# Lines starting with '#' are comments. # Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more owners. # These owners will be the default owners for everything in the repo. * @lgirdwood @plbossart @mmaka1 @lbetlej @dbaluta # Order is important. The last matching pattern has the most precedence. # So if a pull request only touches javascript files, only these owners # will be requested to review. # File patterns work mostly like .gitignore. Try to keep this file # simple because it's literally impossible to test. # include files src/include/sof/drivers/dmic.h @singalsu src/include/ipc/** @thesofproject/steering-committee src/include/ipc/** @randerwang @marcinszkudlinski src/include/kernel/** @thesofproject/steering-committee src/include/user/** @thesofproject/steering-committee src/include/sof/debug/gdb/* @abonislawski src/include/sof/audio/kpb.h @abonislawski src/include/sof/audio/mux.h @akloniex src/include/sof/audio/codec_adapter/* @cujomalainey @abonislawski @dbaluta src/include/sof/drivers/acp_dai_dma.h @bhiregoudar @sunilkumardommati src/include/sof/drivers/afe* @yaochunhung # audio component src/audio/src* @singalsu src/audio/eq* @singalsu src/audio/eq_fir* @singalsu src/audio/eq_iir* @singalsu src/audio/tone.c @singalsu src/audio/kpb.c @abonislawski src/audio/mux/* @akloniex src/audio/dcblock* @thesofproject/google src/audio/crossover* @thesofproject/google src/audio/tdfb* @singalsu src/audio/drc/* @thesofproject/google src/audio/multiband_drc/* @thesofproject/google src/audio/codec_adapter/* @cujomalainey @abonislawski @dbaluta src/audio/google/* @thesofproject/google # platforms src/platform/haswell/* @randerwang src/platform/suecreek/* @lyakh src/arch/xtensa/debug/gdb/* @abonislawski src/platform/imx8/** @dbaluta src/platform/amd/** @bhiregoudar @sunilkumardommati src/platform/mt8195/** @yaochunhung @kuanhsuncheng # drivers src/drivers/intel/dmic.c @singalsu src/drivers/intel/cavs/sue-iomux.c @lyakh src/drivers/intel/haswell/* @randerwang src/drivers/imx/** @dbaluta src/drivers/dw/* @lyakh src/drivers/amd/* @bhiregoudar @sunilkumardommati src/drivers/mediatek/mt8195/* @yaochunhung @kuanhsuncheng # other libs src/math/* @singalsu src/ipc/* @bardliao @marcinszkudlinski src/drivers/intel/cavs/sue-ipc.c @lyakh src/lib/* @libinyang src/debug/gdb/* @abonislawski src/schedule @abonislawski # other helpers # Many files overridden by *.(ba)sh pattern below scripts/* @marc-hb @aborisovich # tools(old 'soft' repo) tools/logger/* @bkokoszx @akloniex tools/topology/* @ranj063 tools/testbench/* @ranj063 tools/test/audio/* @singalsu tools/ctl/* @singalsu tools/tune/* @singalsu tools/tune/crossover/* @thesofproject/google tools/tune/dcblock/* @thesofproject/google tools/tune/drc/* @thesofproject/google tools/oss-fuzz/* @thesofproject/google # CMake # Include only "top-level" CMakeLists.txt files; the other ones are just # dumb list of source files and generate too much noise. /CMakeLists.txt @marc-hb @aborisovich /*/CMakeLists.txt @marc-hb @aborisovich /test/cmocka/CMakeLists.txt @marc-hb @aborisovich # There's a small enough number of files in tools/ and little # churn: keep it simple and take them all. # FIXME: some topology CMakeLists.txt files are configuration files # in disguise. Move them to actual configuration files. /tools/**/CMakeLists.txt @marc-hb @aborisovich *.sh @marc-hb *.bash @marc-hb *trace.* @akloniex /.github/ @dbaluta @cujomalainey @lgirdwood @marc-hb @aborisovich # You can also use email addresses if you prefer. #docs/* docs@example.com