#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import argparse import shlex import subprocess import pathlib import platform import sys import shutil import multiprocessing import os import warnings # anytree module is defined in Zephyr build requirements from anytree import Node, RenderTree # Constant value resolves SOF_TOP directory as: "this script directory/.." SOF_TOP = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1].resolve() # Default value may be overriten by -p arg west_top = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "zephyrproject") default_rimage_key = pathlib.Path("modules", "audio", "sof", "keys", "otc_private_key.pem") if platform.system() == "Windows": xtensa_tools_version_postfix = "-win32" elif platform.system() == "Linux": xtensa_tools_version_postfix = "-linux" else: warnings.warn(f"Your operating system: {platform.system()} is not supported") platform_list = [ # Intel platforms { "name": "apl", "PLAT_CONFIG": "intel_adsp_cavs15", "XTENSA_CORE": "X4H3I16w2D48w3a_2017_8", "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION": f"RG-2017.8{xtensa_tools_version_postfix}" }, { "name": "cnl", "PLAT_CONFIG": "intel_adsp_cavs18", "XTENSA_CORE": "X6H3CNL_2017_8", "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION": f"RG-2017.8{xtensa_tools_version_postfix}" }, { "name": "icl", "PLAT_CONFIG": "intel_adsp_cavs20", "XTENSA_CORE": "X6H3CNL_2017_8", "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION": f"RG-2017.8{xtensa_tools_version_postfix}" }, { "name": "tgl", "PLAT_CONFIG": "intel_adsp_cavs25", "IPC4_CONFIG_OVERLAY": "ipc4_overlay.conf", "IPC4_RIMAGE_DESC": "tgl-cavs.toml", "XTENSA_CORE": "cavs2x_LX6HiFi3_2017_8", "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION": f"RG-2017.8{xtensa_tools_version_postfix}", "RIMAGE_KEY": pathlib.Path("modules", "audio", "sof", "keys", "otc_private_key_3k.pem") }, { "name": "tgl-h", "PLAT_CONFIG": "intel_adsp_cavs25_tgph", "XTENSA_CORE": "cavs2x_LX6HiFi3_2017_8", "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION": f"RG-2017.8{xtensa_tools_version_postfix}", "RIMAGE_KEY": pathlib.Path("modules", "audio", "sof", "keys", "otc_private_key_3k.pem") }, # NXP platforms { "name": "imx8", "PLAT_CONFIG": "nxp_adsp_imx8", "RIMAGE_KEY": "" # no key needed for imx8 }, { "name": "imx8x", "PLAT_CONFIG": "nxp_adsp_imx8x", "RIMAGE_KEY": "ignored for imx8x" }, { "name": "imx8m", "PLAT_CONFIG": "nxp_adsp_imx8m", "RIMAGE_KEY": "ignored for imx8m" } ] platform_names = [platform["name"] for platform in platform_list] class validate_platforms_arguments(argparse.Action): """Validates positional platform arguments whether provided platform name is supported.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if values: for value in values: if value not in platform_names: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, f"Unsupported platform: {value}") setattr(namespace, "platforms", values) def parse_args(): global args global west_top parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog=("This script supports XtensaTools but only when installed in a specific\n" + "directory structure, example:\n" + "myXtensa/\n" + "└── install/\n" + " ├── builds/\n" + " │   ├── RD-2012.5{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) + " │   │   └── Intel_HiFiEP/\n" + " │   └── RG-2017.8{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) + " │   ├── LX4_langwell_audio_17_8/\n" + " │   └── X4H3I16w2D48w3a_2017_8/\n" + " └── tools/\n" + " ├── RD-2012.5{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) + " │   └── XtensaTools/\n" + " └── RG-2017.8{}/\n".format(xtensa_tools_version_postfix) + " └── XtensaTools/\n" + "$XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT=/path/to/myXtensa ...\n" + f"Supported platforms {platform_names}")) parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", required=False, action="store_true", help="Build all currently supported platforms") parser.add_argument("platforms", nargs="*", action=validate_platforms_arguments, help="List of platforms to build") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ipc", required=False, choices=["IPC3", "IPC4"], default="IPC3", help="IPC major version") parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", required=False, type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help="Set number of make build jobs for rimage." " Jobs=number of cores by default. Ignored by west build.") parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", type=pathlib.Path, required=False, help="Path to a non-default rimage signing key.") parser.add_argument("-z", required=False, help="Initial Zephyr git ref for the -c option." " Can be a branch, tag, full SHA1 in a fork") parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", required=False, default="https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/", help="URL to clone Zephyr from") mode_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mode_group.add_argument("-p", "--west_path", required=False, type=pathlib.Path, help="""Points to existing Zephyr project directory. Incompatible with -c. Uses by default path used by -c mode: SOF_TOP/zephyrproject. If zephyr-project/modules/audio/sof is missing then a symbolic link pointing to SOF_TOP directory will automatically be created and west will recognize it as its new sof module. If zephyr-project/modules/audio/sof already exists and is a different copy than where this script is run from, then the behavior is undefined. This -p option is always required_if the real (not symbolic) sof/ and zephyr-project/ directories are not nested in one another.""", ) mode_group.add_argument("-c", "--clone_mode", required=False, action="store_true", help="""Using west, downloads inside this sof clone a new Zephyr project with the required git repos. Creates a sof/zephyrproject/modules/audio/sof symbolic link pointing back at this sof clone. Incompatible with -p. To stop after downloading Zephyr, do not pass any platform or cmake argument.""", ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', help="""Verbosity level. Repetition of the flag increases verbosity. The same number of '-v' is passed to "west". """, ) # Cannot use a standard -- delimiter because argparse deletes it. parser.add_argument("-C", "--cmake-args", action='append', default=[], help="""Cmake arguments passed as is to cmake configure step. Can be passed multiple times; whitespace is preserved Example: -C=--warn-uninitialized -C '-DEXTRA_FLAGS=-Werror -g0' Note '-C --warn-uninitialized' is not supported by argparse, an equal sign must be used (https://bugs.python.org/issue9334)""", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.all: args.platforms = platform_names # print help message if no arguments provided if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if args.z and not args.clone_mode: raise RuntimeError(f"Argument -z without -c makes no sense") if args.clone_mode and not args.z: args.z = "main" # set default name for -z if -c specified if args.west_path: # allow user override path to zephyr project west_top = pathlib.Path(args.west_path) elif not args.clone_mode: # if neather -p nor -c provided, use -p args.west_path = west_top def execute_command(command_args, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, capture_output=False, shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=None, check=False, encoding=None, errors=None, text=None, env=None, universal_newlines=None): """[summary] Provides wrapper for subprocess.run (matches its signature) that prints command executed when 'more verbose' verbosity level is set.""" if args.verbose >= 0: print_cwd = f"In dir: {cwd}" if cwd else f"in current dir: {os.getcwd()}" print_args = shlex.join(command_args) if isinstance(command_args, list) else command_args print(f"{print_cwd}; running command: {print_args}", flush=True) return subprocess.run(args=command_args, stdin=stdin, input=input, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, capture_output=capture_output, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, check=check, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, text=text, env=env, universal_newlines=universal_newlines) def show_installed_files(): """[summary] Scans output directory building binary tree from files and folders then presents them in similar way to linux tree command.""" graph_root = Node(STAGING_DIR.name, parent=None) relative_entries = [entry.relative_to(STAGING_DIR) for entry in STAGING_DIR.glob("**/*")] nodes = [ graph_root ] for entry in relative_entries: if str(entry.parent) == ".": nodes.append(Node(entry.name, parent=graph_root)) else: node_parent = [node for node in nodes if node.name == str(entry.parent.name)][0] if not node_parent: warnings.warn("Failed to construct installed files tree") return nodes.append(Node(entry.name, parent=node_parent)) for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(graph_root): print(f"{pre}{node.name}") def git_submodules_update(): global SOF_TOP execute_command(["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"], timeout=600, check=True, cwd=SOF_TOP) def check_west_installation(): west_path = shutil.which("west") if not west_path: raise FileNotFoundError("Install west and a west toolchain," "https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/getting_started/index.html") print(f"Found west: {west_path}") def find_west_workspace(): """[summary] Scans for west workspaces using west topdir command by checking script execution west_top and SOF_TOP directories. :return: [description] Returns path when west workspace had been found, otherwise None :rtype: [type] bool, pathlib.Path """ global west_top, SOF_TOP paths = [ pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()), SOF_TOP, west_top] for path in paths: if path.is_dir(): result = execute_command(["west", "topdir"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=False, cwd=path) if result.returncode == 0: return path return None def create_zephyr_directory(): global west_top west_top.mkdir(mode=511, parents=False, exist_ok=False) west_top = west_top.resolve(strict=True) def create_zephyr_sof_symlink(): global west_top, SOF_TOP audio_modules_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, "modules", "audio") audio_modules_dir.mkdir(mode=511, parents=True, exist_ok=True) sof_symlink = pathlib.Path(audio_modules_dir, "sof") # Symlinks creation requires administrative privileges in Windows or special user rights try: if not sof_symlink.is_symlink(): sof_symlink.symlink_to(SOF_TOP, target_is_directory=True) except: print(f"Failed to create symbolic link: {sof_symlink} to {SOF_TOP}." "\nIf you run script on Windows run it with administrative privileges or\n" "grant user symlink creation rights -" "see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/" "security-policy-settings/create-symbolic-links") raise def west_init_update(): """[summary] Downloads zephyrproject inside sof/ and create a ../../.. symbolic link back to sof/""" global west_top, SOF_TOP zephyr_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, "zephyr") execute_command(["git", "clone", args.url, str(zephyr_dir)], check=True, timeout=1200) execute_command(["git", "fetch", "origin", args.z], check=True, timeout=300, cwd=zephyr_dir) execute_command(["git", "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD"], check=True, cwd=zephyr_dir) execute_command(["git", "-C", str(zephyr_dir), "--no-pager", "log", "--oneline", "--graph", "--decorate", "--max-count=20"], check=True) execute_command(["west", "init", "-l", str(zephyr_dir)], check=True) create_zephyr_sof_symlink() # Do NOT "west update sof"!! execute_command(["west", "update", "zephyr", "hal_xtensa"], check=True, timeout=300, cwd=west_top) def build_platforms(): global west_top, SOF_TOP # double check that west workspace is initialized execute_command(["west", "topdir"], check=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=west_top) print(f"SOF_TOP={SOF_TOP}") print(f"west_top={west_top}") global STAGING_DIR STAGING_DIR = pathlib.Path(west_top, "build-sof-staging") # smex does not use 'install -D' sof_output_dir = pathlib.Path(STAGING_DIR, "sof") sof_output_dir.mkdir(mode=511, parents=True, exist_ok=True) for platform in args.platforms: platform_dict = [x for x in platform_list if x["name"] == platform][0] xtensa_tools_root_dir = os.getenv("XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT") # when XTENSA_TOOLS_ROOT environmental variable is set, # use user installed Xtensa tools not Zephyr SDK if "XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION" in platform_dict and xtensa_tools_root_dir: xtensa_tools_root_dir = pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir) if not xtensa_tools_root_dir.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError(f"Platform {platform} uses Xtensa toolchain." "\nVariable XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION points path that does not exist\n" "or is not a directory") # set variables expected by zephyr/cmake/toolchain/xcc/generic.cmake os.environ["ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT"] = "xcc" XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = str(pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir, "install", "tools").absolute()) os.environ["XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH"] = XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH TOOLCHAIN_VER = platform_dict["XTENSA_TOOLS_VERSION"] XTENSA_CORE = platform_dict["XTENSA_CORE"] os.environ["TOOLCHAIN_VER"] = TOOLCHAIN_VER print(f"XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH={XTENSA_TOOLCHAIN_PATH}") print(f"TOOLCHAIN_VER={TOOLCHAIN_VER}") # set variables expected by xcc toolchain XTENSA_BUILDS_DIR=str(pathlib.Path(xtensa_tools_root_dir, "install", "builds", TOOLCHAIN_VER).absolute()) XTENSA_SYSTEM = str(pathlib.Path(XTENSA_BUILDS_DIR, XTENSA_CORE, "config").absolute()) os.environ["XTENSA_SYSTEM"] = XTENSA_SYSTEM print(f"XTENSA_SYSTEM={XTENSA_SYSTEM}") platform_build_dir_name = f"build-{platform}" # https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/build-flash-debug.html#one-time-cmake-arguments # https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/pull/40431#issuecomment-975992951 abs_build_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name) if (pathlib.Path(abs_build_dir, "build.ninja").is_file() or pathlib.Path(abs_build_dir, "Makefile").is_file()): if args.cmake_args: print(args.cmake_args) raise RuntimeError("Some CMake arguments are ignored in incremental builds, " + f"you must delete {abs_build_dir} first") PLAT_CONFIG = platform_dict["PLAT_CONFIG"] build_cmd = ["west"] build_cmd += ["-v"] * args.verbose build_cmd += ["build", "--build-dir", platform_build_dir_name] source_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, "zephyr", "samples", "subsys", "audio", "sof") build_cmd += ["--board", PLAT_CONFIG, str(source_dir)] build_cmd.append('--') if args.cmake_args: build_cmd += args.cmake_args if args.ipc == "IPC4": overlay = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "platforms", platform, platform_dict["IPC4_CONFIG_OVERLAY"]) build_cmd.append(f"-DOVERLAY_CONFIG={overlay}") # Build execute_command(build_cmd, check=True, cwd=west_top) smex_executable = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "smex_ep", "build", "smex") fw_ldc_file = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, f"sof-{platform}.ldc") input_elf_file = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "zephyr.elf") # Extract metadata execute_command([str(smex_executable), "-l", str(fw_ldc_file), str(input_elf_file)], check=True) # Update SOF submodules git_submodules_update() # CMake - configure rimage module rimage_dir_name="build-rimage" sof_mirror_dir = pathlib.Path("modules", "audio", "sof") rimage_source_dir = pathlib.Path(sof_mirror_dir, "rimage") execute_command(["cmake", "-B", rimage_dir_name, "-S", str(rimage_source_dir)], check=True, cwd=west_top) # CMake build rimage module execute_command(["cmake", "--build", rimage_dir_name, "-j", str(args.jobs)], check=True, cwd=west_top) # Sign firmware rimage_executable = shutil.which("rimage", path=pathlib.Path(west_top, rimage_dir_name)) rimage_config = pathlib.Path(sof_mirror_dir, "rimage", "config") sign_cmd = ["west"] sign_cmd += ["-v"] * args.verbose sign_cmd += ["sign", "--build-dir", platform_build_dir_name, "--tool", "rimage"] sign_cmd += ["--tool-path", rimage_executable] signing_key = "" if args.key: signing_key = args.key elif "RIMAGE_KEY" in platform_dict: signing_key = platform_dict["RIMAGE_KEY"] else: signing_key = default_rimage_key sign_cmd += ["--tool-data", str(rimage_config), "--", "-k", str(signing_key)] if args.ipc == "IPC4": rimage_desc = pathlib.Path(SOF_TOP, "rimage", "config", platform_dict["IPC4_RIMAGE_DESC"]) sign_cmd += ["-c", str(rimage_desc)] execute_command(sign_cmd, check=True, cwd=west_top) # Install by copy fw_file_to_copy = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "zephyr.ri") fw_file_installed = pathlib.Path(sof_output_dir, "community", f"sof-{platform}.ri") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fw_file_installed), exist_ok=True) # looses file owner and group - file is commonly accessible shutil.copy2(str(fw_file_to_copy), str(fw_file_installed)) # Install sof-logger sof_logger_dir = pathlib.Path(west_top, platform_build_dir_name, "zephyr", "sof-logger_ep", "build", "logger") sof_logger_executable_to_copy = pathlib.Path(shutil.which("sof-logger", path=sof_logger_dir)) tools_output_dir = pathlib.Path(STAGING_DIR, "tools") sof_logger_installed_file = pathlib.Path(tools_output_dir, sof_logger_executable_to_copy.name).resolve() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sof_logger_installed_file), exist_ok=True) # looses file owner and group - file is commonly accessible shutil.copy2(str(sof_logger_executable_to_copy), str(sof_logger_installed_file)) def run_clone_mode(): if find_west_workspace(): raise RuntimeError("Zephyr found already! Not downloading it again") create_zephyr_directory() west_init_update() git_submodules_update() if args.platforms: build_platforms() show_installed_files() else: git_submodules_update() def run_point_mode(): global west_top, SOF_TOP west_workspace_path = find_west_workspace() if not west_workspace_path: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find west workspace.\nScanned directories:\n{}\n{}\n{}" .format(os.getcwd(), SOF_TOP, west_top)) if not west_workspace_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("West topdir returned {} as workspace but it" " does not exist".format(west_workspace_path)) create_zephyr_sof_symlink() if args.platforms: build_platforms() show_installed_files() def main(): parse_args() check_west_installation() if len(args.platforms) == 0: print("No platform build requested") else: print("Building platforms: {}".format(" ".join(args.platforms))) # Two mutually exclusive working modes are supported if args.west_path: run_point_mode() if args.clone_mode: run_clone_mode() if __name__ == "__main__": main()