Zide Chen (3):
hv: PIO emulation handler is attached to I/O port number only
hv: separate the PCI CONFIG_ADDR and CONFIG_DATA I/O port handlers
hv: vpci: revert the temporary workaround of handling I/O port CF9
dongshen (3):
HV: Add vuart port base address/IRQ Kconfig options
HV: For MRB, use 0x3E8/IRQ6 as the vuart port base address/IRQ.
HV: For NUC, use 0x3F8/IRQ4 as the vuart port base address/IRQ and use ttyS0 accordingly
Shiqing Gao (2):
hv: fix '(void) missing for discarded return value'
hv: hv_main: clean up HV_DEBUG usage
Shuo Liu (2):
hv: partition mode also needs free vm id when shutdown vm
hv: reset VM ioreqs in reset_vm
Chen, Gang G (1):
hv: Derive decryption key from Seed for Trusty to decrypt attestation keybox
Jason Chen CJ (1):
vmx: tiny fix for MACRO name and print format
Ming Liu (1):
tools: acrn-manager: set MAX_NAME_LEN to 32
Yonghua Huang (1):
HV: clear memory region used by UOS before it exit
Zheng, Gen (1):
hypervisor: use "wbinvd" carefully in RT environment
zhonghua (1):
tools:acrn-crashlog:fix potential issue