
216 lines
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package clui
import (
term ""
const (
// scale coefficient means never change of the object when its parent resizes
DoNotScale int = 0
// Used as a placeholder when width or height is not important, e.g, creating a control manually to use in packer later
AutoSize int = -1
// Used as a placeholder when you want to change only one value keeping others untouched. Example: ctrl.SetConstraint(10, DoNotChange)
DoNotChange int = -1
// NullWindow View = nil
type Box struct {
X, Y int
W, H int
// Predefined types
type (
BorderStyle int
ViewButton int
HitResult int
Align int
EventType int
Direction int
PackType int
// EditBoxMode int
ObjId string
ColorId string
// Internal event structure. Used by Windows and controls to communicate with Composer
type Event struct {
Type EventType
Mod term.Modifier
Sender Control
View View
Msg string
X, Y int
Err error
Key term.Key
Ch rune
// BorderStyle constants
const (
BorderNone = iota
// Color predefined values
const (
ColorDefault = term.ColorDefault
ColorBlack = term.ColorBlack
ColorRed = term.ColorRed
ColorGreen = term.ColorGreen
ColorYellow = term.ColorYellow
ColorBlue = term.ColorBlue
ColorMagenta = term.ColorMagenta
ColorCyan = term.ColorCyan
ColorWhite = term.ColorWhite
ColorBlackBold = term.ColorBlack | term.AttrBold
ColorRedBold = term.ColorRed | term.AttrBold
ColorGreenBold = term.ColorGreen | term.AttrBold
ColorYellowBold = term.ColorYellow | term.AttrBold
ColorBlueBold = term.ColorBlue | term.AttrBold
ColorMagentaBold = term.ColorMagenta | term.AttrBold
ColorCyanBold = term.ColorCyan | term.AttrBold
ColorWhiteBold = term.ColorWhite | term.AttrBold
// HitResult constants
const (
HitOutside = iota
// Buttons available to use in Window title
const (
// No button
ButtonDefault = 0
// Button to close Window
ButtonClose = 1 << 0
// Button to move Window to bottom
ButtonBottom = 1 << 1
// Button to maximize/restore window
ButtonMaximize = 1 << 2
// InternalEvent types
const (
// asks Composer to redraw the screen
ActionRedraw = iota
// asks application to close
// Alignment constants
const (
AlignLeft = iota
// Output direction
// Used for Label text output direction and for Radio items distribution
const (
Horizontal = iota
// EditField modes
const (
// Simple text edit field
EditBoxSimple = iota
// Text edit field with drop down ListBox and Button
const (
ObjSingleBorder = "SingleBorder"
ObjDoubleBorder = "DoubleBorder"
ObjEdit = "Edit"
ObjScrollBar = "ScrollBar"
ObjViewButtons = "ViewButtons"
ObjCheckBox = "CheckBox"
ObjRadio = "Radio"
ObjProgressBar = "ProgressBar"
const (
// Window back and fore colors (inner area & border)
ColorViewBack = "ViewBack"
ColorViewText = "ViewText"
// general colors
ColorBack = "Back"
ColorText = "Text"
ColorDisabled = "Gray"
// editable & listbox-like controls
ColorEditBack = "EditBack"
ColorEditText = "EditText"
ColorEditActiveBack = "EditActiveBack"
ColorEditActiveText = "EditActiveText"
ColorSelectionText = "SelectionText"
ColorSelectionBack = "SelectionBack"
// scroll control
ColorScrollText = "ScrollText"
ColorScrollBack = "ScrollBack"
ColorThumbText = "ThumbText"
ColorThumbBack = "ThumbBack"
// window-like controls (button, radiogroup...)
ColorControlText = "ControlText"
ColorControlBack = "ControlBack"
ColorControlActiveBack = "ControlActiveBack"
ColorControlActiveText = "ControlActiveText"
ColorControlDisabledBack = "ControlDisabledBack"
ColorControlDisabledText = "ControlDisabledText"
ColorControlShadow = "ControlShadow"
// progressbar colors
ColorProgressBack = "ProgressBack"
ColorProgressText = "ProgressText"
ColorProgressEmptyBack = "ProgressEmptyBack"
ColorProgressEmptyText = "ProgressEmptyText"
// EventType
// Event that window or control may process
// Note: Do not change events from EventKey to EventNone - they correspond to the same named events in termbox library
const (
// a key pressed
EventKey EventType = iota
// an object or console size changed. X and Y are new width and height
// Mouse button clicked. X and Y are coordinates of mouse click. Note: used only for non-Windows builds
// Something bad happened
// Asks an object to redraw. A library can ask a control to redraw and control can send the event to its parent to ask for total repaint, e.g, button sends redraw event after to its parent it depressed after a while to imitate real button
// an object that receives the event should close and destroys itself
// Notify an object when it is activated or deactivated. X determines whether the object is activated or deactivated(0 - deactivated, 1 - activated)
// An object changes its position. X and Y are new coordinates of the object
control events
// Content of a control changed. E.g, EditField text changed, selected item of ListBox changed etc
// X defines how the content was changed: 0 - by pressing any key, 1 - by clicking mouse. This is used by compound controls, e.g, child ListBox of ComboBox should change its parent EditField text when a user selects a new item an ListBox with arrow keys and the ListBox should be closed if a user clicks on ListBox item
// Button event - button was clicked
// Close application