acrnprobe Configuration


acrnprobe uses XML as the format of its configuration file, namely acrnprobe.xml, following the XML standard.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Root node of configuration.

Configuration section of senders.
<sender id='1'>Configuration of sender 1</sender>
<sender id='2'>Configuration of sender 2</sender>

Configuration section of triggers.
<trigger id='1'>Configuration of trigger 1</trigger>
<trigger id='2'>Configuration of trigger 2</trigger>

Configuration section of virtual machines.
<vm id='1'>Configuration of vm 1</vm>
<vm id='2'>Configuration of vm 2</vm>

Configuration section of logs.
<log id='1'>Configuration of log 1</log>
<log id='2'>Configuration of log 2</log>

Configuration section of crashes.
Note that this section must be configured after triggers and logs, as
crashes depend on these two sections.
<crash id='1'>Configuration of crash 1</crash>
<crash id='2'>Configuration of crash 2</crash>

Configuration section of infos.
Note that this section must be configured after triggers and logs, as
infos depend on these two sections.
<info id='1'>Configuration of info 1</info>
<info id='2'>Configuration of info 2</info>


As for the definition of sender, trigger, crash and info please refer to acrnprobe.

Properties of group members

acrnprobe defined different groups in configuration file, which are senders, triggers, crashes and infos.

Common properties

  • id: The index, which grows from 1 consecutively, in its group.
  • enable: This group member will be ignored if the value is NOT true.

Other properties

  • inherit: Specify a parent for a certain crash. The child crash will inherit all configurations from the specified (by ID) crash. These inherited configurations could be overwritten by new ones. Also, this property helps build the crash tree in acrnprobe.
  • expression: See Crash.

Crash tree in acrnprobe

There could be a parent/child relationship between crashes. Refer to the diagrams below, crash B and D are the children of crash A, because crash B and D inherit from crash A, and crash C is the child of crash B.

Build crash tree in configuration

digraph {
     node [shape=plaintext];
     "level 1" -> "level 2" -> "level 3";

  node [shape=box;style="rounded,filled";color=AntiqueWhite;];
  c1 [ label="crash A\nid 1\ncrash root" ];
  c2 [ label="crash B\nid 2" ];
  c3 [ label="crash C\nid 3\ncrash leaf" ];
  c4 [ label="crash D\nid 4\ncrash leaf" ];
  c5 [ label="crash E\nid 5\ncrash root\ncrash leaf" ];
  { rank = same; "level 1"; c1; c5;}
  { rank = same; "level 2"; c2; c4;}
  { rank = same; "level 3"; c3;}

  node [shape=box;color="transparent";];
  "None" -> {c1 c5} [ label="inherit 0" ];
  c1 -> {c2 c4} [ label="inherit 1" ];
  c2 -> c3 [ label="inherit 2" ];

Figure 39 Build crash tree in configuration

Match crash at runtime

In order to find a more specific type, if one crash type matches successfully acrnprobe will do a match for each child of it (if it has any) continually, and return the last successful one. About how to determine a match is successful, please refer to the content of Crash.

Supposing these crash trees are like the diagram above at runtime: If a crash E is triggered, crash E will be returned immediately. If a crash A is triggered, then the candidates are crash A, B, C and D. The following diagram describes what acrnprobe will do if the matched result is crash D.

digraph {
     node [shape=plaintext];
     "level 1" -> "level 2" -> "level 3";

  node [shape=box;style="rounded,filled";color=AntiqueWhite;];
  c1 [ label="crash A\nid 1\ncrash root" ];
  c2 [ label="crash B\nid 2" ];
  c3 [ label="crash C\nid 3\ncrash leaf" ];
  c4 [ label="crash D\nid 4\ncrash leaf" ];
  { rank = same; "level 1"; c1;}
  { rank = same; "level 2"; c2; c4;}
  { rank = same; "level 3"; c3;}

  node [shape=box;style="rounded,dashed";];
  exp1 [ label="crash B matches fail\nmatch for the next child\nof crash A"];
  exp2 [ label="crash D matches successfully\nreturn crash D"];

  node [shape=box;style="invis";];
  "channel" -> c1 [ label="trigger" ]
  c1 -> {exp1 exp2}
  exp1 -> c2 -> c3 [ style=dashed dir=none]
  exp2 -> c4

Figure 40 Match crash at runtime




<sender id="1" enable="true">
  • name: Name of sender. acrnprobe uses this label to distinguish different senders. For more information about sender, please refer to acrnprobe.
  • outdir: Directory to store generated files of sender. acrnprobe will create this directory if it doesn’t exist.
  • maxcrashdirs: The maximum serial number of generated crash directories, stat directories and vmevent directories. The serial number will be reset to 0 if it reaches the specified maximum (maxcrashdirs). Only used by sender crashlog.
  • maxlines: If the number of lines in the history_event file reaches the specified maxlines, the history_event file will be renamed to history_event.bak and logging will continue with a now empty history_event file.
  • spacequota: acrnprobe will stop collecting logs if (used space / total space) * 100 > spacequota. Only used by sender crashlog.
  • uptime: Configuration to trigger UPTIME event. sub-nodes:
    • name: The name of event.
    • frequency: Time interval in seconds to trigger uptime event.
    • eventhours: Time interval in hours to generate a record.



<trigger id="1" enable="true">
<trigger id="2" enable="true">
  • name: The name of trigger. It’s used by crash and info configuration module.

  • type and path: These two labels are used to get the content of trigger files. type have been implemented:

    • node: It means that path is a device node on virtual file system, which cannot support mmap(2)-like operations. acrnprobe can use only read(2) to get its content.
    • file: It means that path is a regular file which supports mmap(2)-like operations.
    • dir: It means that path is a directory.
    • rebootreason: It means that the trigger’s content is the reboot reason of system. The content of rebootreason is not obtained in a common way. So, it doesn’t work with path.
    • cmd: It means that path is a command which will be launched by execvp(3).

    Some programs often use format string%d instead of static file name to generate target file dynamically. So path supports simple formats for these cases:

    • /…/dir/string[*] –> all files with prefix “string” under dir.
    • /…/dir/string[0] –> the first file of files, sorted by alphasort(3), with prefix “string” under dir.
    • /…/dir/string[-1] –> the last file of files, sorted by alphasort(3), with prefix “string” under dir.

    Example of formats: If there are 4 files under /tmp: acrnlog_last.1 acrnlog_last.2 acrnlog_last.3 other.txt

    • /tmp/acrnlog_last.[-1] indicates acrnlog_last.3.
    • /tmp/acrnlog_last.[0] indicates acrnlog_last.1.
    • /tmp/acrnlog_last.[*] indicates the file set including acrnlog_last.1, acrnlog_last.2 and acrnlog_last.3.



<vm id="1" enable="true">
        <syncevent id="1">CRASH/TOMBSTONE</syncevent>
        <syncevent id="2">CRASH/UIWDT</syncevent>
        <syncevent id="3">CRASH/IPANIC</syncevent>
        <syncevent id="4">REBOOT</syncevent>
  • name: The name of virtual machine.
  • channel: The channel name to get the virtual machine events.
  • interval: Time interval in seconds of polling VM’s image.
  • syncevent: Event type acrnprobe will synchronize from virtual machine’s crashlog. User could specify different types by ID. The event type can also be indicated by type/subtype.



<log id="1" enable="true">
  • name: By default, acrnprobe will take this name as generated log’s name in outdir of sender crashlog. If path is specified by simple formats (includes [*], [0] or [-1]) the file name of generated logs will be the same as original. More details about simple formats, see Trigger.
  • type and path: Same as Trigger.
  • lines: By default, all contents in the original will be copied to generated log. If this label is configured, only the lines at the end in the original will be copied to the generated log. It takes effect only when the type is file.



<crash id='1' inherit='0' enable='true'>
        <content id='1'>WARM</content>
        <log id='1'>pstore</log>
        <log id='2'>acrnlog_last</log>
<crash id='2' inherit='1' enable='true'>
        <content id='1'> </content>
        <mightcontent expression='1' id='1'>Kernel panic - not syncing:</mightcontent>
        <mightcontent expression='1' id='2'>BUG: unable to handle kernel</mightcontent>
        <data id='1'>kernel BUG at</data>
        <data id='2'>EIP is at</data>
        <data id='3'>Comm:</data>
  • name: The type of the crash.
  • trigger: The trigger name of the crash.
  • channel: The name of channel crash use.
  • content and mightcontent: They’re used to match crash type. The match is successful if all the following conditions are met:
    1. All contents with different ids are included in trigger’s content.
    2. One of mightcontents with the same expression is included in trigger’s content at least.
    3. If there are mightcontents with different expressions, each group with the same expression should meet condition b.
  • log: The log to be collected. The value is the configured name in log module. User could specify different logs by id.
  • data: It is used to generate DATA fields in crashfile. acrnprobe will copy the line which starts with configured data in trigger’s content to DATA fields. There are 3 fields in crashfile and they could be specified by id 1, 2, 3.



<info id='1' enable='true'>
        <log id='1'>kmsg</log>
        <log id='2'>cmdline</log>
        <log id='3'>acrnlog_cur</log>
        <log id='4'>acrnlog_last</log>
  • name: The type of info.
  • trigger: The trigger name of the info.
  • channel: The name of channel info use.
  • log: The log to be collected. The value is the configured name in log module. User could specify different logs by ID.