For post-launched VMs, the configured CPU affinity could be different
from the actual running CPU affinity. This new field acrn_vm->cpu_affinity
recognizes this difference so that it's possible that CREATE_VM
hypercall won't overwrite the configured CPU afifnity.
Change name cpu_affinity_bitmap in acrn_vm_config to cpu_affinity.
This is read-only in run time, never overwritten by acrn-dm.
Remove vm_config->vcpu_num, which means the number of vCPUs of the
configured CPU affinity. This is not to be confused with the actual
running vCPU number: vm->hw.created_vcpus.
Changed get_vm_bsp_pcpu_id() to get_configured_bsp_pcpu_id() for less
Tracked-On: #4616
Signed-off-by: Zide Chen <>
Acked-by: Eddie Dong <>