function [f, m_db] = mls_freq_resp(id) %% Measure frequency response with MLS test signal % % [f, m] = mls_freq_resp(id) % % Input parameters % id - A string identifier for test case. An id 'selftest' is for special % usage. It calculates response of filtered MLS signal and computes % the measurement vs. known. Deviation is reported as error. It can % be useful if the internal MLS measurement parameters are adjusted. % % Output parameters % f - Frequency vector in Hz % m - Measured magnitude responses in dB % % Configuration (edit these): % mls_play_config.txt % mls_rec_config.txt % % The script will return also a text CSV format file with name mls-.txt. % %% % Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation % All rights reserved. % % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: % * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. % * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the % documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. % * Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the % names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products % derived from this software without specific prior written permission. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" % AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE % IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE % ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE % LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR % CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF % SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS % INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN % CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) % ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE % POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % % Author: Seppo Ingalsuo % %% Settings np = 1024; % Number of frequency points to use f_lo = 100; % Lower frequency limit for analysis f_hi = 20e3; % Upper frequency limit for analysis t_tot = 10e-3; % MLS analysis window length in s t_mls_s = 1.0; % MLS test signal length in s a_mls_db = -10; % MLS test signal amplitude in dB fs = 48e3; % Sample rate in Hz bits = 16; % Audio format to use (bits) fmt = 'S16_LE'; % Audio format to use (ALSA) dir = '/tmp'; % Directory for temporary files capture_level_max_db = -1; % Expected max. level capture_level_min_db = -30; % Expacted min. level %% Get device identifier to use if nargin < 1 id = 'unknown'; end if strcmp(id, 'selftest') selftest = 1; % Just some simulated speaker response to use as self test case stb = [ 0.341762453, -0.915611126, 0.482465118, ... 1.017612317, -1.722527013, 0.711608745, ... 0.630608859, -0.813609935, 0.267690582, ]; sta = [ 1.000000000, -3.931695128, 6.630812276, ... -6.339248735, 3.800407709, -1.559376698, ... 0.619626250, -0.317702349, 0.097453451, ]; else selftest = 0; end measfn = sprintf('mls-%s.wav', id); csvfn = sprintf('mls-%s.txt', id); %% Paths addpath('../../test/audio/test_utils'); %% MLS n_mls = round(fs*t_mls_s); mls = 10^(a_mls_db/20) * (2 * mlsp12(1, n_mls) - 1); mlsfn = 'mls-ref.wav'; audiowrite(mlsfn, mls, fs); %% Chip markers and parameters for find sync [x1, m1] = sync_chirp(fs, 'up'); [x2, m2] = sync_chirp(fs, 'down'); fnd.fs = fs; % Sample rate = 3; % Max seek from start fnd.em = 3; % Max seek from end fnd.idle_t = 2; % max idle in start or end fnd.mark_t = m1.t; % Marker length = 1; % One signal (amplitude) = 1; % One signal (frequency) = t_mls_s; % Length of signal = 0.1; % Threshold length to issue error = 0; % Ignore from start = 0; % Ignore from end %% Merge markers and MLS z = zeros(n_mls + m1.n + m2.n, 1); i1 = m1.n + 1; i2 = m1.n + n_mls; z(1:i1 - 1) = x1; z(i1:i2) = mls; z(i2 + 1:end) = x2; %% Get config rec_cfg = meas_remote_rec_config(fs, fmt); play_cfg = meas_remote_play_config; %% Capture MLS from all playback channel at time mixfn = 'mlsmix.wav'; recfn = 'recch.wav'; y = []; for i=1:play_cfg.nch fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Measure playback channel %d\n', i); if selftest tz =zeros(2*fs+length(z), 1); % Pad 2s tz(fs:fs+length(z)-1) = z; t = filter(stb, sta, tz); % Filter with test response r = t(:) * ones(1, rec_cfg.nch); % Copy to all channels else x = zeros(length(z), play_cfg.nch); x(:,i) = z; mixdfn = sprintf('%s/%s', dir, mixfn); audiowrite(mixdfn, x, fs, 'BitsPerSample', bits); copy_playback(mixdfn, play_cfg); tcap = floor(3 + t_mls_s); remote_capture(recfn, rec_cfg, tcap); pause(1); remote_play(mixfn, play_cfg); pause(3); r = get_recording(recfn, rec_cfg); end [d, nt] = find_test_signal(r(:,1), fnd); for j = 1:rec_cfg.nch y(:, rec_cfg.nch*(i-1) + j) = r(d:d + nt -1, j); end m = 20*log10(max(abs(r))); fprintf('Peak levels for capture channels (dB):'); for j = 1:rec_cfg.nch fprintf(' %5.1f', m(j)); end fprintf('\n'); if max(m) > capture_level_max_db fprintf('Warning: The recording level is too loud.\n'); end if min(m) < capture_level_min_db fprintf('Warning: The recording level is too silent.\n'); end end audiowrite(measfn, y, fs, 'BitsPerSample', bits); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Done.\n'); [f, m_db, b] = mls_calc_resp(csvfn, mlsfn, measfn, t_tot, np, f_lo, f_hi); figure idx = find(f>1e3, 1, 'first') - 1; m_db_align = m_db - m_db(idx); semilogx(f, m_db_align); ax=axis(); axis([f_lo f_hi ax(3:4)]); grid on; xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); if selftest title('Measured vs. reference response'); h = freqz(stb, sta, f, fs); ref_db = 20*log10(abs(h)); ref_db_align = ref_db - ref_db(idx); hold on; plot(f, ref_db_align, 'r--'); hold off; idx = find(f < f_hi); idx = find(f(idx) > f_lo); m_lin = 10.^(m_db_align(idx)/20); ref_lin = 10.^(ref_db_align(idx)/20); err_lin = m_lin - ref_lin; e_rms = sqrt(mean(err_lin.^2)); e_db = 20*log10(e_rms); figure; semilogx(f(idx), 20*log10(abs(err_lin))) grid on; xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); title('Observed Error in self test'); if e_db < -30 fprintf('Passed self test. '); else fprintf('Failed self test. '); end fprintf('Response RMS error is %4.1f dB.\n', e_db); end end function copy_playback(fn, cfg) if cfg.ssh cmd = sprintf('scp %s %s:%s/', fn, cfg.user, cfg.dir); fprintf('Remote copy: %s\n', cmd); system(cmd); else %cmd = sprintf('cp %s %s/', fn, cfg.dir); %fprintf('Local copy: %s\n', cmd); end end function y = get_recording(fn, cfg) if cfg.ssh cmd = sprintf('scp %s:%s/%s %s', cfg.user, cfg.dir, fn, fn); fprintf('Remote copy: %s\n', cmd); else cmd = sprintf('cp %s/%s %s', cfg.dir, fn, fn); fprintf('Local copy: %s\n', cmd); end system(cmd); y = audioread(fn); delete(fn); end function remote_play(fn, cfg) if cfg.ssh cmd = sprintf('ssh %s aplay -D%s %s/%s', cfg.user,, cfg.dir, fn); fprintf('Remote play: %s\n', cmd); else cmd = sprintf('aplay -D%s %s/%s',, cfg.dir, fn); fprintf('Local play: %s\n', cmd); end system(cmd); end function remote_capture(fn, cfg, t) if cfg.ssh cmd = sprintf('ssh %s arecord -q -D%s %s -d %d %s/%s &', ... cfg.user,, cfg.fmt, t, cfg.dir, fn); fprintf('Remote capture: %s\n', cmd); else cmd = sprintf('arecord -q -D%s %s -d %d %s/%s &', ..., cfg.fmt, t, cfg.dir, fn); fprintf('Local capture: %s\n', cmd); end system(cmd); end function play = meas_remote_play_config() source mls_play_config.txt; fprintf('\nThe setttings for remote playback are\n'); fprintf('Use ssh : %d\n', play.ssh); fprintf('User : %s\n', play.user); fprintf('Directory : %s\n', play.dir); fprintf('Device : %s\n',; fprintf('Channels : %d\n', play.nch); end function rec = meas_remote_rec_config(fs, fmt) source mls_rec_config.txt; rec.fmt = sprintf('-t wav -c %d -f %s -r %d', ... rec.nch, fmt, fs); fprintf('\nThe setttings for remote capture are\n'); fprintf('Use ssh : %d\n', rec.ssh); fprintf('User : %s\n', rec.user); fprintf('Directory : %s\n', rec.dir); fprintf('Device : %s\n',; fprintf('format : %s\n', rec.fmt); fprintf('Channels : %d\n', rec.nch); end function [x, seed] = mlsp12(seed, n) % Based on book Numerical Recipes in C, chapter 7.4 Generation of % random bits method II p. 298-299 example and 12 bit primitive % polynomial (12, 6, 4, 1, 0) x = zeros(1,n); ib1 = 2^(1-1); ib4 = 2^(4-1); ib6 = 2^(6-1); ib12 = 2^(12-1); mask = ib1 + ib4 + ib6 + ib12; for i = 1:n if bitand(seed, ib12) seed = bitor(bitxor(seed, mask) * 2 , ib1); x(i) = 1; else seed = seed * 2; x(i) = 0; end end end