
157 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
// Define SA NVS Area operation region.
#ifndef _SA_NVS_AREA_DEF_H_
#define _SA_NVS_AREA_DEF_H_
#pragma pack (push,1)
typedef struct {
UINT32 IgdOpRegionAddress; ///< Offset 0 IGD OpRegion base address
UINT8 GfxTurboIMON; ///< Offset 4 IMON Current Value
UINT8 IgdState; ///< Offset 5 IGD State (Primary Display = 1)
UINT8 IgdBootType; ///< Offset 6 IGD Boot Display Device
UINT8 IgdPanelType; ///< Offset 7 IGD Panel Type CMOS option
UINT8 IgdPanelScaling; ///< Offset 8 IGD Panel Scaling
UINT8 IgdBiaConfig; ///< Offset 9 IGD BIA Configuration
UINT8 IgdSscConfig; ///< Offset 10 IGD SSC Configuration
UINT8 IgdDvmtMemSize; ///< Offset 11 IGD DVMT Memory Size
UINT8 IgdFunc1Enable; ///< Offset 12 IGD Function 1 Enable
UINT8 IgdHpllVco; ///< Offset 13 HPLL VCO
UINT8 IgdSciSmiMode; ///< Offset 14 GMCH SMI/SCI mode (0=SCI)
UINT8 IgdPAVP; ///< Offset 15 IGD PAVP data
UINT8 CurrentDeviceList; ///< Offset 16 Current Attached Device List
UINT16 CurrentDisplayState; ///< Offset 17 Current Display State
UINT16 NextDisplayState; ///< Offset 19 Next Display State
UINT8 NumberOfValidDeviceId; ///< Offset 21 Number of Valid Device IDs
UINT32 DeviceId1; ///< Offset 22 Device ID 1
UINT32 DeviceId2; ///< Offset 26 Device ID 2
UINT32 DeviceId3; ///< Offset 30 Device ID 3
UINT32 DeviceId4; ///< Offset 34 Device ID 4
UINT32 DeviceId5; ///< Offset 38 Device ID 5
UINT32 DeviceId6; ///< Offset 42 Device ID 6
UINT32 DeviceId7; ///< Offset 46 Device ID 7
UINT32 DeviceId8; ///< Offset 50 Device ID 8
UINT32 DeviceId9; ///< Offset 54 Device ID 9
UINT32 DeviceId10; ///< Offset 58 Device ID 10
UINT32 DeviceId11; ///< Offset 62 Device ID 11
UINT32 DeviceId12; ///< Offset 66 Device ID 12
UINT32 DeviceId13; ///< Offset 70 Device ID 13
UINT32 DeviceId14; ///< Offset 74 Device ID 14
UINT32 DeviceId15; ///< Offset 78 Device ID 15
UINT32 DeviceIdX; ///< Offset 82 Device ID for eDP device
UINT32 NextStateDid1; ///< Offset 86 Next state DID1 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid2; ///< Offset 90 Next state DID2 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid3; ///< Offset 94 Next state DID3 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid4; ///< Offset 98 Next state DID4 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid5; ///< Offset 102 Next state DID5 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid6; ///< Offset 106 Next state DID6 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid7; ///< Offset 110 Next state DID7 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDid8; ///< Offset 114 Next state DID8 for _DGS
UINT32 NextStateDidEdp; ///< Offset 118 Next state DID for eDP
UINT8 LidState; ///< Offset 122 Lid State (Lid Open = 1)
UINT32 AKsv0; ///< Offset 123 First four bytes of AKSV (manufacturing mode)
UINT8 AKsv1; ///< Offset 127 Fifth byte of AKSV (manufacturing mode)
UINT8 BrightnessPercentage; ///< Offset 128 Brightness Level Percentage
UINT8 AlsEnable; ///< Offset 129 Ambient Light Sensor Enable
UINT8 AlsAdjustmentFactor; ///< Offset 130 Ambient Light Adjusment Factor
UINT8 LuxLowValue; ///< Offset 131 LUX Low Value
UINT8 LuxHighValue; ///< Offset 132 LUX High Value
UINT8 ActiveLFP; ///< Offset 133 Active LFP
UINT8 IpuAcpiMode; ///< Offset 134 IPU ACPI device type (0=Disabled, 1=AVStream virtual device as child of GFX)
UINT8 EdpValid; ///< Offset 135 Check for eDP display device
UINT8 HgMode; ///< Offset 136 SG Mode (0=Disabled, 1=HG Muxed, 2=HG Muxless, 3=DGPU Only)
UINT8 HgFeatureList; ///< Offset 137 HG Feature List
UINT8 Pcie0GpioSupport; ///< Offset 138 PCIe0 GPIO Support (0=Disabled, 1=PCH Based, 2=I2C Based)
UINT8 Pcie0HoldRstExpanderNo; ///< Offset 139 PCIe0 HLD RST IO Expander Number
UINT32 Pcie0HoldRstGpioNo; ///< Offset 140 PCIe0 HLD RST GPIO Number
UINT8 Pcie0HoldRstActiveInfo; ///< Offset 144 PCIe0 HLD RST GPIO Active Information
UINT8 Pcie0PwrEnExpanderNo; ///< Offset 145 PCIe0 PWR Enable IO Expander Number
UINT32 Pcie0PwrEnGpioNo; ///< Offset 146 PCIe0 PWR Enable GPIO Number
UINT8 Pcie0PwrEnActiveInfo; ///< Offset 150 PCIe0 PWR Enable GPIO Active Information
UINT16 DelayAfterPwrEn; ///< Offset 151 Delay after power enable for PCIe
UINT16 DelayAfterHoldReset; ///< Offset 153 Delay after Hold Reset for PCIe
UINT8 Pcie0EpCapOffset; ///< Offset 155 PCIe0 Endpoint Capability Structure Offset
UINT32 XPcieCfgBaseAddress; ///< Offset 156 Any Device's PCIe Config Space Base Address
UINT16 GpioBaseAddress; ///< Offset 160 GPIO Base Address
UINT32 NvIgOpRegionAddress; ///< Offset 162 NVIG opregion address
UINT32 NvHmOpRegionAddress; ///< Offset 166 NVHM opregion address
UINT32 ApXmOpRegionAddress; ///< Offset 170 AMDA opregion address
UINT8 Peg0LtrEnable; ///< Offset 174 Latency Tolerance Reporting Enable
UINT8 Peg0ObffEnable; ///< Offset 175 Optimized Buffer Flush and Fill
UINT8 Peg1LtrEnable; ///< Offset 176 Latency Tolerance Reporting Enable
UINT8 Peg1ObffEnable; ///< Offset 177 Optimized Buffer Flush and Fill
UINT8 Peg2LtrEnable; ///< Offset 178 Latency Tolerance Reporting Enable
UINT8 Peg2ObffEnable; ///< Offset 179 Optimized Buffer Flush and Fill
UINT8 Peg3LtrEnable; ///< Offset 180 Latency Tolerance Reporting Enable
UINT8 Peg3ObffEnable; ///< Offset 181 Optimized Buffer Flush and Fill
UINT16 PegLtrMaxSnoopLatency; ///< Offset 182 SA Peg Latency Tolerance Reporting Max Snoop Latency
UINT16 PegLtrMaxNoSnoopLatency; ///< Offset 184 SA Peg Latency Tolerance Reporting Max No Snoop Latency
UINT64 Mmio64Base; ///< Offset 186 Base of above 4GB MMIO resource
UINT64 Mmio64Length; ///< Offset 194 Length of above 4GB MMIO resource
UINT32 CpuIdInfo; ///< Offset 202 CPU ID info to get Family Id or Stepping
UINT32 Mmio32Base; ///< Offset 206 Base of below 4GB MMIO resource
UINT32 Mmio32Length; ///< Offset 210 Length of below 4GB MMIO resource
UINT8 VtdDisable; ///< Offset 214 VT-d Enable/Disable
UINT32 VtdBaseAddress[7]; ///< Offset 215 VT-d Base Address 1
///< Offset 219 VT-d Base Address 2
///< Offset 223 VT-d Base Address 3
///< Offset 227 VT-d Base Address 4 (iTBT PCIE0)
///< Offset 231 VT-d Base Address 5 (iTBT PCIE1)
///< Offset 235 VT-d Base Address 6 (iTBT PCIE2)
///< Offset 239 VT-d Base Address 7 (iTBT PCIE3)
UINT16 VtdEngine1Vid; ///< Offset 243 VT-d Engine#1 Vendor ID
UINT16 VtdEngine2Vid; ///< Offset 245 VT-d Engine#2 Vendor ID
UINT8 RootPortIndex; ///< Offset 247 RootPort Number
UINT32 RootPortAddress; ///< Offset 248 RootPortAddress
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMode; ///< Offset 252 CPU Trace Hub Mode
UINT8 SimicsEnvironment; ///< Offset 253 Simics Environment information
UINT8 ItbtXhciEn; ///< Offset 254 TCSS XHCI Device Enable
UINT8 ItbtXdciEn; ///< Offset 255 TCSS XDCI Device Enable
UINT8 ItbtDmaEn[2]; ///< Offset 256 TCSS DMA 0 Device Enable
///< Offset 257 TCSS DMA 1 Device Enable
UINT8 ItbtPcieRpEn[4]; ///< Offset 258 TCSS ItbtPcieRp PCIE RP 0 Device Enable
///< Offset 259 TCSS ItbtPcieRp PCIE RP 1 Device Enable
///< Offset 260 TCSS ItbtPcieRp PCIE RP 2 Device Enable
///< Offset 261 TCSS ItbtPcieRp PCIE RP 3 Device Enable
UINT32 ItbtPcieRpAddress[4]; ///< Offset 262 TCSS ItbtPcie Root Port address 0
///< Offset 266 TCSS ItbtPcie Root Port address 1
///< Offset 270 TCSS ItbtPcie Root Port address 2
///< Offset 274 TCSS ItbtPcie Root Port address 3
UINT32 TcssxDCIPwrDnScale; ///< Offset 278 TCSS xDCI Power Down Scale Value, DWC_USB3_GCTL_INIT[31:19]
UINT8 TcssxDCIInt; ///< Offset 282 TCSS xDCI Int Pin
UINT8 TcssxDCIIrq; ///< Offset 283 TCSS xDCI Irq Number
UINT8 TcssRtd3; ///< Offset 284 TCSS RTD3
UINT8 LtrEnable[4]; ///< Offset 285 Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
///< Offset 286 Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
///< Offset 287 Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
///< Offset 288 Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT16 PcieLtrMaxSnoopLatency[4]; ///< Offset 289 PCIE LTR max snoop Latency 0
///< Offset 291 PCIE LTR max snoop Latency 1
///< Offset 293 PCIE LTR max snoop Latency 2
///< Offset 295 PCIE LTR max snoop Latency 3
UINT16 PcieLtrMaxNoSnoopLatency[4]; ///< Offset 297 PCIE LTR max no snoop Latency 0
///< Offset 299 PCIE LTR max no snoop Latency 1
///< Offset 301 PCIE LTR max no snoop Latency 2
///< Offset 303 PCIE LTR max no snoop Latency 3
UINT8 IomReady; ///< Offset 305 IOM Ready
UINT8 TcssIomVccSt; ///< Offset 306 TCSS IOM VccSt
UINT8 CpuPcieRp0Enable; ///< Offset 307 <0:Disabled, 1:Enabled>
UINT8 CpuPcieRp1Enable; ///< Offset 308 <0:Disabled, 1:Enabled>
UINT8 CpuPcieRp2Enable; ///< Offset 309 <0:Disabled, 1:Enabled>
UINT8 CpuPcieRp3Enable; ///< Offset 310 <0:Disabled, 1:Enabled>
UINT8 VmdEnable; ///< Offset 311 VMD Device Enable
UINT32 DeviceIdY; ///< Offset 312 Device ID for second LFP device
UINT32 NextStateDidEdp2; ///< Offset 316 Next state DID for Second Display
UINT8 Reserved0[180]; ///< Offset 320:499
#pragma pack(pop)