
139 lines
3.5 KiB

function blob8 = bf_blob_pack(bf)
%% Pack TDFB struct to bytes
% blob8 = bf_blob_pack(bf)
% bf ..... TDFB design data struct input
% blob8 .. Packed bytes blob output
% SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
% Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
% Author: Seppo Ingalsuo <>
%% Check for sane parameters
if bf.num_filters < 1 || bf.num_filters > 16
error('Invalid number of filters');
if bf.num_output_channels < 1 || bf.num_output_channels > 8
error('Invalid number of output channels');
if bf.num_output_streams < 1 || bf.num_output_streams > 8
error('Invalid number of output streams');
if length(bf.input_channel_select) ~= bf.num_filters
error('input_channel_select length does not match');
if length(bf.output_channel_mix) ~= bf.num_filters
error('output_channel_mix length does not match');
if length(bf.output_stream_mix) ~= bf.num_filters
error('output_stream_mix length does not match');
%% Endianness of blob
switch lower(bf.endian)
case 'little'
sh16 = [0 -8];
sh32 = [0 -8 -16 -24];
case 'big'
sh16 = [-8 0];
sh32 = [-24 -16 -8 0];
error('Unknown endianness');
%% Header format is
% uint32_t size;
% uint16_t num_filters;
% uint16_t num_output_channels;
% uint16_t num_output_streams;
% uint16_t reserved16;
% uint32_t reserved32[4];
% int16_t data[];
% data[] is
% int16_t fir_filter1[length_filter1]; Multiple of 4 taps and 32 bit align
% int16_t fir_filter2[length_filter2]; Multiple of 4 taps and 32 bit align
% ...
% int16_t fir_filterN[length_filterN]; Multiple of 4 taps and 32 bit align
% int16_t input_channel_select[num_filters]; 0 = ch0, 1 = 1ch1, ..
% int16_t output_channel_mix[num_filters];
% int16_t output_stream_mix[num_filters];
%% Pack as 16 bits
nh16 = 14;
h16 = zeros(1, nh16, 'int16');
nc16 = length(bf.all_filters);
nm16 = 3 * bf.num_filters;
nb16 = ceil((nh16 + nc16 + nm16)/2)*2;
h16(1) = 2 * nb16;
h16(2) = 0;
h16(3) = bf.num_filters;
h16(4) = bf.num_output_channels;
h16(5) = bf.num_output_streams;
%% Merge header and coefficients, make even number of int16 to make it
% multiple of int32
blob16 = zeros(1,nb16, 'int16');
blob16(1:nh16) = h16;
i1 = nh16 + 1;
i2 = i1 + nc16 -1;
blob16(i1:i2) = int16(bf.all_filters);
i1 = i2 + 1;
i2 = i1 + bf.num_filters - 1;
blob16(i1:i2) = int16(bf.input_channel_select);
i1 = i2 + 1;
i2 = i1 + bf.num_filters - 1;
blob16(i1:i2) = int16(bf.output_channel_mix);
i1 = i2 + 1;
i2 = i1 + bf.num_filters - 1;
blob16(i1:i2) = int16(bf.output_stream_mix);
%% Pack as 8 bits
nbytes_data = nb16 * 2;
%% Get ABI information
[abi_bytes, nbytes_abi] = eq_get_abi(nbytes_data);
%% Initialize uint8 array with correct size
nbytes = nbytes_abi + nbytes_data;
blob8 = zeros(1, nbytes, 'uint8');
%% Inset ABI header
blob8(1:nbytes_abi) = abi_bytes;
j = nbytes_abi + 1;
%% Component data
for i = 1:length(blob16)
blob8(j:j+1) = w16b(blob16(i), sh16);
j = j+2;
%% Done
fprintf('Blob size is %d bytes.\n', nbytes);
function bytes = w16b(word, sh)
bytes = uint8(zeros(1,2));
bytes(1) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(1)), 255);
bytes(2) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(2)), 255);
function bytes = w32b(word, sh)
bytes = uint8(zeros(1,4));
bytes(1) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(1)), 255);
bytes(2) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(2)), 255);
bytes(3) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(3)), 255);
bytes(4) = bitand(bitshift(word, sh(4)), 255);