464 lines
13 KiB
464 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright (c) Mainflux
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package twins_test
import (
authmocks "github.com/mainflux/mainflux/auth/mocks"
const (
twinName = "name"
wrongID = ""
token = "token"
email = "user@example.com"
numRecs = 100
var (
subtopics = []string{"engine", "chassis", "wheel_2"}
channels = []string{"01ec3c3e-0e66-4e69-9751-a0545b44e08f", "48061e4f-7c23-4f5c-9012-0f9b7cd9d18d", "5b2180e4-e96b-4469-9dc1-b6745078d0b6"}
func TestAddTwin(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{}
def := twins.Definition{}
cases := []struct {
desc string
twin twins.Twin
token string
err error
desc: "add new twin",
twin: twin,
token: token,
err: nil,
desc: "add twin with wrong credentials",
twin: twin,
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
_, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), tc.token, tc.twin, def)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
func TestUpdateTwin(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{}
other := twins.Twin{}
def := twins.Definition{}
other.ID = wrongID
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
saved, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s\n", err))
saved.Name = twinName
cases := []struct {
desc string
twin twins.Twin
token string
err error
desc: "update existing twin",
twin: saved,
token: token,
err: nil,
desc: "update twin with wrong credentials",
twin: saved,
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
desc: "update non-existing twin",
twin: other,
token: token,
err: errors.ErrNotFound,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
err := svc.UpdateTwin(context.Background(), tc.token, tc.twin, def)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
func TestViewTwin(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{}
def := twins.Definition{}
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
saved, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s\n", err))
cases := []struct {
desc string
id string
token string
err error
desc: "view existing twin",
id: saved.ID,
token: token,
err: nil,
desc: "view twin with wrong credentials",
id: saved.ID,
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
desc: "view non-existing twin",
id: wrongID,
token: token,
err: errors.ErrNotFound,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
_, err := svc.ViewTwin(context.Background(), tc.token, tc.id)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
func TestListTwins(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{Name: twinName, Owner: email}
def := twins.Definition{}
m := make(map[string]interface{})
m["serial"] = "123456"
twin.Metadata = m
n := uint64(10)
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
_, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s\n", err))
cases := []struct {
desc string
token string
offset uint64
limit uint64
size uint64
metadata map[string]interface{}
err error
desc: "list all twins",
token: token,
offset: 0,
limit: n,
size: n,
err: nil,
desc: "list with zero limit",
token: token,
limit: 0,
offset: 0,
size: 0,
err: nil,
desc: "list with offset and limit",
token: token,
offset: 8,
limit: 5,
size: 2,
err: nil,
desc: "list with wrong credentials",
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
limit: 0,
offset: n,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
_, err := svc.ListTwins(context.Background(), tc.token, tc.offset, tc.limit, twinName, tc.metadata)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
func TestRemoveTwin(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{}
def := twins.Definition{}
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
saved, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s\n", err))
cases := []struct {
desc string
id string
token string
err error
desc: "remove twin with wrong credentials",
id: saved.ID,
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
desc: "remove existing twin",
id: saved.ID,
token: token,
err: nil,
desc: "remove removed twin",
id: saved.ID,
token: token,
err: nil,
desc: "remove non-existing twin",
id: wrongID,
token: token,
err: nil,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
err := svc.RemoveTwin(context.Background(), tc.token, tc.id)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
func TestSaveStates(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{Owner: email}
def := mocks.CreateDefinition(channels[0:2], subtopics[0:2])
attr := def.Attributes[0]
attrSansTwin := mocks.CreateDefinition(channels[2:3], subtopics[2:3]).Attributes[0]
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
tw, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
defWildcard := mocks.CreateDefinition(channels[0:2], []string{twins.SubtopicWildcard, twins.SubtopicWildcard})
repoCall = auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
twWildcard, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, defWildcard)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
recs := make([]senml.Record, numRecs)
var ttlAdded uint64
cases := []struct {
desc string
recs []senml.Record
attr twins.Attribute
size uint64
err error
desc: "add 100 states",
recs: recs,
attr: attr,
size: numRecs,
err: nil,
desc: "add 20 states",
recs: recs[10:30],
attr: attr,
size: 20,
err: nil,
desc: "add 20 states for atttribute without twin",
recs: recs[30:50],
size: 0,
attr: attrSansTwin,
err: errors.ErrNotFound,
desc: "use empty senml record",
recs: []senml.Record{},
attr: attr,
size: 0,
err: nil,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
message, err := mocks.CreateMessage(tc.attr, tc.recs)
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
err = svc.SaveStates(context.Background(), message)
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
ttlAdded += tc.size
page, err := svc.ListStates(context.TODO(), token, 0, 10, tw.ID)
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
assert.Equal(t, ttlAdded, page.Total, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %d total got %d total\n", tc.desc, ttlAdded, page.Total))
page, err = svc.ListStates(context.TODO(), token, 0, 10, twWildcard.ID)
assert.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
assert.Equal(t, ttlAdded, page.Total, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %d total got %d total\n", tc.desc, ttlAdded, page.Total))
func TestListStates(t *testing.T) {
svc, auth := mocks.NewService()
twin := twins.Twin{Owner: email}
def := mocks.CreateDefinition(channels[0:2], subtopics[0:2])
attr := def.Attributes[0]
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
tw, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token, twin, def)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
repoCall = auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
tw2, err := svc.AddTwin(context.Background(), token,
twins.Twin{Owner: email},
mocks.CreateDefinition(channels[2:3], subtopics[2:3]))
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
recs := make([]senml.Record, numRecs)
message, err := mocks.CreateMessage(attr, recs)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
repoCall = auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
err = svc.SaveStates(context.Background(), message)
require.Nil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err))
cases := []struct {
desc string
id string
token string
offset uint64
limit uint64
size int
err error
desc: "get a list of first 10 states",
id: tw.ID,
token: token,
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
size: 10,
err: nil,
desc: "get a list of last 10 states",
id: tw.ID,
token: token,
offset: numRecs - 10,
limit: numRecs,
size: 10,
err: nil,
desc: "get a list of last 10 states with limit > numRecs",
id: tw.ID,
token: token,
offset: numRecs - 10,
limit: numRecs + 10,
size: 10,
err: nil,
desc: "get a list of first 10 states with offset == numRecs",
id: tw.ID,
token: token,
offset: numRecs,
limit: numRecs + 10,
size: 0,
err: nil,
desc: "get a list with wrong user token",
id: tw.ID,
token: authmocks.InvalidValue,
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
size: 0,
err: errors.ErrAuthentication,
desc: "get a list with id of non-existent twin",
id: "1234567890",
token: token,
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
size: 0,
err: nil,
desc: "get a list with id of existing twin without states ",
id: tw2.ID,
token: token,
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
size: 0,
err: nil,
for _, tc := range cases {
repoCall := auth.On("Identify", mock.Anything, &mainflux.IdentityReq{Token: tc.token}).Return(&mainflux.IdentityRes{Id: testsutil.GenerateUUID(t)}, nil)
page, err := svc.ListStates(context.TODO(), tc.token, tc.offset, tc.limit, tc.id)
assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %s got %s\n", tc.desc, tc.err, err))
assert.Equal(t, tc.size, len(page.States), fmt.Sprintf("%s: expected %d total got %d total\n", tc.desc, tc.size, len(page.States)))