251 lines
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251 lines
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package db
Stores the database functions related to tasks like
GetTaskByID(id int)
GetTasks(status string)
import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" //we want to use sqlite natively
md "github.com/shurcooL/github_flavored_markdown"
var database Database
var err error
//Database encapsulates database
type Database struct {
db *sql.DB
func (db Database) begin() (tx *sql.Tx) {
tx, err := db.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil
return tx
func (db Database) prepare(q string) (stmt *sql.Stmt) {
stmt, err := db.db.Prepare(q)
if err != nil {
return nil
return stmt
func (db Database) query(q string, args ...interface{}) (rows *sql.Rows) {
rows, err := db.db.Query(q, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil
return rows
func init() {
database.db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", "./tasks.db")
if err != nil {
//Close function closes this database connection
func Close() {
//GetTasks retrieves all the tasks depending on the
//status pending or trashed or completed
func GetTasks(status, category string) (types.Context, error) {
var task []types.Task
var context types.Context
var TaskID int
var TaskTitle string
var TaskContent string
var TaskCreated time.Time
var TaskPriority string
var getTasksql string
var rows *sql.Rows
basicSQL := "select id, title, content, created_date, priority from task t"
if status == "pending" && category == "" {
getTasksql = basicSQL + " where finish_date is null and is_deleted='N' order by priority desc, created_date asc"
} else if status == "deleted" {
getTasksql = basicSQL + " where is_deleted='Y' order by priority desc, created_date asc"
} else if status == "completed" {
getTasksql = basicSQL + " where finish_date is not null order by priority desc, created_date asc"
if category != "" {
status = category
getTasksql = "select t.id, title, content, created_date, priority from task t, category c where c.id = t.cat_id and name = ?"
rows, err = database.db.Query(getTasksql, category)
if err != nil {
log.Println("something went wrong while getting query")
} else {
rows = database.query(getTasksql)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&TaskID, &TaskTitle, &TaskContent, &TaskCreated, &TaskPriority)
TaskContent = string(md.Markdown([]byte(TaskContent)))
// TaskContent = strings.Replace(TaskContent, "\n", "<br>", -1)
if err != nil {
TaskCreated = TaskCreated.Local()
a := types.Task{Id: TaskID, Title: TaskTitle, Content: TaskContent, Created: TaskCreated.Format(time.UnixDate)[0:20], Priority: TaskPriority}
task = append(task, a)
context = types.Context{Tasks: task, Navigation: status}
return context, nil
//GetTaskByID function gets the tasks from the ID passed to the function, used to populate EditTask
func GetTaskByID(id int) (types.Context, error) {
var tasks []types.Task
var task types.Task
getTasksql := "select t.id, t.title, t.content, t.priority, c.name from task t left outer join category c where c.id = t.cat_id and t.id=?"
rows := database.query(getTasksql, id)
defer rows.Close()
if rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&task.Id, &task.Title, &task.Content, &task.Priority, &task.Category)
if err != nil {
//send email to respective people
tasks = append(tasks, task)
context := types.Context{Tasks: tasks, Navigation: "edit"}
return context, nil
//TrashTask is used to delete the task
func TrashTask(id int) error {
err := taskQuery("update task set is_deleted='Y',last_modified_at=datetime() where id=?", id)
return err
//CompleteTask is used to mark tasks as complete
func CompleteTask(id int) error {
err := taskQuery("update task set is_deleted='Y', finish_date=datetime(),last_modified_at=datetime() where id=?", id)
return err
//DeleteAll is used to empty the trash
func DeleteAll() error {
err := taskQuery("delete from task where is_deleted='Y'")
return err
//RestoreTask is used to restore tasks from the Trash
func RestoreTask(id int) error {
err := taskQuery("update task set is_deleted='N',last_modified_at=datetime() where id=?", id)
return err
//RestoreTaskFromComplete is used to restore tasks from the Trash
func RestoreTaskFromComplete(id int) error {
err := taskQuery("update task set finish_date=null,last_modified_at=datetime() where id=?", id)
return err
//DeleteTask is used to delete the task from the database
func DeleteTask(id int) error {
err := taskQuery("delete from task where id = ?", id)
return err
//AddTask is used to add the task in the database
func AddTask(title, content, category string, taskPriority int) error {
var err error
if category == "" {
err = taskQuery("insert into task(title, content, priority, created_date, last_modified_at) values(?,?,?,datetime(), datetime())", title, content, taskPriority)
} else {
categoryID := GetCategoryById(category)
err = taskQuery("insert into task(title, content, priority, created_date, last_modified_at, cat_id) values(?,?,?,datetime(), datetime(), ?)", title, content, taskPriority, categoryID)
return err
//GetCategoryIdByName will return the category ID for the category, used in the edit task
//function where we need to be able to update the categoryID of the task
func GetCategoryIdByName(category string) int {
var categoryID int
getTasksql := "select id from category where name=?"
rows := database.query(getTasksql, category)
defer rows.Close()
if rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&categoryID)
if err != nil {
//send email to respective people
return categoryID
//UpdateTask is used to update the tasks in the database
func UpdateTask(id int, title, content, category string) error {
categoryID := GetCategoryIdByName(category)
err := taskQuery("update task set title=?, content=?, cat_id=? where id=?", title, content, categoryID, id)
return err
//taskQuery encapsulates running multiple queries which don't do much things
func taskQuery(sql string, args ...interface{}) error {
SQL := database.prepare(sql)
tx := database.begin()
_, err = tx.Stmt(SQL).Exec(args...)
if err != nil {
} else {
return err
//SearchTask is used to return the search results depending on the query
func SearchTask(query string) types.Context {
stmt := "select id, title, content, created_date from task where title like '%" + query + "%' or content like '%" + query + "%'"
var task []types.Task
var TaskID int
var TaskTitle string
var TaskContent string
var TaskCreated time.Time
var context types.Context
rows := database.query(stmt, query, query)
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&TaskID, &TaskTitle, &TaskContent, &TaskCreated)
if err != nil {
TaskTitle = strings.Replace(TaskTitle, query, "<span class='highlight'>"+query+"</span>", -1)
TaskContent = strings.Replace(TaskContent, query, "<span class='highlight'>"+query+"</span>", -1)
TaskContent = string(md.Markdown([]byte(TaskContent)))
a := types.Task{Id: TaskID, Title: TaskTitle, Content: TaskContent, Created: TaskCreated.Format(time.UnixDate)[0:20]}
task = append(task, a)
context = types.Context{Tasks: task, Search: query}
return context