
1090 lines
40 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Too much noise for now, these can be re-enabled after they've been
# fixed (if that does not break `git blame` too much)
# W0311, W0312, W0603
# pylint:disable=bad-indentation
# pylint:disable=mixed-indentation
# pylint:disable=global-statement
# C0103, C0114, C0116
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
# pylint:disable=missing-module-docstring
# pylint:disable=missing-function-docstring
# Non-indentation whitespace has been removed from newer pylint. It does
# not hurt to keep them for older versions. The recommendation is to use
# a formatter like `black` instead, unfortunately this would totally
# destroy git blame, git revert, etc.
# C0326, C0330
# pylint:disable=bad-whitespace
# pylint:disable=bad-continuation
import argparse
import shlex
import subprocess
import pathlib
import errno
import platform as py_platform
import sys
import shutil
import os
import warnings
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import json
import gzip
import dataclasses
import concurrent.futures as concurrent
from west import configuration as west_config
# anytree module is defined in Zephyr build requirements
from anytree import AnyNode, RenderTree, render
from packaging import version
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..'))
from tools.sof_ri_info import sof_ri_info
assert sys.version_info >= MIN_PYTHON_VERSION, \
f"Python {MIN_PYTHON_VERSION} or above is required."
# Version of this script matching Major.Minor.Patch style.
VERSION = version.Version("2.0.0")
# Constant value resolves SOF_TOP directory as: "this script directory/.."
SOF_TOP = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1].resolve()
west_top = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "..").resolve()
sof_fw_version = None
if py_platform.system() == "Windows":
xtensa_tools_version_postfix = "-win32"
elif py_platform.system() == "Linux":
xtensa_tools_version_postfix = "-linux"
xtensa_tools_version_postfix = "-unsupportedOS"
warnings.warn(f"Your operating system: {py_platform.system()} is not supported")
# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
class PlatformConfig:
"Product parameters"
vendor: str
RIMAGE_KEY: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "keys", "otc_private_key_3k.pem")
aliases: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
ipc4: bool = False
# These can all be built out of the box. --all builds all these.
# Some of these values are duplicated in sof/scripts/ keep them in sync.
platform_configs_all = {
# Intel platforms
"tgl" : PlatformConfig(
"intel", "intel_adsp_cavs25",
aliases = ['adl', 'adl-n', 'ehl', 'rpl'],
ipc4 = True
"tgl-h" : PlatformConfig(
"intel", "intel_adsp_cavs25_tgph",
aliases = ['adl-s', 'rpl-s'],
ipc4 = True
"mtl" : PlatformConfig(
"intel", "intel_adsp_ace15_mtpm",
aliases = ['arl', 'arl-s'],
ipc4 = True
"lnl" : PlatformConfig(
"intel", "intel_adsp_ace20_lnl",
ipc4 = True
# NXP platforms
"imx8" : PlatformConfig(
"imx", "nxp_adsp_imx8",
RIMAGE_KEY = "key param ignored by imx8",
"imx8x" : PlatformConfig(
"imx", "nxp_adsp_imx8x",
RIMAGE_KEY = "key param ignored by imx8x"
"imx8m" : PlatformConfig(
"imx", "nxp_adsp_imx8m",
RIMAGE_KEY = "key param ignored by imx8m"
"imx8ulp" : PlatformConfig(
"imx", "nxp_adsp_imx8ulp",
RIMAGE_KEY = "key param ignored by imx8ulp"
# These cannot be built out of the box yet
extra_platform_configs = {
platform_configs = platform_configs_all.copy()
class validate_platforms_arguments(argparse.Action):
"""Validates positional platform arguments whether provided platform name is supported."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if values:
for value in values:
if value not in platform_configs:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"Unsupported platform: {value}")
setattr(namespace, "platforms", values)
args = None
def parse_args():
global args
global west_top
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
epilog=("This script supports XtensaTools but only when installed in a specific\n" +
"directory structure, example:\n" +
"myXtensa/\n" +
"└── install/\n" +
" ├── builds/\n" +
" │   ├── RD-2012.5{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) +
" │   │   └── Intel_HiFiEP/\n" +
" │   └── RG-2017.8{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) +
" │   ├── LX4_langwell_audio_17_8/\n" +
" │   └── X4H3I16w2D48w3a_2017_8/\n" +
" └── tools/\n" +
" ├── RD-2012.5{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) +
" │   └── XtensaTools/\n" +
" └── RG-2017.8{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) +
" └── XtensaTools/\n" +
"$XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT=/path/to/myXtensa ...\n" +
f"\nSupported platforms: {list(platform_configs)}"), add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='store_true', help='show help')
parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", required=False, action="store_true",
help="Build all currently supported platforms")
parser.add_argument("platforms", nargs="*", action=validate_platforms_arguments,
help="List of platforms to build")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", required=False, action="store_true",
help="Shortcut for: -o sof/app/debug_overlay.conf")
# NO SOF release will ever user the option --fw-naming.
# This option is only for disguising SOF IPC4 as CAVS IPC4 and only in cases where
# the kernel 'ipc_type' expects CAVS IPC4. In this way, developers and CI can test
# IPC4 on older platforms.
parser.add_argument("--fw-naming", required=False, choices=["AVS", "SOF"],
help="""Determine firmware naming conversion and folder structure.
See also the newer and better '--deployable-build' for IPC4.
With "SOF" (default):
build-sof-staging (for /lib/firmware/intel/sof/)
│ └── sof-tgl.ri
├── dbgkey
│ └── sof-tgl.ri
├── sof-tgl.ri
└── sof-tgl.ldc
With "AVS"; filename 'dsp_basefw.bin'.
'AVS' automatically enables --use-platform-subdir which uses one subdirectory for each platform:
build-sof-staging (for old, developer /lib/firmware/intel/sof-ipc4/)
└── tgl
├── community
│ └── dsp_basefw.bin
├── dbgkey
│ └── dsp_basefw.bin
├── dsp_basefw.bin
└── sof-tgl.ldc
parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", required=False, type=int,
help="Number of concurrent jobs. Passed to west build and"
" to cmake (for rimage)")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", type=pathlib.Path, required=False,
help="Path to a non-default rimage signing key.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--overlay", type=pathlib.Path, required=False, action='append',
default=[], help="Paths to overlays")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pristine", required=False, action="store_true",
help="Perform pristine build removing build directory.")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", required=False, action="store_true",
help="""Runs west update command - clones SOF dependencies. Downloads next to this sof clone a new Zephyr
project with its required dependencies. Creates a modules/audio/sof symbolic link pointing
back at this sof clone. All projects are checkout out to
revision defined in manifests of SOF and Zephyr.""")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count',
help="""Verbosity level. Repetition of the flag increases verbosity.
The same number of '-v' is passed to "west".
# Cannot use a standard -- delimiter because argparse deletes it.
parser.add_argument("-C", "--cmake-args", action='append', default=[],
help="""Cmake arguments passed as is to cmake configure step.
Can be passed multiple times; whitespace is preserved Example:
-C=--warn-uninitialized -C '-DEXTRA_FLAGS=-Werror -g0'
Note '-C --warn-uninitialized' is not supported by argparse, an equal
sign must be used (""",
parser.add_argument("--key-type-subdir", default="community",
choices=["community", "none", "dbgkey"],
help="""Output subdirectory for rimage signing key type.
Default key type subdirectory is \"community\".""")
parser.add_argument("--use-platform-subdir", default = False,
help="""Use an output subdirectory for each platform.
Otherwise, all firmware files are installed in the same staging directory by default.""")
parser.add_argument("--no-interactive", default=False, action="store_true",
help="""Run script in non-interactive mode when user input can not be provided.
This should be used with programmatic script invocations (eg. Continuous Integration).
deploy_args = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
# argparse.BooleanOptionalAction requires Python 3.9
deploy_args.add_argument("--no-deployable-build", dest='deployable_build', action='store_false')
deploy_args.add_argument("--deployable-build", dest='deployable_build', action='store_true',
help="""Create a directory structure for the firmware files which can be deployed on target as it is.
This option will cause the --fw-naming and --use-platform-subdir options to be ignored!
The generic, default directory and file structure is IPC version dependent:
build-sof-staging/sof/VENDOR/sof/ (on target: /lib/firmware/VENDOR/sof/)
├── community
│ └── sof-PLAT.ri
├── dbgkey
│ └── sof-PLAT.ri
└── sof-PLAT.ri
build-sof-staging/sof/VENDOR/sof-ipc4/ (on target: /lib/firmware/VENDOR/sof-ipc4/)
└── PLAT
├── community
│ └── sof-PLAT.ri
├── dbgkey
│ └── sof-PLAT.ri
└── sof-PLAT.ri\n
parser.add_argument("--version", required=False, action="store_true",
help="Prints version of this script.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.all:
args.platforms = list(platform_configs_all)
# print help message if no arguments provided
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or
for platform in platform_configs:
if platform_configs[platform].aliases:
parser.epilog += "\nPlatform aliases for '" + platform + "':\t"
parser.epilog += f"{list(platform_configs[platform].aliases)}"
if args.deployable_build:
if args.fw_naming == 'AVS' or args.use_platform_subdir:
sys.exit("Options '--fw-naming=AVS' and '--use-platform-subdir'"
" are incompatible with deployable builds, try --no-deployable-build?")
if args.fw_naming == 'AVS':
if not args.use_platform_subdir:
warnings.warn("The option '--fw-naming AVS' has to be used with '--use-platform-subdir'. Enable '--use-platform-subdir' automatically.")
def execute_command(*run_args, **run_kwargs):
"""[summary] Provides wrapper for that prints
command executed when 'more verbose' verbosity level is set."""
command_args = run_args[0]
# If you really need the shell in some non-portable section then
# invoke directly.
if run_kwargs.get('shell') or not isinstance(command_args, list):
raise RuntimeError("Do not rely on non-portable shell parsing")
if args.verbose >= 0:
cwd = run_kwargs.get('cwd')
print_cwd = f"In dir: {cwd}" if cwd else f"in current dir: {os.getcwd()}"
print_args = shlex.join(command_args)
output = f"{print_cwd}; running command:\n {print_args}"
env_arg = run_kwargs.get('env')
env_change = set(env_arg.items()) - set(os.environ.items()) if env_arg else None
if env_change and (run_kwargs.get('sof_log_env') or args.verbose >= 1):
output += "\n... with extra/modified environment:\n"
for k_v in env_change:
output += f"{k_v[0]}={k_v[1]}\n"
print(output, flush=True)
run_kwargs = {k: run_kwargs[k] for k in run_kwargs if not k.startswith("sof_")}
if not 'check' in run_kwargs:
run_kwargs['check'] = True
return*run_args, **run_kwargs)
def symlink_or_copy(targetdir, targetfile, linkdir, linkfile):
"""Create a relative symbolic link or copy. Don't bother Windows users
with symbolic links because they require special privileges.
Windows don't care about /lib/firmware/sof/ anyway.
Make a copy instead to preserve cross-platform consistency.
target = pathlib.Path(targetdir) / targetfile
link = pathlib.Path(linkdir) / linkfile
if py_platform.system() == "Windows":
shutil.copy2(target, link)
link.symlink_to(os.path.relpath(target, linkdir))
def show_installed_files():
"""[summary] Scans output directory building binary tree from files and folders
then presents them in similar way to linux tree command."""
graph_root = AnyNode(, long_name=".", parent=None)
relative_entries = [
entry.relative_to(STAGING_DIR) for entry in sorted(STAGING_DIR.glob("**/*"))
nodes = [ graph_root ]
for entry in relative_entries:
# Node's documentation does allow random attributes
# pylint: disable=no-member
# sorted() makes sure our parent is already there.
# This is slightly awkward, a recursive function would be more readable
matches = [node for node in nodes if node.long_name == str(entry.parent)]
assert len(matches) == 1, f'"{entry}" does not have exactly one parent'
nodes.append(AnyNode(, long_name=str(entry), parent=matches[0]))
for pre, _, node in RenderTree(graph_root, render.AsciiStyle):
fpath = STAGING_DIR / node.long_name
# pathLib.readlink() requires Python 3.9
symlink_trailer = f" -> {os.readlink(fpath)}" if fpath.is_symlink() else ""
stem =[:-3] if".gz") else
shasum_trailer = ""
if checksum_wanted(stem) and fpath.is_file() and not fpath.is_symlink():
shasum_trailer = "\tsha256=" + checksum(fpath)
print(f"{pre}{} {symlink_trailer} {shasum_trailer}")
# TODO: among other things in this file it should be less SOF-specific;
# try to move as much as possible to generic Zephyr code. See
# discussions in
def checksum_wanted(stem):
for pattern in CHECKSUM_WANTED:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(stem, pattern):
return True
return False
def checksum(fpath):
if fpath.suffix == ".gz":
inputf = gzip.GzipFile(fpath, "rb")
inputf = open(fpath, "rb")
chksum = hashlib.sha256(
return chksum
def check_west_installation():
west_path = shutil.which("west")
if not west_path:
raise FileNotFoundError("Install west and a west toolchain,"
print(f"Found west: {west_path}")
def west_reinitialize(west_root_dir: pathlib.Path, west_manifest_path: pathlib.Path):
"""[summary] Performs west reinitialization to SOF manifest file asking user for permission.
Prints error message if script is running in non-interactive mode.
:param west_root_dir: directory where is initialized.
:type west_root_dir: pathlib.Path
:param west_manifest_path: manifest file to which west is initialized.
:type west_manifest_path: pathlib.Path
:raises RuntimeError: Raised when west is initialized to wrong manifest file
(not SOFs manifest) and script is running in non-interactive mode.
global west_top
message = "West is initialized to manifest other than SOFs!\n"
message += f"Initialized to manifest: {west_manifest_path}." + "\n"
dot_west_directory = pathlib.Path(west_root_dir.resolve(), ".west")
if args.no_interactive:
message += f"Try deleting {dot_west_directory } directory and rerun this script."
raise RuntimeError(message)
question = message + "Reinitialize west to SOF manifest? [Y/n] "
while True:
reinitialize_answer = input().lower()
if reinitialize_answer in ["y", "n"]:
sys.stdout.write('Please respond with \'Y\' or \'n\'.\n')
if reinitialize_answer != 'y':
sys.exit("Can not proceed. Reinitialize your west manifest to SOF and rerun this script.")
execute_command(["west", "init", "-l", f"{SOF_TOP}"], cwd=west_top)
# TODO: use west APIs directly instead of all these indirect"west", ...) processes
def west_init_if_needed():
"""[summary] Validates whether west workspace had been initialized and points to SOF manifest.
Peforms west initialization if needed.
global west_top, SOF_TOP
west_manifest_path = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "west.yml")
result_rootdir = execute_command(["west", "topdir"], capture_output=True, cwd=west_top,
timeout=10, check=False)
if result_rootdir.returncode != 0:
execute_command(["west", "init", "-l", f"{SOF_TOP}"], cwd=west_top)
west_root_dir = pathlib.Path(result_rootdir.stdout.decode().rstrip()).resolve()
result_manifest_dir = execute_command(["west", "config", "manifest.path"], capture_output=True,
cwd=west_top, timeout=10, check=True)
west_manifest_dir = pathlib.Path(west_root_dir, result_manifest_dir.stdout.decode().rstrip()).resolve()
manifest_file_result = execute_command(["west", "config", "manifest.file"], capture_output=True,
cwd=west_top, timeout=10, check=True)
returned_manifest_path = pathlib.Path(west_manifest_dir, manifest_file_result.stdout.decode().rstrip())
if not returned_manifest_path.samefile(west_manifest_path):
west_reinitialize(west_root_dir, returned_manifest_path)
print(f"West workspace: {west_root_dir}")
print(f"West manifest path: {west_manifest_path}")
def create_zephyr_directory():
global west_top
# Do not fail when there's only an empty directory left over
# (because of some early interruption of this script or proxy
# misconfiguration, etc.)
# rmdir() is safe: it deletes empty directories ONLY.
except OSError as oserr:
if oserr.errno not in [errno.ENOTEMPTY, errno.ENOENT]:
raise oserr
# else when not empty then let the next line fail with a
# _better_ error message:
# "zephyrproject already exists"
west_top.mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=False)
west_top = west_top.resolve(strict=True)
def create_zephyr_sof_symlink():
global west_top, SOF_TOP
if not west_top.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("No west top: {}".format(west_top))
audio_modules_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, "modules", "audio")
audio_modules_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
sof_symlink = pathlib.Path(audio_modules_dir, "sof")
# Symlinks creation requires administrative privileges in Windows or special user rights
if not sof_symlink.exists():
sof_symlink.symlink_to(SOF_TOP, target_is_directory=True)
print(f"Failed to create symbolic link: {sof_symlink} to {SOF_TOP}."
"\nIf you run script on Windows run it with administrative privileges or\n"
"grant user symlink creation rights -"
def west_update():
"""[summary] Clones all west manifest projects to specified revisions"""
global west_top
execute_command(["west", "update"], check=True, timeout=3000, cwd=west_top)
def get_sof_version():
"""[summary] Get version string major.minor.micro of SOF
firmware file. When building multiple platforms from the same SOF
commit, all platforms share the same version. So for the 1st platform,
extract the version information from sof/versions.json and later platforms will
reuse it.
global sof_fw_version
if sof_fw_version:
return sof_fw_version
versions = {}
with open(SOF_TOP / "versions.json") as versions_file:
versions = json.load(versions_file)
# Keep this default value the same as the default SOF_MICRO in version.cmake
sof_micro = versions['SOF'].get('MICRO', "0")
sof_fw_version = (
return sof_fw_version
def rmtree_if_exists(directory):
"This is different from ignore_errors=False because it deletes everything or nothing"
if os.path.exists(directory):
def clean_staging(platform):
print(f"Cleaning {platform} from {STAGING_DIR}")
rmtree_if_exists(STAGING_DIR / "sof-info" / platform)
sof_output_dir = STAGING_DIR / "sof"
# --use-platform-subdir
rmtree_if_exists(sof_output_dir / platform)
# Remaining .ri and .ldc files
for p in [ platform ] + platform_configs[platform].aliases:
for f in sof_output_dir.glob(f"**/sof-{p}.*"):
# remove IPC4 deployable build directories
if platform_configs[platform].ipc4:
sof_platform_output_dir = sof_output_dir / platform_configs[platform].vendor / "sof-ipc4"
rmtree_if_exists(sof_platform_output_dir / platform)
for p_alias in platform_configs[platform].aliases:
rmtree_if_exists(sof_platform_output_dir / p_alias)
RIMAGE_BUILD_DIR = west_top / "build-rimage"
# Paths in `west.yml` must be "static", we cannot have something like a
# variable "$my_sof_path/rimage/" checkout. In the future "rimage/" will
# be moved one level up and it won't be nested inside "sof/" anymore. But
# for now we must stick to `sof/rimage/[tomlc99]` for
# backwards-compatibility with XTOS platforms and git submodules, see more
# detailed comments in west.yml
RIMAGE_SOURCE_DIR = west_top / "sof" / "tools" / "rimage"
def rimage_west_configuration(platform_dict, dest_dir):
"""Configure rimage in a new file `dest_dir/westconfig.ini`, starting
from the workspace .west/config.
Returns the pathlib.Path to the new file.
saved_local_var = os.environ.get('WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL')
workspace_west_config_path = os.environ.get('WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL',
str(west_top / ".west" / "config"))
platform_west_config_path = dest_dir / "westconfig.ini"
dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copyfile(workspace_west_config_path, platform_west_config_path)
# Create `platform_wconfig` object pointing at our copy
os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL'] = str(platform_west_config_path)
platform_wconfig = west_config.Configuration()
if saved_local_var is None:
del os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL']
os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL'] = saved_local_var
# By default, run rimage directly from the rimage build directory
if platform_wconfig.get("rimage.path") is None:
rimage_executable = shutil.which("rimage", path=RIMAGE_BUILD_DIR)
assert pathlib.Path(str(rimage_executable)).exists()
platform_wconfig.set("rimage.path", shlex.quote(rimage_executable),
_ws_args = platform_wconfig.get("rimage.extra-args")
workspace_extra_args = [] if _ws_args is None else shlex.split(_ws_args)
# Flatten default rimage options while giving precedence to the workspace =
# the user input. We could just append and leave duplicates but that would be
# at best confusing and at worst relying on undocumented rimage precedence.
extra_args = []
for default_opt in rimage_options(platform_dict):
if not default_opt[0] in workspace_extra_args:
extra_args += default_opt
extra_args += workspace_extra_args
platform_wconfig.set("rimage.extra-args", shlex.join(extra_args))
return platform_west_config_path
def build_rimage():
old_rimage_loc = SOF_TOP / "rimage"
# Don't warn on empty directories
if ( old_rimage_loc / "CMakeLists.txt" ).exists():
warnings.warn(f"""{old_rimage_loc} is now ignored,
new location is {RIMAGE_SOURCE_DIR}"""
rimage_dir_name =
# CMake build rimage module
if not (RIMAGE_BUILD_DIR / "CMakeCache.txt").is_file():
execute_command(["cmake", "-B", rimage_dir_name, "-G", "Ninja",
rimage_build_cmd = ["cmake", "--build", rimage_dir_name]
if is not None:
if args.verbose > 1:
execute_command(rimage_build_cmd, cwd=west_top)
def rimage_options(platform_dict):
"""Return a list of default rimage options as a list of tuples,
example: [ (-f, 2.5.0), (-b, 1), (-k, key.pem),... ]
opts = []
if args.verbose > 0:
opts.append(("-v",) * args.verbose)
signing_key = None
if args.key:
key_path = pathlib.Path(args.key)
assert key_path.exists(), f"{key_path} not found"
signing_key = key_path.resolve()
elif "RIMAGE_KEY" in platform_dict:
signing_key = platform_dict["RIMAGE_KEY"]
if signing_key is not None:
opts.append(("-k", str(signing_key)))
sof_fw_vers = get_sof_version()
opts.append(("-f", sof_fw_vers))
# Default value is 0 in rimage but for Zephyr the "build counter" has always
# been hardcoded to 1 in CMake and there is even a (broken) test that fails
# when it's not hardcoded to 1.
# FIXME: drop this line once the following test is fixed
# tests/avs/fw_00_basic/
# test_00_01_load_fw_and_check_version
opts.append(("-b", "1"))
return opts
def build_platforms():
global west_top, SOF_TOP
STAGING_DIR = pathlib.Path(west_top, "build-sof-staging")
# Don't leave the install of an old build behind
if args.pristine:
# This is important in (at least) two use cases:
# - when switching `--use-platform-subdir` on/off or changing key subdir,
# - when the build starts failing after a code change.
# Do not delete platforms that were not requested so this script can be
# invoked once per platform.
for platform in args.platforms:
rmtree_if_exists(STAGING_DIR / "tools")
# smex does not use 'install -D'
sof_output_dir = pathlib.Path(STAGING_DIR, "sof")
sof_output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for platform in args.platforms:
platf_build_environ = os.environ.copy()
if args.deployable_build:
vendor_output_dir = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, platform_configs[platform].vendor)
if platform_configs[platform].ipc4:
sof_platform_output_dir = pathlib.Path(vendor_output_dir, "sof-ipc4")
sof_platform_output_dir = pathlib.Path(vendor_output_dir, "sof")
sof_platform_output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if args.use_platform_subdir:
sof_platform_output_dir = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, platform)
sof_platform_output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
sof_platform_output_dir = sof_output_dir
# For now convert the new dataclass to what it used to be
_dict = dataclasses.asdict(platform_configs[platform])
platform_dict = { k:v for (k,v) in _dict.items() if _dict[k] is not None }
xtensa_tools_root_dir = os.getenv("XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT")
# when XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT environmental variable is set,
# use user installed Xtensa tools not Zephyr SDK
if "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION" in platform_dict and xtensa_tools_root_dir:
xtensa_tools_root_dir = pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir)
if not xtensa_tools_root_dir.is_dir():
raise RuntimeError(f"Platform {platform} uses Xtensa toolchain."
"\nVariable XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION points path that does not exist\n"
"or is not a directory")
# set variables expected by zephyr/cmake/toolchain/xcc/generic.cmake
platf_build_environ["ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT"] = platf_build_environ.get("ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT",
XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = str(pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir, "install",
XTENSA_CORE = platform_dict["XTENSA_CORE"]
platf_build_environ["TOOLCHAIN_VER"] = TOOLCHAIN_VER
# Set variables expected by xcc toolchain. CMake cannot set (evil) build-time
# environment variables at configure time:
XTENSA_BUILDS_DIR=str(pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir, "install", "builds",
XTENSA_SYSTEM = str(pathlib.Path(XTENSA_BUILDS_DIR, XTENSA_CORE, "config").absolute())
platf_build_environ["XTENSA_SYSTEM"] = XTENSA_SYSTEM
platform_build_dir_name = f"build-{platform}"
PLAT_CONFIG = platform_dict["PLAT_CONFIG"]
build_cmd = ["west"]
build_cmd += ["-v"] * args.verbose
build_cmd += ["build", "--build-dir", platform_build_dir_name]
source_dir = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "app")
build_cmd += ["--board", PLAT_CONFIG, str(source_dir)]
if args.pristine:
build_cmd += ["-p", "always"]
if is not None:
build_cmd += [f"--build-opt=-j{}"]
if args.cmake_args:
build_cmd += args.cmake_args
overlays = [str(item.resolve(True)) for item in args.overlay]
# The '-d' option is a shortcut for '-o path_to_debug_overlay', we are good
# if both are provided, because it's no harm to merge the same overlay twice.
if args.debug:
overlays.append(str(pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "app", "debug_overlay.conf")))
if overlays:
overlays = ";".join(overlays)
abs_build_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name)
# Longer story in
if not args.pristine and (
pathlib.Path(abs_build_dir, "").is_file()
or pathlib.Path(abs_build_dir, "Makefile").is_file()
if args.cmake_args or overlays:
warnings.warn("""CMake args slow down incremental builds.
Passing CMake parameters and overlays on the command line slows down incremental builds
Try "west config build.cmake-args -- ..." instead.""")
platf_build_environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL'] = str(rimage_west_configuration(
STAGING_DIR / "sof-info" / platform
# Make sure the build logs don't leave anything hidden
execute_command(['west', 'config', '-l'], cwd=west_top,
env=platf_build_environ, sof_log_env=True)
# Build
execute_command(build_cmd, cwd=west_top, env=platf_build_environ, sof_log_env=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
zephyr_path = pathlib.Path(west_top, "zephyr")
if not os.path.exists(zephyr_path):
sys.exit("Zephyr project not found. Please run this script with -u flag or `west update zephyr` manually.")
else: # unknown failure
raise cpe
smex_executable = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "smex_ep",
"build", "smex")
fw_ldc_file = pathlib.Path(sof_platform_output_dir, f"sof-{platform}.ldc")
input_elf_file = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "zephyr.elf")
# Extract metadata
execute_command([str(smex_executable), "-l", str(fw_ldc_file), str(input_elf_file)])
for p_alias in platform_configs[platform].aliases:
symlink_or_copy(sof_platform_output_dir, f"sof-{platform}.ldc", sof_platform_output_dir, f"sof-{p_alias}.ldc")
# reproducible-zephyr.ri is less useful now that show_installed_files() shows
# checksums too. However: - it's still useful when only the .ri file is
# available (no build logs for the other image), - it makes sure
# itself does not bitrot, - it can catch rimage issues, see for instance rimage
# fix 4fb9fe00575b
if platform not in RI_INFO_UNSUPPORTED:
reproducible_checksum(platform, west_top / platform_build_dir_name / "zephyr" / "zephyr.ri")
install_platform(platform, sof_platform_output_dir, platf_build_environ)
src_dest_list = []
# Install sof-logger
sof_logger_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr",
"sof-logger_ep", "build", "logger")
sof_logger_executable_to_copy = pathlib.Path(shutil.which("sof-logger", path=sof_logger_dir))
tools_output_dir = pathlib.Path(STAGING_DIR, "tools")
sof_logger_installed_file = pathlib.Path(tools_output_dir,
src_dest_list += [(sof_logger_executable_to_copy, sof_logger_installed_file)]
src_dest_list += [(pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP) /
"tools" / "mtrace"/ "",
# Append future files to `src_dest_list` here (but prefer
# copying entire directories; more flexible)
for _src, _dst in src_dest_list:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_dst), exist_ok=True)
# looses file owner and group - file is commonly accessible
shutil.copy2(str(_src), str(_dst))
# cavstool and friends
shutil.copytree(pathlib.Path(west_top) /
"zephyr" / "soc" / "xtensa" / "intel_adsp" / "tools",
symlinks=True, ignore_dangling_symlinks=True, dirs_exist_ok=True)
def install_platform(platform, sof_output_dir, platf_build_environ):
# Keep in sync with caller
platform_build_dir_name = f"build-{platform}"
# Install to STAGING_DIR
abs_build_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top) / platform_build_dir_name / "zephyr"
if args.fw_naming == "AVS":
# Disguise ourselves for local testing purposes
output_fwname = "dsp_basefw.bin"
# Regular name (deployable build also uses SOF naming convention)
output_fwname = "".join(["sof-", platform, ".ri"])
if args.deployable_build and platform_configs[platform].ipc4:
install_key_dir = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, platform)
install_key_dir = sof_output_dir
if args.key_type_subdir != "none":
install_key_dir = install_key_dir / args.key_type_subdir
os.makedirs(install_key_dir, exist_ok=True)
# looses file owner and group - file is commonly accessible
shutil.copy2(abs_build_dir / "zephyr.ri", install_key_dir / output_fwname)
if args.deployable_build and platform_configs[platform].ipc4:
# IPC4 deployable builds are using separate directories per platforms
# create the structure and symlinks for the alias platforms
for p_alias in platform_configs[platform].aliases:
alias_fwname = "".join(["sof-", p_alias, ".ri"])
alias_key_dir = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, p_alias)
if args.key_type_subdir != "none":
alias_key_dir = alias_key_dir / args.key_type_subdir
os.makedirs(alias_key_dir, exist_ok=True)
symlink_or_copy(install_key_dir, output_fwname, alias_key_dir, alias_fwname)
# non deployable builds and IPC3 deployable builds are using the same symlink scheme
# The production key is usually different
if args.key_type_subdir != "none" and args.fw_naming != "AVS":
for p_alias in platform_configs[platform].aliases:
symlink_or_copy(install_key_dir, output_fwname, install_key_dir, f"sof-{p_alias}.ri")
# sof-info/ directory
class InstFile:
'How to install one file'
name: pathlib.Path
renameTo: pathlib.Path = None
# TODO: upgrade this to 3 states: optional/warning/error
optional: bool = False
gzip: bool = True
txt: bool = False
installed_files = [
# Fail if one of these is missing
InstFile(".config", "config", txt=True),
InstFile("misc/generated/configs.c", "generated_configs.c", txt=True),
InstFile("include/generated/version.h", "zephyr_version.h",
gzip=False, txt=True),
InstFile("include/generated/sof_versions.h", "sof_versions.h",
gzip=False, txt=True),
InstFile(BIN_NAME + ".elf"),
InstFile(BIN_NAME + ".lst", txt=True),
InstFile(BIN_NAME + ".map", txt=True),
# Renaming ELF files highlights the workaround below that strips the .comment section
InstFile(BIN_NAME + ".strip", renameTo=f"stripped-{BIN_NAME}.elf"),
# Not every platform has intermediate rimage modules
InstFile("main-stripped.mod", renameTo="stripped-main.elf", optional=True),
InstFile("boot.mod", optional=True),
InstFile("main.mod", optional=True),
# We cannot import at the start because zephyr may not be there yet
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0],
'..', '..', 'zephyr', 'scripts', 'west_commands'))
import zcmake
cmake_cache = zcmake.CMakeCache.from_build_dir(abs_build_dir.parent)
objcopy = cmake_cache.get("CMAKE_OBJCOPY")
sof_info = pathlib.Path(STAGING_DIR) / "sof-info" / platform
sof_info.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
gzip_threads = concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor()
gzip_futures = []
for f in installed_files:
if not pathlib.Path(abs_build_dir / and f.optional:
dstname = f.renameTo or
src = abs_build_dir /
dst = sof_info / dstname
# Some Xtensa compilers (ab?)use the .ident / .comment
# section and append the typically absolute and not
# reproducible /path/to/the.c file after the usual
# compiler ID.
# --strip-all does not remove the .comment section.
# Remove it like some gcc test scripts do:
if "strip" in str(dstname):
[str(x) for x in [objcopy, "--remove-section", ".comment", src, dst]],
# Some xtensa installs don't have a
# XtensaTools/config/default-params symbolic link
elif f.txt:
dos2unix(src, dst)
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
if f.gzip:
gzip_futures.append(gzip_threads.submit(gzip_compress, dst))
for gzip_res in concurrent.as_completed(gzip_futures):
gzip_res.result() # throws exception if gzip unexpectedly failed
# Zephyr's CONFIG_KERNEL_BIN_NAME default value
BIN_NAME = 'zephyr'
# Some .ri files have a deterministic signature, others use
# a cryptographic salt. Even for the latter a checksum is still
# useful to match an artefact with a specific build log.
'*configs.c', # deterministic unlike .config
'*.strip', '*stripped*', # stripped ELF files are reproducible
'boot.mod', # no debug section -> no need to strip this ELF
BIN_NAME + '.lst', # objdump --disassemble
# Prefer CRLF->LF because unlike LF->CRLF it's (normally) idempotent.
def dos2unix(in_name, out_name):
with open(in_name, "rb") as inf:
# must read all at once otherwise could fall between CR and LF
content =
assert content
with open(out_name, "wb") as outf:
outf.write(content.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n"))
def gzip_compress(fname, gzdst=None):
gzdst = gzdst or pathlib.Path(f"{fname}.gz")
with open(fname, 'rb') as inputf:
# mtime=0 for recursive diff convenience
with gzip.GzipFile(gzdst, 'wb', mtime=0) as gzf:
shutil.copyfileobj(inputf, gzf)
# As of October 2022, expects .ri files to include a CSE manifest / signature.
# Don't run sof_ri_info and ignore silently .ri files that don't have one.
RI_INFO_UNSUPPORTED += ['imx8', 'imx8x', 'imx8m', 'imx8ulp']
RI_INFO_UNSUPPORTED += ['mt8186', 'mt8195']
# For temporary workarounds. Unlike _UNSUPPORTED above, the platforms below will print a warning.
def reproducible_checksum(platform, ri_file):
if platform in RI_INFO_FIXME:
print(f"FIXME: sof_ri_info does not support '{platform}'")
parsed_ri = sof_ri_info.parse_fw_bin(ri_file, False, False)
repro_output = ri_file.parent / ("reproducible-" +
chk256 = sof_ri_info.EraseVariables(ri_file, parsed_ri, west_top / repro_output)
print('sha256sum {0}\n{1} {0}'.format(repro_output, chk256))
def main():
if args.version:
if len(args.platforms) == 0:
print("No platform build requested")
print("Building platforms: {}".format(" ".join(args.platforms)))
if args.update:
# Initialize zephyr project with west
if args.platforms:
if __name__ == "__main__":