 to 0x80 for a total of 32 unique addresses.
// The base address for the Adafruit PWM-Servo HAT is 0x40. Please consult
// the Adafruit documentation for soldering and addressing stacked HATs.
motorHatAddress = 0x60
servoHatAddress = 0x40
stepperMicrosteps = 8
stepperMicrostepCurve []int
step2coils = make(map[int][]int32)
const (
// Registers
_Mode1 = 0x00
_Mode2 = 0x01
_SubAdr1 = 0x02
_SubAdr2 = 0x03
_SubAdr3 = 0x04
_Prescale = 0xFE
_LedZeroOnL = 0x06
_LedZeroOnH = 0x07
_LedZeroOffL = 0x08
_LedZeroOffH = 0x09
_AllLedOnL = 0xFA
_AllLedOnH = 0xFB
_AllLedOffL = 0xFC
_AllLedOffH = 0xFD
// Bits
_Restart = 0x80
_Sleep = 0x10
_AllCall = 0x01
_Invrt = 0x10
_Outdrv = 0x04
// AdafruitDirection declares a type for specification of the motor direction
type AdafruitDirection int
// AdafruitStepStyle declares a type for specification of the stepper motor rotation
type AdafruitStepStyle int
const (
AdafruitForward AdafruitDirection = iota // 0
AdafruitBackward // 1
AdafruitRelease // 2
const (
AdafruitSingle AdafruitStepStyle = iota // 0
AdafruitDouble // 1
AdafruitInterleave // 2
AdafruitMicrostep // 3
func init() {
stepperMicrostepCurve = []int{0, 50, 98, 142, 180, 212, 236, 250, 255}
step2coils[0] = []int32{1, 0, 0, 0}
step2coils[1] = []int32{1, 1, 0, 0}
step2coils[2] = []int32{0, 1, 0, 0}
step2coils[3] = []int32{0, 1, 1, 0}
step2coils[4] = []int32{0, 0, 1, 0}
step2coils[5] = []int32{0, 0, 1, 1}
step2coils[6] = []int32{0, 0, 0, 1}
step2coils[7] = []int32{1, 0, 0, 1}
type adaFruitDCMotor struct {
pwmPin, in1Pin, in2Pin byte
type adaFruitStepperMotor struct {
pwmPinA, pwmPinB byte
ain1, ain2 byte
bin1, bin2 byte
secPerStep float64
currentStep, stepCounter, revSteps int
// AdafruitMotorHatDriver is a driver for the DC+Stepper Motor HAT from Adafruit.
// The HAT is a Raspberry Pi add-on that can drive up to 4 DC or 2 Stepper motors
// with full PWM speed control. It has a dedicated PWM driver chip onboard to
// control both motor direction and speed over I2C.
type AdafruitMotorHatDriver struct {
name string
connection I2c
dcMotors []adaFruitDCMotor
stepperMotors []adaFruitStepperMotor
// SetMotorHatAddress sets the I2C address for the DC and Stepper Motor HAT.
// This addressing flexibility empowers "stacking" the HATs.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetMotorHatAddress(addr int) (err error) {
motorHatAddress = addr
// SetServoHatAddress sets the I2C address for the PWM-Servo Motor HAT.
// This addressing flexibility empowers "stacking" the HATs.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetServoHatAddress(addr int) (err error) {
servoHatAddress = addr
// Name identifies this driver object
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) Name() string { return a.name }
// SetName sets nae for driver
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetName(n string) { a.name = n }
// Connection identifies the particular adapter object
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) Connection() gobot.Connection { return a.connection.(gobot.Connection) }
// NewAdafruitMotorHatDriver initializes the internal DCMotor and StepperMotor types.
// Again the Adafruit Motor Hat supports up to four DC motors and up to two stepper motors.
func NewAdafruitMotorHatDriver(a I2c) *AdafruitMotorHatDriver {
var dc []adaFruitDCMotor
var st []adaFruitStepperMotor
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
switch {
case i == 0:
dc = append(dc, adaFruitDCMotor{pwmPin: 8, in1Pin: 10, in2Pin: 9})
st = append(st, adaFruitStepperMotor{pwmPinA: 8, pwmPinB: 13,
ain1: 10, ain2: 9, bin1: 11, bin2: 12, revSteps: 200, secPerStep: 0.1})
case i == 1:
dc = append(dc, adaFruitDCMotor{pwmPin: 13, in1Pin: 11, in2Pin: 12})
st = append(st, adaFruitStepperMotor{pwmPinA: 2, pwmPinB: 7,
ain1: 4, ain2: 3, bin1: 5, bin2: 6, revSteps: 200, secPerStep: 0.1})
case i == 2:
dc = append(dc, adaFruitDCMotor{pwmPin: 2, in1Pin: 4, in2Pin: 3})
case i == 3:
dc = append(dc, adaFruitDCMotor{pwmPin: 7, in1Pin: 5, in2Pin: 6})
driver := &AdafruitMotorHatDriver{
name: "AdafruitMotorHat",
connection: a,
Commander: gobot.NewCommander(),
dcMotors: dc,
stepperMotors: st,
// TODO: add API funcs?
return driver
// Start initializes both I2C-addressable Adafruit Motor HAT drivers
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) Start() (err error) {
addrs := []int{motorHatAddress, servoHatAddress}
for i := range addrs {
if err = a.connection.I2cStart(addrs[i]); err != nil {
if err = a.setAllPWM(addrs[i], 0, 0); err != nil {
reg := byte(_Mode2)
val := byte(_Outdrv)
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(addrs[i], []byte{reg, val}); err != nil {
reg = byte(_Mode1)
val = byte(_AllCall)
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(addrs[i], []byte{reg, val}); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// Read a byte from the I2C device. Note: no ability to read from a specified reg?
mode1, rerr := a.connection.I2cRead(addrs[i], 1)
if rerr != nil {
return rerr
if len(mode1) > 0 {
reg = byte(_Mode1)
val = mode1[0] & _Sleep
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(addrs[i], []byte{reg, val}); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
// Halt returns true if devices is halted successfully
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) Halt() (err error) { return }
// setPWM sets the start (on) and end (off) of the high-segment of the PWM pulse
// on the specific channel (pin).
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) setPWM(i2cAddr int, pin byte, on, off int32) (err error) {
// register and values to be written to that register
regVals := make(map[int][]byte)
regVals[0] = []byte{byte(_LedZeroOnL + 4*pin), byte(on & 0xff)}
regVals[1] = []byte{byte(_LedZeroOnH + 4*pin), byte(on >> 8)}
regVals[2] = []byte{byte(_LedZeroOffL + 4*pin), byte(off & 0xff)}
regVals[3] = []byte{byte(_LedZeroOffH + 4*pin), byte(off >> 8)}
for i := 0; i < len(regVals); i++ {
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(i2cAddr, regVals[i]); err != nil {
// SetServoMotorFreq sets the frequency for the currently addressed PWM Servo HAT.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetServoMotorFreq(freq float64) (err error) {
if err = a.setPWMFreq(servoHatAddress, freq); err != nil {
// SetServoMotorPulse is a convenience function to specify the 'tick' value,
// between 0-4095, when the signal will turn on, and when it will turn off.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetServoMotorPulse(channel byte, on, off int32) (err error) {
if err = a.setPWM(servoHatAddress, channel, on, off); err != nil {
// setPWMFreq adjusts the PWM frequency which determines how many full
// pulses per second are generated by the integrated circuit. The frequency
// determines how "long" each pulse is in duration from start to finish,
// taking into account the high and low segments of the pulse.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) setPWMFreq(i2cAddr int, freq float64) (err error) {
// 25MHz
preScaleVal := 25000000.0
// 12-bit
preScaleVal /= 4096.0
preScaleVal /= freq
preScaleVal -= 1.0
preScale := math.Floor(preScaleVal + 0.5)
if adafruitDebug {
log.Printf("Setting PWM frequency to: %.2f Hz", freq)
log.Printf("Estimated pre-scale: %.2f", preScaleVal)
log.Printf("Final pre-scale: %.2f", preScale)
// default (and only) reads register 0
oldMode, err := a.connection.I2cRead(i2cAddr, 1)
if err != nil {
// sleep?
if len(oldMode) > 0 {
newMode := (oldMode[0] & 0x7F) | 0x10
reg := byte(_Mode1)
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(i2cAddr, []byte{reg, newMode}); err != nil {
reg = byte(_Prescale)
val := byte(math.Floor(preScale))
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(i2cAddr, []byte{reg, val}); err != nil {
reg = byte(_Mode1)
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(i2cAddr, []byte{reg, oldMode[0]}); err != nil {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(i2cAddr, []byte{reg, (oldMode[0] | 0x80)}); err != nil {
// setAllPWM sets all PWM channels for the given address
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) setAllPWM(addr int, on, off int32) (err error) {
// register and values to be written to that register
regVals := make(map[int][]byte)
regVals[0] = []byte{byte(_AllLedOnL), byte(on & 0xff)}
regVals[1] = []byte{byte(_AllLedOnH), byte(on >> 8)}
regVals[2] = []byte{byte(_AllLedOffL), byte(off & 0xFF)}
regVals[3] = []byte{byte(_AllLedOffH), byte(off >> 8)}
for i := 0; i < len(regVals); i++ {
if err = a.connection.I2cWrite(addr, regVals[i]); err != nil {
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) setPin(i2cAddr int, pin byte, value int32) (err error) {
if value == 0 {
return a.setPWM(i2cAddr, pin, 0, 4096)
if value == 1 {
return a.setPWM(i2cAddr, pin, 4096, 0)
return nil
// SetDCMotorSpeed will set the appropriate pins to run the specified DC motor
// for the given speed.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetDCMotorSpeed(dcMotor int, speed int32) (err error) {
if err = a.setPWM(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].pwmPin, 0, speed*16); err != nil {
// RunDCMotor will set the appropriate pins to run the specified DC motor for
// the given direction
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) RunDCMotor(dcMotor int, dir AdafruitDirection) (err error) {
switch {
case dir == AdafruitForward:
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in2Pin, 0); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in1Pin, 1); err != nil {
case dir == AdafruitBackward:
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in1Pin, 0); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in2Pin, 1); err != nil {
case dir == AdafruitRelease:
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in1Pin, 0); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.dcMotors[dcMotor].in2Pin, 0); err != nil {
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) oneStep(motor int, dir AdafruitDirection, style AdafruitStepStyle) (steps int, err error) {
pwmA := 255
pwmB := 255
// Determine the stepping procedure
switch {
case style == AdafruitSingle:
if (a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep / (stepperMicrosteps / 2) % 2) != 0 {
// we're at an odd step
if dir == AdafruitForward {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps / 2
} else {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep -= stepperMicrosteps / 2
} else {
// go to next even step
if dir == AdafruitForward {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps
} else {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep -= stepperMicrosteps
case style == AdafruitDouble:
if (a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep / (stepperMicrosteps / 2) % 2) == 0 {
// we're at an even step, weird
if dir == AdafruitForward {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps / 2
} else {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep -= stepperMicrosteps / 2
} else {
// go to next odd step
if dir == AdafruitForward {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps
} else {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep -= stepperMicrosteps
case style == AdafruitInterleave:
if dir == AdafruitForward {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps / 2
} else {
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep -= stepperMicrosteps / 2
case style == AdafruitMicrostep:
if dir == AdafruitForward {
} else {
// go to next step and wrap around
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps * 4
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep %= stepperMicrosteps * 4
pwmA = 0
pwmB = 0
currStep := a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep
if currStep >= 0 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps {
pwmA = stepperMicrostepCurve[stepperMicrosteps-currStep]
pwmB = stepperMicrostepCurve[currStep]
} else if currStep >= stepperMicrosteps && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*2 {
pwmA = stepperMicrostepCurve[currStep-stepperMicrosteps]
pwmB = stepperMicrostepCurve[stepperMicrosteps*2-currStep]
} else if currStep >= stepperMicrosteps*2 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*3 {
pwmA = stepperMicrostepCurve[stepperMicrosteps*3-currStep]
pwmB = stepperMicrostepCurve[currStep-stepperMicrosteps*2]
} else if currStep >= stepperMicrosteps*3 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*4 {
pwmA = stepperMicrostepCurve[currStep-stepperMicrosteps*3]
pwmB = stepperMicrostepCurve[stepperMicrosteps*4-currStep]
} //switch
//go to next 'step' and wrap around
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep += stepperMicrosteps * 4
a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep %= stepperMicrosteps * 4
//only really used for microstepping, otherwise always on!
if err = a.setPWM(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].pwmPinA, 0, int32(pwmA*16)); err != nil {
if err = a.setPWM(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].pwmPinB, 0, int32(pwmB*16)); err != nil {
var coils []int32
currStep := a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep
if style == AdafruitMicrostep {
switch {
case currStep >= 0 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps:
coils = []int32{1, 1, 0, 0}
case currStep >= stepperMicrosteps && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*2:
coils = []int32{0, 1, 1, 0}
case currStep >= stepperMicrosteps*2 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*3:
coils = []int32{0, 0, 1, 1}
case currStep >= stepperMicrosteps*3 && currStep < stepperMicrosteps*4:
coils = []int32{1, 0, 0, 1}
} else {
// step-2-coils is initialized in init()
coils = step2coils[(currStep / (stepperMicrosteps / 2))]
if adafruitDebug {
log.Printf("[adafruit_driver] currStep: %d, index into step2coils: %d\n",
currStep, (currStep / (stepperMicrosteps / 2)))
log.Printf("[adafruit_driver] coils state = %v", coils)
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].ain2, coils[0]); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].bin1, coils[1]); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].ain1, coils[2]); err != nil {
if err = a.setPin(motorHatAddress, a.stepperMotors[motor].bin2, coils[3]); err != nil {
return a.stepperMotors[motor].currentStep, nil
// SetStepperMotorSpeed sets the seconds-per-step for the given Stepper Motor.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) SetStepperMotorSpeed(stepperMotor int, rpm int) (err error) {
revSteps := a.stepperMotors[stepperMotor].revSteps
a.stepperMotors[stepperMotor].secPerStep = 60.0 / float64(revSteps*rpm)
a.stepperMotors[stepperMotor].stepCounter = 0
// Step will rotate the stepper motor the given number of steps, in the given direction and step style.
func (a *AdafruitMotorHatDriver) Step(motor, steps int, dir AdafruitDirection, style AdafruitStepStyle) (err error) {
secPerStep := a.stepperMotors[motor].secPerStep
latestStep := 0
if style == AdafruitInterleave {
secPerStep = secPerStep / 2.0
if style == AdafruitMicrostep {
secPerStep /= float64(stepperMicrosteps)
steps *= stepperMicrosteps
if adafruitDebug {
log.Printf("[adafruit_driver] %f seconds per step", secPerStep)
for i := 0; i < steps; i++ {
if latestStep, err = a.oneStep(motor, dir, style); err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(secPerStep) * time.Second)
// As documented in the Adafruit python driver:
// This is an edge case, if we are in between full steps, keep going to end on a full step
if style == AdafruitMicrostep {
for latestStep != 0 && latestStep != stepperMicrosteps {
if latestStep, err = a.oneStep(motor, dir, style); err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(secPerStep) * time.Second)