Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Note that analog pins A4 and A5 are normally used by the Firmata I2C interface, so you will not be able to use them as analog inputs without changing the Firmata sketch.
This section assumes you're using an Arduino Uno or another compatible board. If you already have the Firmata sketch installed, you can skip straight to the examples.
First plug the Arduino into your computer via the USB/serial port.
A dialog box will appear telling you that a new network interface has been detected.
Click "Network Preferences...", and when it opens, simply click "Apply".
Once plugged in, use [Gort]('s `gort scan serial` command to find out your connection info and serial port address:
$ gort scan serial
Use the `gort arduino install` command to install `avrdude`, this will allow you to upload firmata to the arduino:
$ gort arduino install
Once the avrdude uploader is installed we upload the firmata protocol to the arduino, use the arduino serial port address found when you ran `gort scan serial`:
Now you are ready to connect and communicate with the Arduino using serial port connection
### Ubuntu
First plug the Arduino into your computer via the USB/serial port.
Once plugged in, use [Gort]('s `gort scan serial` command to find out your connection info and serial port address:
$ gort scan serial
Use the `gort arduino install` command to install `avrdude`, this will allow you to upload firmata to the arduino:
$ gort arduino install
Once the avrdude uploader is installed we upload the firmata protocol to the arduino, use the arduino serial port address found when you ran `gort scan serial`, or leave it blank to use the default address `ttyACM0`:
$ gort arduino upload firmata /dev/ttyACM0
Now you are ready to connect and communicate with the Arduino using serial port connection
First download and install gort for your OS from the []( [downloads page]( and install it.
Open a command prompt window by right clicking on the start button and choose `Command Prompt (Admin)` (on windows 8.1). Then navigate to the folder where you uncompressed gort (uncomress to a folder first if you haven't done this yet).
Once inside the gort folder, first install avrdude which we'll use to upload firmata to the arduino.
$ gort arduino install
When the installation is complete, close the command prompt window and open a new one. We need to do this for the env variables to reload.
$ gort scan serial
Take note of your arduinos serialport address (COM1 | COM2 | COM3| etc). You need to already have installed the arduino drivers from []( Finally upload the firmata protocol sketch to the arduino.
$ gort arduino upload firmata <COMX>
Make sure to substitute `<COMX>` with the apropiate serialport address.
Now you are ready to connect and communicate with the Arduino using serial port connection.
### Using arduino IDE
Open arduino IDE and go to File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata and open it. Select the appriate port
for your arduino and click upload. Wait for the upload to finish and you should be ready to start using Gobot