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function [emp_coefs, deemp_coefs] = iir_gen_quant_coefs(params);
stage_gain = params.stage_gain;
stage_ratio = params.stage_ratio;
anchor_freq = params.anchor;
emp = cell(1, 2);
deemp = cell(1, 2);
% Generate the coefficients of (de)emphasis for the 1-st stage of biquads
[emp(1), deemp(1)] = emp_deemp_stage_biquad(stage_gain, anchor_freq,
anchor_freq / stage_ratio);
anchor_freq = anchor_freq / (stage_ratio * stage_ratio);
% Generate the coefficients of (de)emphasis for the 2-nd stage of biquads
[emp(2), deemp(2)] = emp_deemp_stage_biquad(stage_gain, anchor_freq,
anchor_freq / stage_ratio);
% Adjust the stage gain (push gains to the last stage) of emphasis filter
[emp(1), emp(2)] = stage_gain_adjust(emp(1), emp(2));
% Print emp and deemp
% Convert the coefficients to values usable with SOF
emp_coefs = iir_coef_quant(emp);
deemp_coefs = iir_coef_quant(deemp);
function [emp, deemp] = emp_deemp_stage_biquad(gain, f1, f2);
[z1, p1] = emp_stage_roots(gain, f1);
[z2, p2] = emp_stage_roots(gain, f2);
b0 = 1;
b1 = -(z1 + z2);
b2 = z1 * z2;
a0 = 1;
a1 = -(p1 + p2);
a2 = p1 * p2;
% Gain compensation to make 0dB at 0Hz
% For emphasis filter, alpha should be > 1. Record the alpha gain and then we
% will do the stage gain adjustment afterwards.
alpha = (a0 + a1 + a2) / (b0 + b1 + b2);
% [ a2 a1 b2 b1 b0 shift gain]
emp = [-a2, -a1, b2, b1, b0, 0, alpha];
% For deemphasis filter, beta should be < 1. Multiply beta directly to b coeffs
% to have a healthy scaling of biquads internally.
beta = (b0 + b1 + b2) / (a0 + a1 + a2);
% [ a2 a1 b2 b1 b0 shift gain]
deemp = [-b2, -b1, a2 * beta, a1 * beta, a0 * beta, 0, 1.0];
function [zero, pole] = emp_stage_roots(gain, normalized_freq);
gk = 1 - gain / 20;
f1 = normalized_freq * gk;
f2 = normalized_freq / gk;
zero = exp(-f1 * pi);
pole = exp(-f2 * pi);
function quant_coefs = iir_coef_quant(coefs);
bits_iir = 32; % Q2.30
qf_iir = 30;
bits_gain = 16; % Q2.14
qf_gain = 14;
addpath ../eq
quant_coefs = cell(1, 2);
for i = 1:length(coefs)
coef = cell2mat(coefs(i));
quant_ab = eq_coef_quant(coef(1:5), bits_iir, qf_iir);
quant_gain = eq_coef_quant(coef(7), bits_gain, qf_gain);
quant_coefs(i) = [quant_ab coef(6) quant_gain];
quant_coefs = cell2mat(quant_coefs);
rmpath ../eq
function [bq1, bq2] = stage_gain_adjust(prev_bq1, prev_bq2);
prev_bq1 = cell2mat(prev_bq1);
prev_bq2 = cell2mat(prev_bq2);
[rshift, gain] = decompose_gain(prev_bq1(7) * prev_bq2(7));
bq1 = [prev_bq1(1:5) 0 1.0];
bq2 = [prev_bq2(1:5) rshift gain];
function [rshift, gain] = decompose_gain(prev_gain);
max_abs_val = 2; % Q2.14
rshift = 0;
gain = prev_gain;
while (abs(gain) >= max_abs_val)
gain = gain / 2;
rshift--; % left-shift in shift stage