SOF audio quality test scripts 1. Introduction The purpose of the script is to test playback (and/or recording quality of a SOF platform with help of PC with a high quality USB sound card. Or in other words a sound card with sufficient number of analog inputs and outputs with sufficient signal levels handling capability, and good analog signal quality. The sound card should be better than expected quality of the SOF device. +------+ +--------+ | |<--- Ethernet or WLAN connection ---->| | | PC | +-------+ | SOF | | |<--- usb --->| Sound |--- line in --->| device | +------+ | card |<-- line out ---| | +-------+ +--------+ The tests can also use digital interfaces like S/PDIF if available in the SOF device. That helps to move testing focus to smaller digital signal processing issues instead of usually dominant ADC/DAC performance (unless there's a major quality issue). The key tests to execute to quickly verify playback/recording audio quality are gain, frequency response (FR), and total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N). The test procedure and results reporting tries to follow AES17 recommendations. This work can be taken as a inexpensive introduction to objective audio quality parameters testing that should be useful for individual developers without access to professional test equipment for relative performance indicators testing. Tests like THD+N also work for automatic testing needs to quickly flag regressions in playback audio integrity. IMPORTANT NOTE: These test scripts are not calibrated and not suitable to produce absolute metric. The results will vary depending on the used sound card and depend on correctly done preparations on the PC. Therefore for professional usage with need for industry comparable metric we recommend instead dedicated test systems and services. 2. General preparations The PC should be installed with a Linux distribution that provides octave and octave-signal packaces or use commercial Matlab (R) software. For Octave it's recommended to use an initialization script that loads the needed packages and disables the pager to freely scroll the test text printings without frequently stopping to press to proceed. $ sudo apt-get install octave octave-signal octave-io $ cat ~/.octaverc more off pkg load signal pkg load io The SOF device should be made accessible via ssh without password. Also the test user should belong to group audio in both PC and SOF device. To avoid including the PC audio server and it's signal processing into the test chain it is recommended to disable audio servers like pulseaudio permanently (rename the executable /usr/bin/pulseaudio) on the test PC and use the ALSA provided sound devices directly. There is need to go trough the alsamixer settings for the sound card and store them persistently. Also on sophisticated sound cards need to do internal settings via front panel or dedicated control SW for settings those are not exposed to alsamixer. 3. Playback and recording test preparations See script sof_audio_quality_test_config.m. It is a template to configure the audio interfaces for test playback and capture of the playback. Make a copy of the file for your test setup and edit the script sof_audio_quality_test_top.m to use that configuration script instead of the default. See line configs = {'sof_audio_quality_test_config.m'}; The line initializes a cell array of strings. Multiple test configurations are added to cell array with comma as separator. To test playback of SOF device there's need to edit "play.user" to correpond to actual test user and hostname or IP address of the device. Also edit the "" to contain the audio playback device to test. For playabck capture to PC edit the "", "rec.sft", "rec.nch", and "" fields. The example is set for a 8ch sound card with SOF device connected into analog inputs 1 and 2. The setting "test.att_rec_db" is important. There must be a sufficient analog signal headroom for the sound card ADC to capture SOF DAC playback signal without clipping distortion. The example assumes 3 dB attenuation but it can be adjusted to be e.g. within 1 - 6 dB. You can start with 3 dB and run the test script It won't proceed if the gain test is not passing. Based on the reported difference vs. expected 0 dB gain adjust the alsamixer settings for you USB sound card capture gain. The controls may be also in the front panel. If the result still deviates from 0 dB and it's known that the playback level is correct it is possible to to adjust this attenuation parameter to get the 0 dB result. 4. Tests reporting The script is configured to proceed without opening plot windows to desktop. Once the gain test is passed the script executes the FR and THD+N tests. The shell window will show a brief test report and the same will appear to directory "reports" with name prefix defined in "" in the configuration file. The plots in PNG format are exported to directory "plots". That's all, happy testing!!