[gochart](https://github.com/zieckey/gochart) is a chart ploting tool which is simple to use. It used the open sources [golang](https://golang.org) and [highcharts](http://www.highcharts.com) which is modeled after [goplot](https://github.com/skoo87/goplot). It can plot spline/line/area/bar/column/pie. This tool is just a binary independent with any other lib or environment.
- Execute the command : `go get -u github.com/zieckey/gochart`
### Usage
* Download the binary tar.gz file and untar it. Enter the gochart directory, you can see an executable file `gochart` and some *.chart files. This chart files are the example data files. Execute the exe `gochart`, then you can open your browser and navigate to [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000), and now you can see the charts.
* You can put `gochart` to your `PATH` environment and execute `gochart` in the directory which holds *.chart files. If you have several *.chart files, you can refresh the web page to plot diffrent chart.
### Example 1 : Spline data format
This data format can be also used to plot line/bar/column/area when you can change the value of `ChartType`. The option value of `ChartType` is below :
- spline
- line
- bar
- column
- area
# The chart type , option : spline/line/bar/column/area
ChartType = spline
Title = Source: WorldClimate.com
SubTitle = Monthly Average Temperature
ValueSuffix = °C
# The x Axis numbers. The count this numbers MUST be the same with the data series