
525 lines
22 KiB

## @
# This is a python stitching script for Slim Bootloader CML build
# Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
import sys
import os
import re
import struct
import argparse
import zipfile
import shutil
import glob
import shlex
import subprocess # nosec
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from ctypes import *
from subprocess import call #nosec
from StitchLoader import *
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
sblopen_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../'))
if not os.path.exists (sblopen_dir):
sblopen_dir = os.getenv('SBL_SOURCE', '')
if not os.path.exists (sblopen_dir):
raise Exception("Please set env 'SBL_SOURCE' to SBL open source root folder")
btg_profile_values = [\
"Boot Guard Profile 0 - No_FVME",\
"Not Applicable",\
"Not Applicable",\
"Boot Guard Profile 3 - VM",\
"Boot Guard Profile 4 - FVE",\
"Boot Guard Profile 5 - FVME"]
def is_wine_installed ():
return True if shutil.which("wine") != None else False
def get_path_wrapper (path):
if == 'posix' and is_wine_installed ():
cmd = ['winepath', '-w', path]
return run_process (cmd, capture_out=True).strip()
return path
def run_process_wrapper (cmds):
if == 'posix':
if is_wine_installed ():
cmds = ["wine"] + cmds
print ("\n")
print ("ERROR: Please install 'wine'.")
print (" To stitch CML IFWI in Linux, 'wine' is required")
print ("\n")
raise Exception ()
run_process (cmds)
def get_openssl_path_wrapper (stitch_dir):
if == 'posix' and is_wine_installed ():
return get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'OpenSSL/openssl.exe'))
return get_openssl_path ()
def gen_bpmgen2_params (stitch_cfg_file, InFile, OutFile):
InFileptr = open(InFile, 'r',encoding='iso-8859-15')
lines = InFileptr.readlines()
params_change_list = stitch_cfg_file.get_bpmgen2_params_change_list()
for item in params_change_list:
for variable, value in item:
for linenumber, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.split(':')[0].strip() == variable:
lines[linenumber] = variable + ': ' + value + '\n'
if OutFile == '':
OutFile = Infile
Outfileptr = open(OutFile, 'w',encoding='iso-8859-15')
def swap_ts_block(in_file, out_file, ts_size):
print("Swapping Top Swap Blocks....")
if not os.path.exists(in_file):
raise Exception("%s not found !" % in_file)
return 1
in_file_size = os.path.getsize(in_file)
if ts_size > in_file_size:
raise Exception("TsSize %x is greater than the file size !" % ts_size)
return 1
in_fileptr = open(in_file, 'rb')
in_file_data = bytearray(
write_data = bytearray(0)
out_file_ptr = open(out_file, 'wb')
block_data = in_file_data[0:(in_file_size-(2*ts_size))]
block_data += in_file_data[(in_file_size-ts_size):in_file_size]
block_data += in_file_data[(in_file_size-(2*ts_size)):(in_file_size-ts_size)]
def gen_oem_key_hash(stitch_dir):
output_dir = os.path.join(stitch_dir, "Temp")
kmsigpubkeytxtfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "kmsigpubkey.txt")
kmsigpubkeybinfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "kmsigpubkey.bin")
with open(kmsigpubkeytxtfile, "w") as kmsigpubkeytxt_fh:
run_process ([get_openssl_path(), 'rsa' , '-in', 'BpmGen2/keys/oem_pubkey_2048.pem',
'-pubin', '-modulus', '-out', 'Temp/kmsigpubkeytxt_fh'])
shutil.copy(os.path.join(output_dir, "kmsigpubkeytxt_fh"), kmsigpubkeytxtfile)
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
keybin = bytearray.fromhex(line)
keybin = line.decode('hex')
# public exponent (i.e. 65537) is concatenated for OEM key hash calculation.
run_process ([get_openssl_path(), 'dgst', '-sha256', '-binary',
'-out', 'Temp/kmsigpubkey.hash', 'Temp/kmsigpubkey.bin'])
def gen_sign_oem_key_manifest(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file):
output_dir = os.path.join(stitch_dir, "Temp")
meu_path = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Meu', 'meu')
oem_bin_input = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Input', 'OemExtInputFile.bin')
oem_bin_sign = os.path.join (output_dir, 'OemExtInputFile.bin')
openssl_path = get_openssl_path_wrapper (stitch_dir)
bpm_gen2dir = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'BpmGen2')
bpm_key_dir = os.path.join (bpm_gen2dir, 'keys')
if not os.path.exists(oem_bin_input):
print("Generate and sigm OemKeyManifest binary....")
#create an dummy meu_config.xml
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (meu_path), '-gen', 'meu_config',
'-save', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'meu_config.xml'))])
#Generate default OEMKeyManifest config xml
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (meu_path), '-gen', 'OEMKeyManifest',
'-save', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'oemkeymanifest_sample_config.xml'))])
#Update OEMKeyManifest config xml for sample/test params
tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(output_dir, 'oemkeymanifest_sample_config.xml'))
xml_change_list = stitch_cfg_file.get_oemkeymanifest_change_list()
for each in xml_change_list:
for xml_path, value in each:
node = tree.find('%s' % xml_path)
node.set('value', value)
tree.write(os.path.join(output_dir, 'oemkeymanifest_sample_config.xml'), xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8')
#Generate signed OEMKeyManifest binary
#meu.exe -f decomp_km1.xml -o OemExtInputFile.bin -key oem_privkey_2048.pem -stp C:\Openssl\openssl.exe
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (meu_path),
'-f', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'oemkeymanifest_sample_config.xml')),
'-o', get_path_wrapper (oem_bin_sign),
'-key', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_key_dir, 'oem_privkey_2048.pem')),
'-cfg', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'meu_config.xml')),
'-stp', openssl_path])
# OemKeyManifest binary re signing
print("Resign Oem key manifest binary....")
#create an dummy meu_config
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (meu_path), '-gen', 'meu_config',
'-save', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'meu_config.xml'))])
#Resign Oem Binary using Meu tool
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (meu_path), '-resign',
'-f', get_path_wrapper (oem_bin_input),
'-o', get_path_wrapper (oem_bin_sign),
'-key', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_key_dir, 'oem_privkey_2048.pem')),
'-cfg', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join(output_dir, 'meu_config.xml')),
'-stp', openssl_path])
def sign_binary(infile, stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file):
openssl_path = get_openssl_path ()
output_dir = os.path.join(stitch_dir, "Temp")
shutil.copy(infile, os.path.join(output_dir,"sbl_sec_temp.bin"))
print("Generating new keys....")
bpm_gen2dir = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'BpmGen2')
bpm_key_dir = os.path.join (bpm_gen2dir, 'keys')
if not os.path.exists(bpm_key_dir):
cmd = '%s genrsa -F4 -out %s/oem_privkey_2048.pem 2048' % (openssl_path, bpm_key_dir)
run_process (cmd.split())
cmd = '%s rsa -pubout -in %s/oem_privkey_2048.pem -out %s/oem_pubkey_2048.pem' % (openssl_path, bpm_key_dir, bpm_key_dir)
run_process (cmd.split())
cmd = '%s genrsa -F4 -out %s/bpm_privkey_2048.pem 2048' % (openssl_path, bpm_key_dir)
run_process (cmd.split())
cmd = '%s rsa -pubout -in %s/bpm_privkey_2048.pem -out %s/bpm_pubkey_2048.pem' % (openssl_path, bpm_key_dir, bpm_key_dir)
run_process (cmd.split())
print ("Generating BPM GEN2 params file")
gen_bpmgen2_params(stitch_cfg_file, os.path.join(bpm_gen2dir, "sbl_bpmgen2.params"), os.path.join(output_dir, "sbl_bpmgen2.params"))
print("Generating Btg KeyManifest.bin....")
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_gen2dir, 'BpmGen2.exe')),
'-KEY', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_key_dir, 'bpm_pubkey_2048.pem')), 'BPM',
'-KM', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'KeyManifest.bin')),
'-SIGNKEY', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_key_dir, 'oem_privkey_2048.pem')),
'-SIGNPUBKEY', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_key_dir, 'oem_pubkey_2048.pem')),
'-KMID', '0x01',
'-KMKHASH', 'SHA256',
'-SVN', '0',
print("Generating Btg Boot Policy Manifest (BPM).bin....")
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (bpm_gen2dir, 'BpmGen2.exe')),
get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'sbl_sec_temp.bin')),
get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'sbl_bpmgen2.params')),
'-BPM', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'BpmManifest.bin')),
'-U', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'sbl_sec.bin')),
'-KM', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (output_dir, 'KeyManifest.bin')),
def update_tpm_type(tpm_type, tree):
ptt_supported_xml_entry = "./PlatformProtection/IntelPttConfiguration/PttSupported"
ptt_pwrup_state_xml_entry = "./PlatformProtection/IntelPttConfiguration/PttPwrUpState"
ptt_supported_fpf_xml_entry = "./PlatformProtection/IntelPttConfiguration/PttSupportedFpf"
spi_over_tpmbus_xml_entry = "./PlatformProtection/TpmOverSpiBusConfiguration/SpiOverTpmBusEnable"
tpm_config = {
'ptt': {
ptt_supported_xml_entry: 'Yes',
ptt_pwrup_state_xml_entry: 'Enabled',
ptt_supported_fpf_xml_entry: 'Yes',
spi_over_tpmbus_xml_entry: 'No'
'dtpm': {
ptt_supported_xml_entry: 'No',
ptt_pwrup_state_xml_entry: 'Disabled',
ptt_supported_fpf_xml_entry: 'Yes',
'none': {
ptt_supported_xml_entry: 'No',
ptt_pwrup_state_xml_entry: 'Disabled',
ptt_supported_fpf_xml_entry: 'Yes',
spi_over_tpmbus_xml_entry: 'No'
#Enable TPM/PTT device
for key in tpm_config[tpm_type]:
node = tree.find(key)
if node is not None:
node.attrib['value'] = tpm_config[tpm_type][key]
print("[INFO] TPM device type enabled for Measured Boot: %s" % tpm_type)
def update_btGuard_xml(btg_profile, stitch_dir, tree):
output_dir = os.path.join(stitch_dir, "Temp")
kmsigpubkeyhashfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "kmsigpubkey.hash")
if btg_profile == 'vm':
btguardprofile = 3
elif btg_profile == 'fve':
btguardprofile = 4
elif btg_profile == 'fvme':
btguardprofile = 5
print ("Boot Guard is NOT enabled.....")
btguardprofile = 0
# Convert OEM key hash into hexadecimal for Fit tool consumption
with open(kmsigpubkeyhashfile,"rb") as kmsigpubkeyhash_fh:
hash = bytearray (
oemkeyhash = ""
for b in hash:
oemkeyhash = oemkeyhash + "%02X " % b
node = tree.find('./PlatformProtection/BootGuardConfiguration/BtGuardKeyManifestId')
node.attrib['value'] = '0x1'
node = tree.find('./PlatformProtection/PlatformIntegrity/OemPublicKeyHash')
node.attrib['value'] = oemkeyhash
node = tree.find('./PlatformProtection/BootGuardConfiguration/BtGuardProfileConfig')
node.attrib['value'] = btg_profile_values[btguardprofile]
def update_btGuard_manifests(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file):
output_dir = os.path.join(stitch_dir, "Temp")
sbl_file = os.path.join (output_dir, 'SlimBootloader.bin')
#print("Replace components in both partitions....")
replace_components (sbl_file, stitch_cfg_file)
# get topswap size
sbl_bin = bytearray (get_file_data (sbl_file))
ifwi = IFWI_PARSER.parse_ifwi_binary (sbl_bin)
ifwi_comps = IFWI_PARSER.locate_components (ifwi, 'IFWI/BIOS/TS0')
if len(ifwi_comps) == 0:
raise Exception("Cannot find path 'IFWI/BIOS/TS0' in ifwi image!")
for ifwi_comp in ifwi_comps:
top_swap_size = ifwi_comp.length
print("Sign primary partition....")
sign_binary(os.path.join(output_dir,"SlimBootloader.bin"), stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file)
print("Swap top swap block....")
swap_ts_block(os.path.join(output_dir, "sbl_sec.bin"), os.path.join(output_dir, "SwappedA.bin"), top_swap_size)
print("Sign backup partition....")
sign_binary(os.path.join(output_dir,"SwappedA.bin"), stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file)
print("Swap to original top swap block....")
swap_ts_block(os.path.join(output_dir, "sbl_sec.bin"), os.path.join(output_dir, "SwappedA.bin"), top_swap_size)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(output_dir, "SwappedA.bin"), os.path.join(output_dir, "SlimBootloader.bin"))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(output_dir, "SlimBootloader.bin"), os.path.join(output_dir, "BiosRegion.bin"))
# Generate OemKeyHash
# Generate OemKeyManifest bin if not available in inputs
gen_sign_oem_key_manifest(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file)
def gen_xml_file(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file, btg_profile, spi_quad, platform, tpm):
print ("Generating xml file .........")
fit_tool = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Fit', 'fit')
new_xml_file = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Temp', 'new.xml')
updated_xml_file = os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Temp', 'updated.xml')
sku = stitch_cfg_file.get_platform_sku().get(platform)
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper (fit_tool), '-sku', sku,
'-save', get_path_wrapper (new_xml_file),
'-w', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Temp'))])
tree = ET.parse(new_xml_file)
xml_change_list = stitch_cfg_file.get_xml_change_list (platform, spi_quad)
for each in xml_change_list:
for xml_path, value in each:
node = tree.find('%s' % xml_path)
node.set('value', value)
print (value)
update_btGuard_manifests(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file)
update_btGuard_xml(btg_profile, stitch_dir, tree)
update_tpm_type(tpm, tree)
def replace_component (ifwi_src_path, flash_path, file_path, comp_alg, pri_key):
print ("Replacing components.......")
work_dir = os.getcwd()
ifwi_bin = bytearray (get_file_data (ifwi_src_path))
ifwi = IFWI_PARSER.parse_ifwi_binary (ifwi_bin)
# assume a flash map path first
comp_name = ''
replace_comps = IFWI_PARSER.locate_components (ifwi, flash_path)
if len(replace_comps) == 0:
# assume a container path if not in flash map
nodes = flash_path.split('/')
comp_name = nodes[-1]
flash_path = '/'.join(nodes[:-1])
replace_comps = IFWI_PARSER.locate_components (ifwi, flash_path)
if len(replace_comps) == 0:
raise Exception ("Could not locate component '%s' !" % flash_path)
if len(replace_comps) > 1:
raise Exception ("Multiple components were located for '%s' !" % flash_path)
replace_comp = replace_comps[0]
if comp_name:
# extract container image
container_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'CTN_%s.bin') % comp_name
gen_file_from_object (container_file, ifwi_bin[replace_comp.offset:replace_comp.offset + replace_comp.length])
comp_file = os.path.join(work_dir, file_path)
if == 'nt':
tool_bin_dir = os.path.join(sblopen_dir, "BaseTools", "Bin", "Win32")
tool_bin_dir = os.path.join(sblopen_dir, "BaseTools", "BinWrappers", "PosixLike")
gen_container = os.path.join(sblopen_dir, "BootloaderCorePkg" , "Tools", "")
if not os.path.isabs(pri_key):
pri_key = os.path.join (work_dir, pri_key)
cmd_line = [sys.executable, gen_container, 'replace', '-i', container_file, '-o', container_file, '-n', comp_name,
'-f', comp_file, '-c', comp_alg, '-k', pri_key, '-od', work_dir, '-td', tool_bin_dir]
run_process (cmd_line, True)
comp_bin = bytearray (get_file_data (container_file))
# replace directly in flash map
comp_bin = bytearray (get_file_data (file_path))
IFWI_PARSER.replace_component (ifwi_bin, comp_bin, flash_path)
gen_file_from_object (ifwi_src_path, ifwi_bin)
def replace_components (ifwi_src_path, stitch_cfg_file):
print ("Replacing components.......")
replace_list = stitch_cfg_file.get_component_replace_list ()
for flash_path, file_path, comp_alg, pri_key in replace_list:
replace_component (ifwi_src_path, flash_path, file_path, comp_alg, pri_key)
def stitch (stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file, stitch_zip, btg_profile, spi_quad_mode, platform_data, platform, tpm, full_rdundant = True):
temp_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Temp'))
if os.path.exists(temp_dir):
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.copytree (os.path.join (stitch_dir, 'Input'), temp_dir)
print ("\nUnpack files from stitching zip file ...")
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(stitch_zip, 'r', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
if platform_data:
fd = open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "SlimBootloader.bin"), "rb")
input_data = bytearray(
print ("\n Adding platform data to Slimbootloader ...")
data = add_platform_data(input_data, platform_data)
fd = open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "SlimBootloader.bin"), "wb")
gen_xml_file(stitch_dir, stitch_cfg_file, btg_profile, spi_quad_mode, platform, tpm)
print ("Run fit tool to generate ifwi.........")
run_process_wrapper ([get_path_wrapper ('./Fit/fit'), '-b', '-o', get_path_wrapper ('Temp/Ifwi.bin'),
'-f', get_path_wrapper (os.path.join (temp_dir, 'updated.xml')),
'-s', get_path_wrapper (temp_dir), '-w', get_path_wrapper (temp_dir), '-d', get_path_wrapper (temp_dir)])
return 0
def main():
hexstr = lambda x: int(x, 16)
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('-p', dest='platform', default = '', help='specify platform to stitch')
ap.add_argument('-w', dest='work_dir', default = '', help='specify stitch workspace directory')
ap.add_argument('-c', dest='config_file', type=str, required=True, help='specify the platform specific stitch config file')
ap.add_argument('-s', dest='sbl_zip_file', type=str, default='', help='specify slim bootloader zip file')
ap.add_argument('-b', dest='btg_profile', default = 'vm', choices=['legacy', 'vm', 'fve', 'fvme'], help='specify Boot Guard profile type')
ap.add_argument('-d', dest='plat_data', type=hexstr, default=None, help='Specify a platform specific data (HEX, DWORD) for customization')
ap.add_argument('-q', dest='spi_quad_mode', action = "store_true", default = False, help = "enable SPI QUAD mode")
ap.add_argument('-r', dest='remove', action = "store_true", default = False, help = "delete temporary files after stitch")
ap.add_argument('-t', dest='tpm', default = 'ptt', choices=['ptt', 'dtpm', 'none'], help='specify TPM type')
ap.add_argument('-fusa', dest='fusa', action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Patch IFWI to generate Fusa ifwi")
ap.add_argument('-op', dest='outpath', default = '', help = "Specify path to write output IFIW and signed bin files")
args = ap.parse_args()
stitch_cfg_file = load_source('StitchIfwiConfig', args.config_file)
if args.work_dir == '':
print ("Please specify stitch work directory")
print ('%s' % stitch_cfg_file.extra_usage_txt)
return 1
if args.platform == '' or args.platform not in stitch_cfg_file.get_platform_sku():
print ("Please specify platform from the list: %s" % stitch_cfg_file.get_platform_sku().keys())
return 1
if args.btg_profile in ["vm","fvme"] and args.tpm == "none":
print ("ERROR: Choose appropriate Tpm type for BootGuard profile 3 and 5")
return 1
print ("Executing stitch.......")
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
sbl_zip_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (curr_dir, args.sbl_zip_file))
work_dir = os.path.abspath (args.work_dir)
if stitch (work_dir, stitch_cfg_file, sbl_zip_file, args.btg_profile, args.spi_quad_mode, args.plat_data, args.platform, args.tpm):
raise Exception ('Stitching process failed !')
generated_ifwi_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'Temp', 'Ifwi.bin')
ifwi_file_name = os.path.join(args.outpath,'sbl_ifwi_%s.bin' % (args.platform))
shutil.copy(generated_ifwi_file, ifwi_file_name)
generated_signed_sbl = os.path.join(work_dir, 'Temp', 'SlimBootloader.bin')
sbl_file_name = os.path.join(args.outpath,'SlimBootloader_%s.bin' % (args.platform))
shutil.copy(generated_signed_sbl, sbl_file_name)
if args.fusa:
print ("patch IFWI to generate Fusa ifwi")
with open(ifwi_file_name, "r+b") as fh:
print ("\nIFWI Stitching completed successfully !")
print ("Boot Guard Profile: %s" % args.btg_profile.upper())
print ("IFWI image: %s\n" % ifwi_file_name)
if args.remove:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(work_dir, 'Temp'), ignore_errors=True)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':