#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # "All problems can be solved by another level of indirection" # Ideally, this script would not be needed. # # Minor adjustments to the docker image provided by the Zephyr project. set -e set -x unset ZEPHYR_BASE # Make sure we're in the right place test -e ./scripts/xtensa-build-zephyr.py # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35291520/docker-and-userns-remap-how-to-manage-volume-permissions-to-share-data-betwee + many others exec_as_sof_uid() { local sof_uid; sof_uid="$(stat --printf='%u' .)" local current_uid; current_uid="$(id -u)" if test "$current_uid" = "$sof_uid"; then return 0 fi # Add new container user matching the host user owning the SOF # checkout local sof_user; sof_user="$(id "$sof_uid")" || { sof_user=sof_zephyr_docker_builder local sof_guid; sof_guid="$(stat --printf='%g' .)" getent group "$sof_guid" || sudo groupadd -g "$sof_guid" sof_zephyr_docker_group sudo useradd -m -u "$sof_uid" -g "$sof_guid" "$sof_user" local current_user; current_user="$(id -un)" # Copy sudo permissions just in case the build needs it sudo sed -e "s/$current_user/$sof_user/" /etc/sudoers.d/"$current_user" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/"$sof_user" sudo chmod --reference=/etc/sudoers.d/"$current_user" \ /etc/sudoers.d/"$sof_user" } # Safety delay: slower infinite loops are much better sleep 0.5 # Double sudo to work around some funny restriction in # zephyr-build:/etc/sudoers: 'user' can do anything but... only as # root. sudo sudo -u "$sof_user" "$0" "$@" exit "$?" } exec_as_sof_uid "$@" # Work in progress: move more code to a function # https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-test/issues/740 # As of container version 0.18.4, # https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/docker-image/blob/master/Dockerfile # installs two SDKs: ZSDK_VERSION=0.12.4 and ZSDK_ALT_VERSION=0.13.1 # ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR points at ZSDK_VERSION but we want the latest. unset ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR # Zephyr's CMake does not look in /opt but it searches $HOME ls -ld /opt/toolchains/zephyr-sdk-* ln -s /opt/toolchains/zephyr-sdk-* ~/ if test -e zephyrproject; then ./scripts/xtensa-build-zephyr.py "$@" else # -c(lone) with west init etc. ./scripts/xtensa-build-zephyr.py -c "$@" fi