
218 lines
11 KiB

/** @file
PCIe Config Block
Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#ifndef _PCIE_CONFIG_H_
#define _PCIE_CONFIG_H_
#include <CpuPcieInfo.h>
<b>Revision 2< / b>:
FomsCp - Deprecated
<b>Revision 3< / b>:
extern EFI_GUID gPcieConfigGuid;
#pragma pack (push,1)
Represent lane specific PCIe Gen3 equalization parameters.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Cm; ///< Coefficient C-1
UINT8 Cp; ///< Coefficient C+1
UINT8 Rsvd0[2]; ///< Reserved bytes
typedef struct {
UINT16 LtrMaxSnoopLatency; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Max Snoop Latency.
UINT16 LtrMaxNoSnoopLatency; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Max Non-Snoop Latency.
UINT8 SnoopLatencyOverrideMode; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Mode.
UINT8 SnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
UINT16 SnoopLatencyOverrideValue; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Snoop Latency Override Value.
UINT8 NonSnoopLatencyOverrideMode; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Mode.
UINT8 NonSnoopLatencyOverrideMultiplier; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Multiplier.
UINT16 NonSnoopLatencyOverrideValue; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting, Non-Snoop Latency Override Value.
UINT8 LtrConfigLock; ///< <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 ForceLtrOverride;
UINT16 RsvdByte1;
Specifies the form factor that the slot
implements. For custom form factors that
do not require any special handling please
set PcieFormFactorOther.
typedef enum {
PcieFormFactorOther = 0,
PcieFormFactorExpressModule, // Also known as Server IO module(SIOM)
PcieFormFactorU2 // Also known as SF-8639
//Note: This structure will be expanded to hold all common PCIe policies between SA and PCH RootPort
typedef struct {
UINT32 HotPlug : 1; ///< Indicate whether the root port is hot plug available. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 PmSci : 1; ///< Indicate whether the root port power manager SCI is enabled. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT32 TransmitterHalfSwing : 1; ///< Indicate whether the Transmitter Half Swing is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 AcsEnabled : 1; ///< Indicate whether the ACS is enabled. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
// Error handlings
UINT32 AdvancedErrorReporting : 1; ///< Indicate whether the Advanced Error Reporting is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 UnsupportedRequestReport : 1; ///< Indicate whether the Unsupported Request Report is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 FatalErrorReport : 1; ///< Indicate whether the Fatal Error Report is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 NoFatalErrorReport : 1; ///< Indicate whether the No Fatal Error Report is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 CorrectableErrorReport : 1; ///< Indicate whether the Correctable Error Report is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 SystemErrorOnFatalError : 1; ///< Indicate whether the System Error on Fatal Error is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 SystemErrorOnNonFatalError : 1; ///< Indicate whether the System Error on Non Fatal Error is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 SystemErrorOnCorrectableError : 1; ///< Indicate whether the System Error on Correctable Error is enabled. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
Max Payload Size supported, Default <b>128B</b>, see enum CPU_PCIE_MAX_PAYLOAD
Changes Max Payload Size Supported field in Device Capabilities of the root port.
UINT32 MaxPayload : 2;
UINT32 DpcEnabled : 1; ///< Downstream Port Containment. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
UINT32 RpDpcExtensionsEnabled : 1; ///< RP Extensions for Downstream Port Containment. 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
Indicates how this root port is connected to endpoint. 0: built-in device; <b>1: slot</b>
Built-in is incompatible with hotplug-capable ports.
UINT32 SlotImplemented : 1;
UINT32 PtmEnabled : 1; ///< Enables PTM capability
UINT32 SlotPowerLimitScale : 2; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Specifies scale used for slot power limit value. Leave as 0 to set to default. Default is <b>zero</b>.
UINT32 SlotPowerLimitValue : 12; //< <b>(Test)</b> Specifies upper limit on power supplies by slot. Leave as 0 to set to default. Default is <b>zero</b>.
Probe CLKREQ# signal before enabling CLKREQ# based power management.
Conforming device shall hold CLKREQ# low until CPM is enabled. This feature attempts
to verify CLKREQ# signal is connected by testing pad state before enabling CPM.
In particular this helps to avoid issues with open-ended PCIe slots.
This is only applicable to non hot-plug ports.
<b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 ClkReqDetect : 1;
Set if the slot supports manually operated retention latch.
UINT32 MrlSensorPresent : 1;
UINT32 RelaxedOrder : 1;
UINT32 NoSnoop : 1;
UINT32 RsvdBits0 : 28; ///< Reserved bits.
PCIe Gen3 Equalization Phase 3 Method (see CPU_PCIE_EQ_METHOD).
0: DEPRECATED, hardware equalization; <b>1: hardware equalization</b>; 4: Fixed Coefficients
UINT8 Gen3EqPh3Method;
UINT8 PhysicalSlotNumber; ///< Indicates the slot number for the root port. Default is the value as root port index.
UINT8 CompletionTimeout; ///< The completion timeout configuration of the root port (see: CPU_PCIE_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT). Default is <b>PchPcieCompletionTO_Default</b>.
// Power Management
UINT8 Aspm; ///< The ASPM configuration of the root port (see: CPU_PCIE_ASPM_CONTROL). Default is <b>PchPcieAspmAutoConfig</b>.
UINT8 L1Substates; ///< The L1 Substates configuration of the root port (see: CPU_PCIE_L1SUBSTATES_CONTROL). Default is <b>PchPcieL1SubstatesL1_1_2</b>.
UINT8 LtrEnable; ///< Latency Tolerance Reporting Mechanism. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 EnableCpm; ///< Enables Clock Power Management; even if disabled, CLKREQ# signal can still be controlled by L1 PM substates mechanism
UINT8 PcieSpeed; ///< Contains speed of PCIe bus (see: PCIE_SPEED)
Forces LTR override to be permanent
The default way LTR override works is:
rootport uses LTR override values provided by BIOS until connected device sends an LTR message, then it will use values from the message
This settings allows force override of LTR mechanism. If it's enabled, then:
rootport will use LTR override values provided by BIOS forever; LTR messages sent from connected device will be ignored
PCIE_LTR_CONFIG PcieRpLtrConfig; ///< <b>(Test)</b> Latency Tolerance Reporting Policies including LTR limit and Override
The number of milliseconds reference code will wait for link to exit Detect state for enabled ports
before assuming there is no device and potentially disabling the port.
It's assumed that the link will exit detect state before root port initialization (sufficient time
elapsed since PLTRST de-assertion) therefore default timeout is zero. However this might be useful
if device power-up seqence is controlled by BIOS or a specific device requires more time to detect.
In case of non-common clock enabled the default timout is 15ms.
<b>Default: 0</b>
UINT16 DetectTimeoutMs;
UINT8 FormFactor; // Please check PCIE_FORM_FACTOR for supported values
UINT8 Reserved;
PCIe Common Config
@note This structure will be expanded to hold all common PCIe policies between SA and PCH
typedef struct {
/// This member describes whether Peer Memory Writes are enabled on the platform. <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT32 EnablePeerMemoryWrite : 1;
RpFunctionSwap allows BIOS to use root port function number swapping when root port of function 0 is disabled.
A PCIE device can have higher functions only when Function0 exists. To satisfy this requirement,
BIOS will always enable Function0 of a device that contains more than 0 enabled root ports.
- <b>Enabled: One of enabled root ports get assigned to Function0.</b>
This offers no guarantee that any particular root port will be available at a specific DevNr:FuncNr location
- Disabled: Root port that corresponds to Function0 will be kept visible even though it might be not used.
That way rootport - to - DevNr:FuncNr assignment is constant. This option will impact ports 1, 9, 17.
NOTE: This option will not work if ports 1, 9, 17 are fused or configured for RST PCIe storage or disabled through policy
In other words, it only affects ports that would become hidden because they have no device connected.
NOTE: Disabling function swap may have adverse impact on power management. This option should ONLY
be used when each one of root ports 1, 9, 17:
- is configured as PCIe and has correctly configured ClkReq signal, or
- does not own any mPhy lanes (they are configured as SATA or USB)
UINT32 RpFunctionSwap : 1;
Compliance Test Mode shall be enabled when using Compliance Load Board.
<b>0: Disable</b>, 1: Enable
UINT32 ComplianceTestMode : 1;
UINT32 RsvdBits0 : 29; ///< Reserved bits
/// List of coefficients used during equalization (applicable to both software and hardware EQ)
/// Deprecated Policy
typedef struct {
#pragma pack (pop)
#endif // _PCIE_CONFIG_H_