function tdfb_test() % tdfb_test() % Inputs % None % % Outputs % None, to be added later when automatic pass/fail is possible to % determine. So far only visual check enabled. % SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause % Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. % Author: Seppo Ingalsuo % General settings cfg.delete_files = 1; cfg.do_plots = 1; cfg.tunepath = '../../tune/tdfb/data'; array = 'line2_50mm_az0el0deg_48khz'; %% Prepare addpath('std_utils'); addpath('test_utils'); addpath('../../tune/tdfb'); %% Beam pattern test % Get configuration, this needs to match array geometry and rate % beam direction can be any, use (0, 0) deg. config_fn = sprintf('tdfb_coef_%s.mat', array); simcap_fn = sprintf('simcap_sinerot_%s.raw', array); test_beampattern(cfg, config_fn, simcap_fn); %% Diffuse noise test simcap_fn = sprintf('simcap_diffuse_%s.raw', array); desc = 'Diffuse field noise'; [dfin_dbfs, dfout_dbfs, dfd_db] = test_noise_suppression(cfg, config_fn, simcap_fn, desc); %% Random noise simcap_fn = sprintf('simcap_random_%s.raw', array); desc = 'Random noise'; [rnin_dbfs, rnout_dbfs, drn_db] = test_noise_suppression(cfg, config_fn, simcap_fn, desc); %% Results fprintf(1, '\n'); print_result('Diffuse field input level ', 'dBFS', dfin_dbfs); print_result('Diffuse field output level', 'dBFS', dfout_dbfs); print_result('Diffuse field level delta ', 'dB', dfd_db); print_result('Random noise input level ', 'dBFS', rnin_dbfs); print_result('Random noise output level ', 'dBFS', rnout_dbfs); print_result('Random noise level delta ', 'dB', drn_db); end function test = test_defaults(bf) test.comp = 'tdfb'; test.bits_in = 16; test.bits_out = 16; test.fs = bf.fs; test.fmt = 'raw'; test.nch = bf.num_output_channels; = 1:test.nch; end function test = test_run_comp(test) switch lower(test.comp) case {'tdfb'} test.ex = sprintf('./', lower(test.comp)); otherwise error('Illegal component'); end test.arg = { num2str(test.bits_in) num2str(test.bits_out) ... num2str(test.fs), test.fn_in, test.fn_out }; delete_check(1, test.fn_out); test = test_run(test); end function [ldb, az] = sinerot_dbfs(x, bf) az = bf.sinerot_az_start:bf.sinerot_az_step:bf.sinerot_az_stop; nt = length(az); tn = floor(bf.sinerot_t * bf.fs); ldb = zeros(nt, bf.num_output_channels); for i = 1:nt ts = (i - 1) * bf.sinerot_t; i1 = floor(ts * bf.fs + 1); i2 = i1 + tn - 1; ldb(i, :) = level_dbfs(x(i1:i2, :)); end end %% Beam pattern test function test_beampattern(cfg, config_fn, simcap_fn); fn = fullfile(cfg.tunepath, config_fn); if isfile(fn) load(fn); else fprintf(1, 'Array configuration file %s does not exist.\n', config_fn); fprintf(1, 'Please run the script example_line_array in tools/tune/tdfb directory.\n'); error('Stopping.'); end % Create input file test = test_defaults(bf); test.fn_in = fullfile(cfg.tunepath, simcap_fn); test.fn_out = 'sinerot.raw'; % Run test test = test_run_comp(test); % Load simulation output data x = load_test_input(test); y = load_test_output(test); delete_check(cfg.delete_files, test.fn_out); [rotx_dbfs, az] = sinerot_dbfs(x, bf); [roty_dbfs, az] = sinerot_dbfs(y, bf); % Do plots if cfg.do_plots figure plot(az, rotx_dbfs, '--', az, roty_dbfs, '-'); grid on xlabel('Azimuth angle (deg)'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); legend('ch1 in','ch2 in', 'ch1 out', 'ch2 out'); tstr = sprintf('Beam pattern %d Hz %s', bf.sinerot_f, bf.array_id); title(tstr, 'Interpreter','none'); figure ldb = roty_dbfs - 20*log10(bf.sinerot_a); llin = 10.^(ldb/20); az_rad = az * pi/180; if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin') polar(az_rad, llin); else polarplot(az_rad, llin); end legend('ch1','ch2'); title(tstr, 'Interpreter','none'); end end %% Noise suppression test function [x_dbfs, y_dbfs, delta_db] = test_noise_suppression(cfg, config_fn, simcap_fn, desc) load(fullfile(cfg.tunepath, config_fn)); % Create input file test = test_defaults(bf); fn_in = fullfile(cfg.tunepath, simcap_fn); fn_out = 'noise_out.raw'; % Run test test.fn_in = fn_in; test.fn_out = fn_out; test = test_run_comp(test); % Load simulation input data x = load_test_input(test); y = load_test_output(test); delete_check(cfg.delete_files, test.fn_out); x_dbfs = level_dbfs(x); y_dbfs = level_dbfs(y); delta_db = x_dbfs - y_dbfs; if cfg.do_plots tstr = sprintf('%s %s', desc, bf.array_id); figure; subplot(2, 1, 1) plot(x(:,1)); hold on plot(y(:,1)); hold off grid on; legend('ch1 in','ch1 out'); title(tstr, 'Interpreter','none'); subplot(2, 1, 2); plot(x(:,2)); hold on plot(y(:,2)); hold off; grid on; legend('ch2 in','ch2 out'); end end %% Print results table line function print_result(desc, unit, values) fprintf(1, "%s,", desc); for v = values fprintf(1, '%6.1f, ', v); end fprintf(1, "%s\n", unit); end