# GPIO This package provides drivers for [General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Purpose_Input/Output) devices. It is normally used by connecting an adaptor such as [firmata](https://gobot.io/x/gobot/platforms/firmata) that supports the needed interfaces for GPIO devices. ## Getting Started ## Installing ``` go get -d -u gobot.io/x/gobot/... ``` ## Hardware Support Gobot has a extensible system for connecting to hardware devices. The following GPIO devices are currently supported: - Button - Buzzer - Direct Pin - Grove Button - Grove Buzzer - Grove LED - Grove Magnetic Switch - Grove Relay - Grove Touch Sensor - LED - Makey Button - Motor - Proximity Infra Red (PIR) Motion Sensor - Relay - RGB LED - Servo More drivers are coming soon...