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* Copyright 2018-2020 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Purpose:
// Cryptography Primitive.
// Signatire Scheme with Appendix Signatute Generation
// (Ppobabilistic Signature Scheme)
// Contents:
// ippsRSAVerify_PSS()
#include "owndefs.h"
#include "owncp.h"
#include "pcpngrsa.h"
#include "pcphash_rmf.h"
#include "pcptool.h"
#include "pcprsa_pss_preproc.h"
// Name: ippsRSAVerify_PSS_rmf
// Purpose: Performs Signature Verification according to RSASSA-PSS
// Returns: Reason:
// ippStsNotSupportedModeErr invalid hashAlg value
// ippStsNullPtrErr NULL == pMsg
// NULL == pSign
// NULL == pIsValid
// NULL == pKey
// NULL == pMethod
// NULL == pBuffer
// ippStsLengthErr msgLen<0
// RSAsize <=hashLen +2
// ippStsContextMatchErr !RSA_PUB_KEY_VALID_ID()
// ippStsIncompleteContextErr public key is not set up
// ippStsNoErr no error
// Parameters:
// pMsg pointer to the message to be verified
// msgLen length of the message
// pSign pointer to the signature string of the RSA length
// pIsValid pointer to the verification result
// pKey pointer to the RSA public key context
// pMethod hash method
// pBuffer pointer to scratch buffer
IPPFUN(IppStatus, ippsRSAVerify_PSS_rmf,(const Ipp8u* pMsg, int msgLen,
const Ipp8u* pSign,
int* pIsValid,
const IppsRSAPublicKeyState* pKey,
const IppsHashMethod* pMethod,
Ipp8u* pScratchBuffer))
const IppStatus preprocResult = SingleVerifyPssRmfPreproc(pMsg, msgLen, pSign,
pIsValid, &pKey, pMethod, pScratchBuffer); // badargs and pointer alignments, set *pIsValid = 0
if (ippStsNoErr != preprocResult) {
return preprocResult;
Ipp8u hashMsg[MAX_HASH_SIZE];
/* hash length */
int hashLen = pMethod->hashLen;
/* size of RSA modulus in bytes and chunks */
cpSize rsaBits = RSA_PUB_KEY_BITSIZE_N(pKey);
cpSize k = BITS2WORD8_SIZE(rsaBits);
cpSize nsN = BITS_BNU_CHUNK(rsaBits);
/* align buffer */
BNU_CHUNK_T* pBuffer = (BNU_CHUNK_T*)(IPP_ALIGNED_PTR(pScratchBuffer, (int)sizeof(BNU_CHUNK_T)) );
/* temporary BNs */
__ALIGN8 IppsBigNumState bnC;
__ALIGN8 IppsBigNumState bnP;
/* message presentative size */
int emBits = rsaBits-1;
int emLen = BITS2WORD8_SIZE(emBits);
/* test size consistence */
if(k <= (hashLen+2))
/* compute hash of the message */
ippsHashMessage_rmf(pMsg, msgLen, hashMsg, pMethod);
/* make BNs */
BN_Make(pBuffer, pBuffer+nsN+1, nsN, &bnC);
pBuffer += (nsN+1)*2;
BN_Make(pBuffer, pBuffer+nsN+1, nsN, &bnP);
pBuffer += (nsN+1)*2;
// public-key operation
ippsSetOctString_BN(pSign, k, &bnP);
gsRSApub_cipher(&bnC, &bnP, pKey, pBuffer);
// EMSA-PSS verification
/* convert BN into octet string EM
// EM = maskedDB || H || 0xBC
Ipp8u* pEM = (Ipp8u*)BN_BUFFER(&bnC);
ippsGetOctString_BN(pEM, emLen, &bnC);
/* test last byte and top of (8*emLen-emBits) bits */
if(0xBC==pEM[emLen-1] && 0x00==(pEM[0] >>(8-(8*emLen-emBits)))) {
int psLen;
Ipp8u* pM = (Ipp8u*)BN_NUMBER(&bnP);
/* pointers to the EM fields */
int dbLen = emLen-hashLen-1;
Ipp8u* pDB = pEM;
Ipp8u* pH = pEM+dbLen;
/* recover DB = maskedDB ^ MGF(H) */
ippsMGF1_rmf(pH, hashLen, pM, dbLen, pMethod);
XorBlock(pDB, pM, pDB, dbLen);
/* make sure that top 8*emLen-emBits bits are clear */
pDB[0] &= MAKEMASK32(8-8*emLen+emBits);
/* skip over padding sring (PS) */
for(psLen=0; psLen<dbLen; psLen++)
/* and test non-zero octet */
if(psLen<(dbLen) && 0x01==pEM[psLen]) {
int saltLen = dbLen-1-psLen;
/* construct message M'
// M' = (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) || mHash || salt
// where:
// mHash = HASH(pMsg)
PadBlock(0, pM, 8);
CopyBlock(hashMsg, pM+8, hashLen);
CopyBlock(pDB+psLen+1, pM+8+hashLen, saltLen);
/* H' = HASH(M') */
ippsHashMessage_rmf(pM, 8+hashLen+saltLen, pM, pMethod);
/* compare H ~ H' */
*pIsValid = EquBlock(pH, pM, hashLen);
return ippStsNoErr;