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package mqtt
import (
paho "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
// ErrNilClient is returned when a client action can't be taken because the struct has no client
var ErrNilClient = fmt.Errorf("no MQTT client available")
// Message is a message received from the broker.
type Message paho.Message
// Adaptor is the Gobot Adaptor for MQTT
type Adaptor struct {
name string
Host string
clientID string
username string
password string
useSSL bool
serverCert string
clientCert string
clientKey string
autoReconnect bool
cleanSession bool
client paho.Client
qos int
// NewAdaptor creates a new mqtt adaptor with specified host and client id
func NewAdaptor(host string, clientID string) *Adaptor {
return &Adaptor{
name: gobot.DefaultName("MQTT"),
Host: host,
autoReconnect: false,
cleanSession: true,
useSSL: false,
clientID: clientID,
// NewAdaptorWithAuth creates a new mqtt adaptor with specified host, client id, username, and password.
func NewAdaptorWithAuth(host, clientID, username, password string) *Adaptor {
return &Adaptor{
name: "MQTT",
Host: host,
autoReconnect: false,
cleanSession: true,
useSSL: false,
clientID: clientID,
username: username,
password: password,
// Name returns the MQTT adaptors name
func (a *Adaptor) Name() string { return a.name }
// SetName sets the MQTT adaptors name
func (a *Adaptor) SetName(n string) { a.name = n }
// Port returns the Host name
func (a *Adaptor) Port() string { return a.Host }
// AutoReconnect returns the MQTT AutoReconnect setting
func (a *Adaptor) AutoReconnect() bool { return a.autoReconnect }
// SetAutoReconnect sets the MQTT AutoReconnect setting
func (a *Adaptor) SetAutoReconnect(val bool) { a.autoReconnect = val }
// CleanSession returns the MQTT CleanSession setting
func (a *Adaptor) CleanSession() bool { return a.cleanSession }
// SetCleanSession sets the MQTT CleanSession setting. Should be false if reconnect is enabled.
// Otherwise all subscriptions will be lost
func (a *Adaptor) SetCleanSession(val bool) { a.cleanSession = val }
// UseSSL returns the MQTT server SSL preference
func (a *Adaptor) UseSSL() bool { return a.useSSL }
// SetUseSSL sets the MQTT server SSL preference
func (a *Adaptor) SetUseSSL(val bool) { a.useSSL = val }
// ServerCert returns the MQTT server SSL cert file
func (a *Adaptor) ServerCert() string { return a.serverCert }
// SetQoS sets the QoS value passed into the MTT client on Publish/Subscribe events
func (a *Adaptor) SetQoS(qos int) { a.qos = qos }
// SetServerCert sets the MQTT server SSL cert file
func (a *Adaptor) SetServerCert(val string) { a.serverCert = val }
// ClientCert returns the MQTT client SSL cert file
func (a *Adaptor) ClientCert() string { return a.clientCert }
// SetClientCert sets the MQTT client SSL cert file
func (a *Adaptor) SetClientCert(val string) { a.clientCert = val }
// ClientKey returns the MQTT client SSL key file
func (a *Adaptor) ClientKey() string { return a.clientKey }
// SetClientKey sets the MQTT client SSL key file
func (a *Adaptor) SetClientKey(val string) { a.clientKey = val }
// Connect returns true if connection to mqtt is established
func (a *Adaptor) Connect() error {
a.client = paho.NewClient(a.createClientOptions())
if token := a.client.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
return token.Error()
return nil
// Disconnect returns true if connection to mqtt is closed
func (a *Adaptor) Disconnect() error {
if a.client != nil {
return nil
// Finalize returns true if connection to mqtt is finalized successfully
func (a *Adaptor) Finalize() error {
return a.Disconnect()
// Publish a message under a specific topic
func (a *Adaptor) Publish(topic string, message []byte) bool {
_, err := a.PublishWithQOS(topic, a.qos, message)
return err == nil
// PublishAndRetain publishes a message under a specific topic with retain flag
func (a *Adaptor) PublishAndRetain(topic string, message []byte) bool {
if a.client == nil {
return false
a.client.Publish(topic, byte(a.qos), true, message)
return true
// PublishWithQOS allows per-publish QOS values to be set and returns a paho.Token
func (a *Adaptor) PublishWithQOS(topic string, qos int, message []byte) (paho.Token, error) {
if a.client == nil {
return nil, ErrNilClient
token := a.client.Publish(topic, byte(qos), false, message)
return token, nil
// OnWithQOS allows per-subscribe QOS values to be set and returns a paho.Token
func (a *Adaptor) OnWithQOS(event string, qos int, f func(msg Message)) (paho.Token, error) {
if a.client == nil {
return nil, ErrNilClient
token := a.client.Subscribe(event, byte(qos), func(client paho.Client, msg paho.Message) {
return token, nil
// On subscribes to a topic, and then calls the message handler function when data is received
func (a *Adaptor) On(event string, f func(msg Message)) bool {
_, err := a.OnWithQOS(event, a.qos, f)
return err == nil
func (a *Adaptor) createClientOptions() *paho.ClientOptions {
opts := paho.NewClientOptions()
if a.username != "" && a.password != "" {
opts.AutoReconnect = a.autoReconnect
opts.CleanSession = a.cleanSession
if a.UseSSL() {
return opts
// newTLSConfig sets the TLS config in the case that we are using
// an MQTT broker with TLS
func (a *Adaptor) newTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
// Import server certificate
var certpool *x509.CertPool
if len(a.ServerCert()) > 0 {
certpool = x509.NewCertPool()
pemCerts, err := os.ReadFile(a.ServerCert())
if err == nil {
// Import client certificate/key pair
var certs []tls.Certificate
if len(a.ClientCert()) > 0 && len(a.ClientKey()) > 0 {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(a.ClientCert(), a.ClientKey())
if err != nil {
// TODO: proper error handling
certs = append(certs, cert)
// Create tls.Config with desired tls properties
return &tls.Config{
// RootCAs = certs used to verify server cert.
RootCAs: certpool,
// ClientAuth = whether to request cert from server.
// Since the server is set up for SSL, this happens
// anyways.
ClientAuth: tls.NoClientCert,
// ClientCAs = certs used to validate client cert.
ClientCAs: nil,
// InsecureSkipVerify = verify that cert contents
// match server. IP matches what is in cert etc.
InsecureSkipVerify: false,
// Certificates = list of certs client sends to server.
Certificates: certs,
// MinVersion contains the minimum TLS version that is acceptable.
// TLS 1.2 is currently used as the minimum when acting as a client.
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,