@REM @file @REM This stand-alone program is typically called by the edksetup.bat file, @REM however it may be executed directly from the BaseTools project folder @REM if the file is not executed within a WORKSPACE\BaseTools folder. @REM @REM Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
@REM @REM SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent @REM @echo off pushd . @REM ############################################################## @REM # You should not have to modify anything below this line @REM # if /I "%1"=="-h" goto Usage if /I "%1"=="-help" goto Usage if /I "%1"=="--help" goto Usage if /I "%1"=="/h" goto Usage if /I "%1"=="/help" goto Usage if /I "%1"=="/?" goto Usage :loop if "%1"=="" goto setup_workspace if /I "%1"=="--nt32" ( if /I "%2" == "X64" ( shift ) @REM Ignore --nt32 flag shift goto loop ) if /I "%1"=="Reconfig" ( shift set RECONFIG=TRUE goto loop ) if /I "%1"=="Rebuild" ( shift set REBUILD=TRUE goto loop ) if /I "%1"=="ForceRebuild" ( shift set FORCE_REBUILD=TRUE goto loop ) if "%1"=="" goto setup_workspace if exist %1 ( if not defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH ( if exist %1\Source set BASE_TOOLS_PATH=%1 shift goto loop ) if not defined EDK_TOOLS_PATH ( if exist %1\Bin\Win32 set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%1 shift goto loop ) echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Unknown argument, %1 !!! echo. goto end ) else ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Unknown argument, %1 !!! echo. goto end ) goto loop @REM @REM Check the required system environment variables @REM :setup_workspace REM REM check the EDK_TOOLS_PATH REM if not defined EDK_TOOLS_PATH goto no_EDK_TOOLS_PATH if exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH% goto set_PATH :no_EDK_TOOLS_PATH if not defined WORKSPACE ( if defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH ( set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%BASE_TOOLS_PATH% goto set_PATH ) else ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Neither BASE_TOOLS_PATH nor EDK_TOOLS_PATH are set. !!! echo. goto end ) ) else ( if exist %WORKSPACE%\BaseTools\Bin ( set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools goto set_PATH ) else ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! No tools path available. Please set EDK_TOOLS_PATH !!! echo. goto end ) ) :set_PATH if defined WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH goto check_PATH if not defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN ( set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 if not exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot find BaseTools Bin Win32!!! echo Please check the directory %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 echo Or configure EDK_TOOLS_BIN env to point Win32 directory. echo. ) ) set PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%;%PATH% set WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH% goto PATH_ok :check_PATH if "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%"=="%WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH%" goto PATH_ok if not defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN ( set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 if not exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot find BaseTools Bin Win32!!! echo Please check the directory %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 echo Or configure EDK_TOOLS_BIN env to point Win32 directory. echo. ) ) set PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%;%PATH% set WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH% echo Resetting the PATH variable to include the EDK_TOOLS_PATH for this session. :PATH_ok REM REM copy *.template to %CONF_PATH% REM if not defined WORKSPACE ( if defined RECONFIG ( echo. echo !!! WARNING !!! WORKSPACE environment variable was not set, cannot Reconfig !!! echo. ) goto skip_reconfig ) IF NOT exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat" ( @echo. @echo !!! ERROR !!! The set_vsprefix_envs.bat was not found !!! @echo. goto end ) call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat if not defined CONF_PATH ( set CONF_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\Conf ) if NOT exist %CONF_PATH% ( if defined PACKAGES_PATH ( for %%i IN (%PACKAGES_PATH%) DO ( if exist %%~fi\Conf ( set CONF_PATH=%%i\Conf goto CopyConf ) ) ) ) :CopyConf if NOT exist %CONF_PATH% ( mkdir %CONF_PATH% ) else ( if defined RECONFIG ( echo. echo Over-writing the files in the CONF_PATH directory echo using the default template files echo. ) ) if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\target.txt ( echo copying ... target.template to %CONF_PATH%\target.txt if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template ( echo Error: target.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\ ) copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template %CONF_PATH%\target.txt > nul ) else ( if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... target.template to %CONF_PATH%\target.txt if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template %CONF_PATH%\target.txt > nul ) if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt ( echo copying ... tools_def.template to %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template ( echo Error: tools_def.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\ ) copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt > nul ) else ( if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... tools_def.template to %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt > nul ) if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt ( echo copying ... build_rule.template to %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template ( echo Error: build_rule.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\ ) copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt > nul ) else ( if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... build_rule.template to %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt > nul ) echo PATH = %PATH% echo. if defined WORKSPACE ( echo WORKSPACE = %WORKSPACE% ) if defined PACKAGES_PATH ( echo PACKAGES_PATH = %PACKAGES_PATH% ) echo EDK_TOOLS_PATH = %EDK_TOOLS_PATH% if defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH ( echo BASE_TOOLS_PATH = %BASE_TOOLS_PATH% ) if defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN ( echo EDK_TOOLS_BIN = %EDK_TOOLS_BIN% ) echo CONF_PATH = %CONF_PATH% echo. :skip_reconfig @REM @REM Test if we are going to have to do a build @REM if defined FORCE_REBUILD goto check_build_environment if defined REBUILD goto check_build_environment if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%" goto check_build_environment if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%" goto check_build_environment IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\EfiRom.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFfs.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFv.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFw.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenSec.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\Split.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\TianoCompress.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\VfrCompile.exe" goto check_c_tools IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\VolInfo.exe" goto check_c_tools goto check_build_environment :check_c_tools echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Binary C tools are missing. They are required to be built from BaseTools Source. echo. :check_build_environment set PYTHONHASHSEED=1 if not defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH ( if not exist "Source\C\Makefile" ( if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Source\C\Makefile" goto no_source_files set BASE_TOOLS_PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH% ) else ( set BASE_TOOLS_PATH=%CD% ) ) :defined_python if defined PYTHON_COMMAND if not defined PYTHON3_ENABLE ( goto check_python_available ) if defined PYTHON3_ENABLE ( if "%PYTHON3_ENABLE%" EQU "TRUE" ( set PYTHON_COMMAND=py -3 goto check_python_available ) else ( goto check_python2 ) ) if not defined PYTHON_COMMAND if not defined PYTHON3_ENABLE ( set PYTHON_COMMAND=py -3 py -3 %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Tests\PythonTest.py >PythonCheck.txt 2>&1 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set /p PythonCheck=<"PythonCheck.txt" del PythonCheck.txt if "!PythonCheck!" NEQ "TRUE" ( if not defined PYTHON_HOME if not defined PYTHONHOME ( endlocal set PYTHON_COMMAND= echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Binary python tools are missing. echo PYTHON_COMMAND, PYTHON3_ENABLE or PYTHON_HOME echo Environment variable is not set successfully. echo They is required to build or execute the python tools. echo. goto end ) else ( goto check_python2 ) ) else ( goto check_freezer_path ) ) :check_python2 endlocal if defined PYTHON_HOME ( if EXIST "%PYTHON_HOME%" ( set PYTHON_COMMAND=%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe goto check_python_available ) ) if defined PYTHONHOME ( if EXIST "%PYTHONHOME%" ( set PYTHON_HOME=%PYTHONHOME% set PYTHON_COMMAND=%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe goto check_python_available ) ) echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! PYTHON_HOME is not defined or The value of this variable does not exist echo. goto end :check_python_available echo %PYTHON_COMMAND% %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Tests\PythonTest.py %PYTHON_COMMAND% %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Tests\PythonTest.py >PythonCheck.txt 2>&1 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set /p PythonCheck=<"PythonCheck.txt" del PythonCheck.txt if "!PythonCheck!" NEQ "TRUE" ( echo. echo ! ERROR ! "%PYTHON_COMMAND%" is not installed or added to environment variables echo. goto end ) else ( goto check_freezer_path ) :check_freezer_path endlocal if defined BASETOOLS_PYTHON_SOURCE goto print_python_info set "PATH=%BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\BinWrappers\WindowsLike;%PATH%" set BASETOOLS_PYTHON_SOURCE=%BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Source\Python set PYTHONPATH=%BASETOOLS_PYTHON_SOURCE%;%PYTHONPATH% :print_python_info echo PATH = %PATH% if defined PYTHON3_ENABLE if "%PYTHON3_ENABLE%" EQU "TRUE" ( echo PYTHON3_ENABLE = %PYTHON3_ENABLE% echo PYTHON3 = %PYTHON_COMMAND% ) else ( echo PYTHON3_ENABLE = FALSE echo PYTHON_COMMAND = %PYTHON_COMMAND% ) echo PYTHONPATH = %PYTHONPATH% echo. :VisualStudioAvailable if not defined FORCE_REBUILD ( if not defined REBUILD ( goto end ) ) call "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\get_vsvars.bat" if not defined VCINSTALLDIR ( @echo. @echo !!! ERROR !!!! Cannot find Visual Studio, required to build C tools !!! @echo. goto end ) if not defined FORCE_REBUILD goto IncrementalBuild :CleanAndBuild pushd . cd %BASE_TOOLS_PATH% call nmake cleanall del /f /q %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32\*.* popd @REM Let CleanAndBuild fall through to IncrementalBuild :IncrementalBuild pushd . cd %BASE_TOOLS_PATH% call nmake c popd goto end :no_source_files echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot build BaseTools applications - no source directory located !!! echo. goto end :Usage @echo. echo Usage: "%0 [-h | -help | --help | /h | /help | /?] [ Rebuild | ForceRebuild ] [Reconfig] [base_tools_path [edk_tools_path]]" @echo. @echo base_tools_path BaseTools project path, BASE_TOOLS_PATH will be set to this path. @echo edk_tools_path EDK_TOOLS_PATH will be set to this path. @echo Rebuild If sources are available perform an Incremental build, only @echo build those updated tools. @echo ForceRebuild If sources are available, rebuild all tools regardless of @echo whether they have been updated or not. @echo Reconfig Reinstall target.txt, tools_def.txt and build_rule.txt. @echo. :end set REBUILD= set FORCE_REBUILD= set RECONFIG= popd