152 lines
7.5 KiB
152 lines
7.5 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import common
import scenario_cfg_lib
import board_cfg_lib
def add_instance_to_name(i_cnt, bdf, bar_attr):
if i_cnt == 0 and bar_attr.name.upper() == "HOST BRIDGE":
tmp_sub_name = "_".join(bar_attr.name.split()).upper()
if '-' in bar_attr.name:
tmp_sub_name = common.undline_name(bar_attr.name) + "_" + str(i_cnt)
tmp_sub_name = "_".join(bar_attr.name.split()).upper() + "_" + str(i_cnt)
board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.pci_dev_dic[bdf].name_w_i_cnt = tmp_sub_name
def generate_file(vm_info, config):
Generate pci_dev.c for Pre-Launched VMs in a scenario.
:param config: it is pointer for for file write to
:return: None
compared_bdf = []
for cnt_sub_name in board_cfg_lib.SUB_NAME_COUNT.keys():
i_cnt = 0
for bdf, bar_attr in board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.pci_dev_dic.items():
if cnt_sub_name == bar_attr.name and bdf not in compared_bdf:
add_instance_to_name(i_cnt, bdf, bar_attr)
i_cnt += 1
idx = 0
print("{}".format(scenario_cfg_lib.HEADER_LICENSE), file=config)
print("", file=config)
print("#include <vm_config.h>", file=config)
print("#include <pci_devices.h>", file=config)
print("#include <vpci.h>", file=config)
print("#include <vbar_base.h>", file=config)
print("#include <mmu.h>", file=config)
print("#include <page.h>", file=config)
if vm_info.shmem.shmem_enabled == 'y':
print("#include <ivshmem.h>", file=config)
for vm_i, pci_bdf_devs_list in vm_info.cfg_pci.pci_devs.items():
if not pci_bdf_devs_list:
pci_cnt = 1
if idx == 0:
print("", file=config)
print("/*", file=config)
print(" * TODO: remove PTDEV macro and add DEV_PRIVINFO macro to initialize pbdf for", file=config)
print(" * passthrough device configuration and shm_name for ivshmem device configuration.", file=config)
print(" */", file=config)
print("#define PTDEV(PCI_DEV)\t\tPCI_DEV, PCI_DEV##_VBAR",file=config)
print("", file=config)
print("/*", file=config)
print(" * TODO: add DEV_PCICOMMON macro to initialize emu_type, vbdf and vdev_ops", file=config)
print(" * to simplify the code.", file=config)
print(" */", file=config)
print("struct acrn_vm_pci_dev_config " +
"vm{}_pci_devs[VM{}_CONFIG_PCI_DEV_NUM] = {{".format(vm_i, vm_i), file=config)
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.emu_type = {},".format(PCI_DEV_TYPE[0]), file=config)
print("\t\t.vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x00U},", file=config)
print("\t\t.vdev_ops = &vhostbridge_ops,", file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
idx += 1
for pci_bdf_dev in pci_bdf_devs_list:
if not pci_bdf_dev:
bus = int(pci_bdf_dev.split(':')[0], 16)
dev = int(pci_bdf_dev.split(':')[1].split('.')[0], 16)
fun = int(pci_bdf_dev.split('.')[1], 16)
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.emu_type = {},".format(PCI_DEV_TYPE[1]), file=config)
print("\t\t.vbdf.bits = {{.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x{0:02d}U, .f = 0x00U}},".format(pci_cnt), file=config)
for bdf, bar_attr in board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.pci_dev_dic.items():
if bdf == pci_bdf_dev:
print("\t\tPTDEV({}),".format(board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.pci_dev_dic[bdf].name_w_i_cnt), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
pci_cnt += 1
if vm_info.shmem.shmem_enabled == 'y' and vm_i in vm_info.shmem.shmem_regions.keys() \
and len(vm_info.shmem.shmem_regions[vm_i]) > 0:
raw_shm_list = vm_info.shmem.shmem_regions[vm_i]
for shm in raw_shm_list:
shm_splited = shm.split(',')
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.emu_type = {},".format(PCI_DEV_TYPE[0]), file=config)
print("\t\t.vbdf.bits = {{.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x{0:02d}U, .f = 0x00U}},".format(pci_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.vdev_ops = &vpci_ivshmem_ops,", file=config)
for shm_name, bar_attr in board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.shm_bar_dic.items():
index = shm_name[:shm_name.find('_')]
shm_name = shm_name[shm_name.find('_') + 1:]
if shm_name == shm_splited[0].strip():
print("\t\t.shm_region_name = IVSHMEM_SHM_REGION_{},".format(index), file=config)
print("\t\tIVSHMEM_DEVICE_{}_VBAR".format(index), file=config)
# print("\t\t.vbar_size[0] = 0x100,", file=config)
# print("\t\t.vbar_size[2] = {},".format(shm_splited[1].strip()), file=config)
# print('\t\t.shm_name = "{}",'.format(shm_splited[0].strip()), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
pci_cnt += 1
print("};", file=config)
if vm_info.shmem.shmem_enabled == 'y':
for shm_i, raw_shm_list in vm_info.shmem.shmem_regions.items():
shm_cnt = 0
if shm_i not in vm_info.cfg_pci.pci_devs.keys() and len(raw_shm_list) > 0:
print("", file=config)
print("struct acrn_vm_pci_dev_config " +
"vm{}_pci_devs[VM{}_CONFIG_PCI_DEV_NUM] = {{".format(shm_i, shm_i), file=config)
for shm in raw_shm_list:
shm_splited = shm.split(',')
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.emu_type = {},".format(PCI_DEV_TYPE[0]), file=config)
if shm_i in common.VM_TYPES.keys() and common.VM_TYPES[shm_i] in ['PRE_RT_VM', 'PRE_STD_VM', 'SAFETY_VM']:
print("\t\t.vbdf.bits = {{.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x{0:02d}U, .f = 0x00U}},".format(shm_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.vbdf.value = UNASSIGNED_VBDF,".format(shm_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.vdev_ops = &vpci_ivshmem_ops,", file=config)
for shm_name, bar_attr in board_cfg_lib.PCI_DEV_BAR_DESC.shm_bar_dic.items():
index = shm_name[:shm_name.find('_')]
shm_name = shm_name[shm_name.find('_')+1:]
if shm_name == shm_splited[0].strip():
if shm_i in common.VM_TYPES.keys() and common.VM_TYPES[shm_i] in ['PRE_RT_VM', 'PRE_STD_VM',
print("\t\t.shm_region_name = IVSHMEM_SHM_REGION_{},".format(index), file=config)
print("\t\tIVSHMEM_DEVICE_{}_VBAR".format(index), file=config)
print("\t\t.shm_region_name = IVSHMEM_SHM_REGION_{}".format(index), file=config)
shm_cnt += 1
print("\t},", file=config)
print("};", file=config) |