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Load Test

This project contains platform's load tests.


To run the tests you must have OpenJDK8 and SBT installed on your machine.


Tests are configured to use variables from JAVA_OPTS presented in the following table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.

Variable Description Default
users Users service URL http://localhost:8180
things Things service URL http://localhost:8182
http HTTP adapter service URL http://localhost:8185
ws WebSocket adapter service URL localhost:8186
requests Number of requests to be sent per second 100


This project contains three simulations:

  • CreateAndRetrieveThings
  • PublishHttpMessages
  • PublishWsMessages

To run all tests you will have to run following commands:

cd <path_to_mainflux_project>/load-test
sbt gatling:test

Things creation and retrieval

CreateAndRetrieveThings contains load tests for creating and retrieving things. Execute the following command to run the suite:

sbt "gatling:testOnly com.mainflux.loadtest.CreateAndRetrieveThings"

Message publishing over HTTP adapter

PublishHttpMessages contains load tests for publishing messages over HTTP. Execute the following command to run the suite:

sbt "gatling:testOnly com.mainflux.loadtest.PublishHttpMessages"

Message publishing over WebSocket adapter

PublishWsMessages contains load tests for publishing messages over WebSocket. Execute the following command to run the suite:

sbt "gatling:testOnly com.mainflux.loadtest.PublishWsMessages"