
874 lines
30 KiB

.. _gsg:
.. _rt_industry_ubuntu_setup:
.. _getting-started-building:
Getting Started Guide
This guide will help you get started with ACRN. We'll show how to prepare a
build environment on your development computer. Then we'll walk through the
steps to set up a simple ACRN configuration on a target system. The
configuration is an ACRN shared scenario and consists of an ACRN hypervisor,
Service VM, and one post-launched User VM as illustrated in this figure:
.. image:: ./images/gsg_scenario-1-0.75x.png
Throughout this guide, you will be exposed to some of the tools, processes, and
components of the ACRN project. Let's get started.
.. _gsg-prereq:
You will need two machines: a development computer and a target system. The
development computer is where you configure and build ACRN and your application.
The target system is where you deploy and run ACRN and your application.
.. image:: ./images/gsg_host_target.png
Before you begin, make sure your machines have the following prerequisites:
**Development computer**:
* Hardware specifications
- A PC with Internet access (A fast system with multiple cores and 16GB
memory or more will make the builds go faster.)
* Software specifications
- Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS (ACRN development is not supported on Windows.)
**Target system**:
* Hardware specifications
- Target board (see :ref:`hardware_tested`)
- Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS bootable USB disk: download the latest `Ubuntu
Desktop 20.04 LTS ISO image <>`__ and
follow the `Ubuntu documentation
for creating the USB disk.
- USB keyboard and mouse
- Monitor
- Ethernet cable and Internet access
- A second USB disk with minimum 16GB capacity. Format your USB disk with a
file system that supports files greater than 4GB: extFAT or NTFS, but not
FAT32. We'll use this USB disk to copy files between the development
computer and target system. Instead of a USB drive, you can copy files
between systems over the network using the ``scp`` command.
- Local storage device (NVMe or SATA drive, for example). We recommend having
40GB or more of free space.
.. note::
If you're working behind a corporate firewall, you'll likely need to
configure a proxy for accessing the Internet, if you haven't done so already.
While some tools use the environment variables ``http_proxy`` and ``https_proxy`` to
get their proxy settings, some use their own configuration files, most
notably ``apt`` and ``git``. If a proxy is needed and it's not configured,
commands that access the Internet may time out and you may see errors such
as "unable to access ..." or "couldn't resolve host ...".
.. _gsg-dev-computer:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Prepare the Development Computer
To set up the ACRN build environment on the development computer:
#. On the development computer, run the following command to confirm that Ubuntu
Desktop 20.04 is running:
.. code-block:: bash
cat /etc/os-release
If you have an older version, see `Ubuntu documentation
<>`__ to
install a new OS on the development computer.
#. Download the apt information database about all available package updates for
your Ubuntu release. We'll need it to get the tools and libraries used
for ACRN builds:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt update
This next command upgrades packages already installed on your system with
minor updates and security patches. This command is optional as there is a
small risk that upgrading your system software can introduce unexpected
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt upgrade -y #optional command to upgrade system
#. Create a working directory:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p ~/acrn-work
#. Install the necessary ACRN build tools:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt install -y gcc git make vim libssl-dev libpciaccess-dev uuid-dev \
libsystemd-dev libevent-dev libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libusb-1.0-0-dev \
python3 python3-pip python3.8-venv libblkid-dev e2fslibs-dev \
pkg-config libnuma-dev libcjson-dev liblz4-tool flex bison \
xsltproc clang-format bc libpixman-1-dev libsdl2-dev libegl-dev \
libgles-dev libdrm-dev gnu-efi libelf-dev
#. Get the ACRN hypervisor and ACRN kernel source code, and check out the
current release branch.
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
git clone
cd acrn-hypervisor
git checkout v3.1
cd ..
git clone
cd acrn-kernel
git checkout acrn-v3.1
#. Install Python package dependencies:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo pip3 install "elementpath==2.5.0" lxml "xmlschema==1.9.2" defusedxml tqdm requests
#. Build and install the iASL compiler/disassembler used for advanced power management,
device discovery, and configuration (ACPI) within the host OS:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
tar zxvf acpica-unix-20210105.tar.gz
cd acpica-unix-20210105
make clean && make iasl
sudo cp ./generate/unix/bin/iasl /usr/sbin
.. _gsg-board-setup:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Prepare the Target and Generate a Board Configuration File
In this step, you will use the **Board Inspector** to generate a board
configuration file.
A **board configuration file** is an XML file that stores hardware-specific
information extracted from the target system. The file is used to configure the
ACRN hypervisor, because each hypervisor instance is specific to your target
.. important::
Before running the Board Inspector, you must set up your target hardware and
BIOS exactly as you want it, including connecting all peripherals,
configuring BIOS settings, and adding memory and PCI devices. For example,
you must connect all USB devices you intend to access; otherwise, the Board Inspector will not
detect these USB devices for passthrough. If you change the hardware or BIOS
configuration, or add or remove USB devices, you must run the Board Inspector
again to generate a new board configuration file.
Set Up the Target Hardware
To set up the target hardware environment:
#. Connect all USB devices, such as a mouse and keyboard.
#. Connect the monitor and power supply cable.
#. Connect the target system to the LAN with the Ethernet cable.
Example of a target system with cables connected:
.. image:: ./images/gsg_vecow.png
:align: center
Install OS on the Target
The target system needs Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS to run the Board Inspector
tool. You can read the full instructions to download, create a bootable USB
drive, and `Install Ubuntu desktop
<>`_ on the Ubuntu
site. We'll provide a summary here:
To install Ubuntu 20.04:
#. Insert the Ubuntu bootable USB disk into the target system.
#. Power on the target system, and select the USB disk as the boot device
in the UEFI
menu. Note that the USB disk label presented in the boot options depends on
the brand/make of the USB drive. (You will need to configure the BIOS to boot
off the USB device first, if that option isn't available.)
#. After selecting the language and keyboard layout, select the **Normal
installation** and **Download updates while installing Ubuntu** (downloading
updates requires the target to have an Internet connection).
.. image:: ./images/gsg_ubuntu_install_01.png
:align: center
#. Use the check boxes to choose whether you'd like to install Ubuntu alongside
another operating system (if one already exists), or delete your existing operating system and
replace it with Ubuntu:
.. image:: ./images/gsg_ubuntu_install_02.png
:align: center
#. Complete the Ubuntu installation by choosing your geographical location,
and creating your login details. We use ``acrn`` as the username in this guide.
If you choose a username other than ``acrn``, be sure to use
that username in the command examples and paths shown in this guide.
#. After the Ubuntu installation completes on the target and you reboot the
system, don't forget to update the system software (as Ubuntu recommends):
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
#. It's convenient to use the network to transfer files between the development
computer and target system, so we recommend installing the openssh-server
package on the target system::
sudo apt install -y openssh-server
This command will install and start the ssh-server service on the target
system. We'll need to know the target system's IP address to make a
connection from the development computer, so find it now with this command::
hostname -I | cut -d ' ' -f 1
#. Make a working directory on the target system that we'll use later::
mkdir -p ~/acrn-work
Configure Target BIOS Settings
#. Boot your target and enter the BIOS configuration editor.
Tip: When you are booting your target, you'll see an option (quickly) to
enter the BIOS configuration editor, typically by pressing :kbd:`F2` during
the boot and before the GRUB menu (or Ubuntu login screen) appears. If you
are not quick enough, you can reboot the system to try again.
#. Configure these BIOS settings:
* Enable **VMX** (Virtual Machine Extensions, which provide hardware
assist for CPU virtualization).
* Enable **VT-d** (Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O, which
provides additional support for managing I/O virtualization).
* Disable **Secure Boot**. This setting simplifies the steps for this example.
The names and locations of the BIOS settings depend on the target
hardware and BIOS vendor and version.
Generate a Board Configuration File
#. Build the Board Inspector Debian package on the development computer:
a. Move to the development computer.
#. On the development computer, go to the ``acrn-hypervisor`` directory:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor
#. Build the Board Inspector Debian package:
.. code-block:: bash
make clean && make board_inspector
In a few seconds, the build generates a board_inspector Debian package in the ``./build``
#. Copy the Board Inspector Debian package from the development computer to the
target system.
Option 1: Use ``scp``
Use the ``scp`` command to copy the Debian package from your development
computer to the ``~/acrn-work`` working directory we created on the target
system. Replace ```` with the target system's IP address you found earlier::
scp ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor/build/acrn-board-inspector*.deb acrn@
Option 2: Use a USB disk
a. On the development computer, insert the USB disk that you intend to use to
copy files.
#. Ensure that there is only one USB disk inserted by running the following
.. code-block:: bash
ls /media/$USER
Confirm that only one disk name appears. You'll use that disk name in the following steps.
#. Copy the Board Inspector Debian package to the USB disk:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work/
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp -r acrn-hypervisor/build/acrn-board-inspector*.deb "$disk"/
sync && sudo umount "$disk"
#. Remove the USB disk from the development computer and insert it into the target system.
#. Copy the Board Inspector Debian package from the USB disk to the target:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p ~/acrn-work
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp -r "$disk"/acrn-board-inspector*.deb ~/acrn-work
#. Now that we've got the Board Inspector Debian package on the target system, install it there:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
sudo apt install -y ./acrn-board-inspector*.deb
#. Reboot the target system:
.. code-block:: bash
#. Run the Board Inspector to generate the board configuration file. This
example uses the parameter ``my_board`` as the file name. The Board Inspector
can take a few minutes to scan your target system and create the board XML
file with your target system's information.
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
sudo my_board
.. note::
If you get an error that mentions Pstate and editing the GRUB
configuration, reboot the system and run this command again.
#. Confirm that the board configuration file ``my_board.xml`` was generated in
the current directory:
.. code-block:: bash
ls ./my_board.xml
#. Copy ``my_board.xml`` from the target to the development computer. Again we
have two options:
Option 1: Use ``scp``
From your development computer, use the ``scp`` command to copy the board
configuration file from your target system back to the
``~/acrn-work`` directory on your development computer. Replace
```` with the target system's IP address you found earlier::
scp acrn@ ~/acrn-work/
Option 2: Use a USB disk
a. Make sure the USB disk is connected to the target.
#. Copy ``my_board.xml`` to the USB disk:
.. code-block:: bash
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp ~/acrn-work/my_board.xml "$disk"/
sync && sudo umount "$disk"
#. Insert the USB disk into the development computer.
#. Copy ``my_board.xml`` from the USB disk to the development computer:
.. code-block:: bash
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp "$disk"/my_board.xml ~/acrn-work
sync && sudo umount "$disk"
.. _gsg-dev-setup:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Generate a Scenario Configuration File and Launch Script
In this step, you will download, install, and use the `ACRN Configurator
to generate a scenario configuration file and launch script.
A **scenario configuration file** is an XML file that holds the parameters of
a specific ACRN configuration, such as the number of VMs that can be run,
their attributes, and the resources they have access to.
A **launch script** is a shell script that is used to configure and create a
post-launched User VM. Each User VM has its own launch script.
#. On the development computer, download and install the ACRN Configurator
Debian package:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
If you already have a previous version of the acrn-configurator installed,
you should first remove it:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt purge acrn-configurator
Then you can install this new version:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo apt install -y ./acrn-configurator-3.1.deb
#. Launch the ACRN Configurator:
.. code-block:: bash
#. Under **Start a new configuration**, confirm that the working folder is
``<path to>/acrn-work/MyConfiguration``. Click **Use This Folder**.
.. image:: images/configurator-newconfig.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. Import your board configuration file as follows:
a. In the **1. Import a board configuration file** panel, click **Browse for
#. Browse to ``~/acrn-work/my_board.xml`` and click **Open**.
#. Click **Import Board File**.
.. image:: images/configurator-board01.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
The ACRN Configurator makes a copy of your board file, changes the file
extension to ``.board.xml``, and saves the file to the working folder as
#. Create a new scenario as follows:
a. In the **2. Create new or import an existing scenario** panel, click
**Create Scenario**.
.. image:: images/configurator-newscenario01.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. In the dialog box, confirm that **Shared (Post-launched VMs only)** is
#. Confirm that one Service VM and one post-launched VM are selected.
#. Click **Ok**.
.. image:: images/configurator-newscenario02.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. In the **3. Configure settings for scenario and launch scripts** panel,
the scenario's configurable items appear. Feel free to look through all
the available configuration settings. This is where you can change the
settings to meet your application's particular needs. But for now, you
will update only a few settings for functional and educational purposes.
You may see some error messages from the Configurator, such as shown here:
.. image:: images/gsg-config-errors.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
The Configurator does consistency and validation checks when you load or save
a scenario. Notice the Hypervisor and VM1 tabs both have an error icon,
meaning there are issues with configuration options in two areas. Since the
Hypervisor tab is currently highlighted, we're seeing an issue we can resolve
on the Hypervisor settings. Once we resolve all the errors and save the
scenario (forcing a full validation of the schema again), these error
indicators and messages will go away.
#. Click the **Hypervisor Global Settings > Basic Parameters** tab, select the
``Debug`` build type, and select the serial console port (the example shows
``/dev/ttyS0``, but yours may be different). If your board doesn't have a
serial console port, select the ``Release`` build type. The Debug build type
requires a serial console port (and is reporting an error because a serial
console port hasn't been configured yet).
.. image:: images/configurator-buildtype.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. Click the **VM0 ServiceVM > Basic Parameters** tab and change the VM name
to ``ACRN_Service_VM`` for this example.
.. image:: images/configurator-servicevm.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. Configure the post-launched VM as follows:
a. Click the **VM1 Post-launched > Basic Parameters** tab and change the VM
name to ``POST_STD_VM1`` for this example.
#. Confirm that the **VM type** is ``Standard``. In the previous step,
``STD`` in the VM name is short for Standard.
#. Scroll down to **Memory size (MB)** and change the value to ``1024``. For
this example, we will use Ubuntu 20.04 to boot the post-launched VM.
Ubuntu 20.04 needs at least 1024 MB to boot.
#. For **Physical CPU affinity**, select pCPU ID ``0``, then click **+** and
select pCPU ID ``1`` to affine (or pin) the VM to CPU cores 0 and 1. (That will
resolve the missing physical CPU affinity assignment error.)
#. For **Virtio console device**, click **+** to add a device and keep the
default options. This parameter specifies the console that you will use to
log in to the User VM later in this guide.
#. For **Virtio block device**, click **+** and enter
``/home/acrn/acrn-work/ubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso``. This parameter
specifies the VM's OS image and its location on the target system. Later
in this guide, you will save the ISO file to that directory. (If you used
a different username when installing Ubuntu on the target system, here's
where you'll need to change the ``acrn`` username to the username you used.)
.. image:: images/configurator-postvm.png
:align: center
:class: drop-shadow
#. Scroll up to the top of the panel and click **Save Scenario And Launch
Scripts** to generate the scenario configuration file and launch script.
#. Click the **x** in the upper-right corner to close the ACRN
#. Confirm that the scenario configuration file ``scenario.xml`` appears in the
working directory::
ls ~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/scenario.xml
#. Confirm that the launch script appears in the
working directory::
ls ~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/
.. _gsg_build:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Build ACRN
#. On the development computer, build the ACRN hypervisor:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor
make clean && make BOARD=~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/my_board.board.xml SCENARIO=~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/scenario.xml
The build typically takes a few minutes. When done, the build generates a
Debian package in the ``./build`` directory:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ./build
ls *.deb
The Debian package contains the ACRN hypervisor and tools to ease installing
ACRN on the target. The Debian file name contains the board name (``my_board``)
and the working folder name (``MyConfiguration``).
#. Build the ACRN kernel for the Service VM:
a. If you have built the ACRN kernel before, run the following command to
remove all artifacts from the previous build. Otherwise, an error will
occur during the build.
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work/acrn-kernel
make distclean
#. Build the ACRN kernel:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work/acrn-kernel
cp kernel_config_service_vm .config
make olddefconfig
make -j $(nproc) deb-pkg
The kernel build can take 15 minutes or less on a fast computer, but could
take two hours or more depending on the performance of your development
computer. When done, the build generates four Debian packages in the
directory above the build root directory:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ..
ls *.deb
#. Copy all the necessary files generated on the development computer to the
target system, using one of these two options:
Option 1: Use ``scp``
Use the ``scp`` command to copy files from your development computer to
the target system.
Replace ```` with the target system's IP address you found earlier::
scp ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor/build/acrn-my_board-MyConfiguration*.deb \
~/acrn-work/*acrn-service-vm*.deb \
~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/ \
~/acrn-work/acpica-unix-20210105/generate/unix/bin/iasl \
Then, go to the target system and put the ``iasl`` tool in its proper
cd ~/acrn-work
sudo cp iasl /usr/sbin/
sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/iasl
Option 2: by USB disk
a. Insert the USB disk into the development computer and run these commands:
.. code-block:: bash
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor/build/acrn-my_board-MyConfiguration*.deb "$disk"/
cp ~/acrn-work/*acrn-service-vm*.deb "$disk"/
cp ~/acrn-work/MyConfiguration/ "$disk"/
cp ~/acrn-work/acpica-unix-20210105/generate/unix/bin/iasl "$disk"/
sync && sudo umount "$disk"
#. Insert the USB disk you just used into the target system and run these
commands to copy the files locally:
.. code-block:: bash
disk="/media/$USER/"$(ls /media/$USER)
cp "$disk"/acrn-my_board-MyConfiguration*.deb ~/acrn-work
cp "$disk"/*acrn-service-vm*.deb ~/acrn-work
cp "$disk"/ ~/acrn-work
sudo cp "$disk"/iasl /usr/sbin/
sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/iasl
sync && sudo umount "$disk"
.. _gsg-install-acrn:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Install ACRN
#. On the target system, install the ACRN Debian package and ACRN kernel Debian packages using these
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/acrn-work
sudo apt install ./acrn-my_board-MyConfiguration*.deb
sudo apt install ./*acrn-service-vm*.deb
#. Reboot the system:
.. code-block:: bash
#. Confirm that you see the GRUB menu with the "ACRN multiboot2" entry. Select
it and proceed to booting ACRN. (It may be auto-selected, in which case it
will boot with this option automatically in 5 seconds.)
.. code-block:: console
:emphasize-lines: 6
GNU GRUB version 2.04
Advanced options for Ubuntu
UEFI Firmware Settings
*ACRN multiboot2
.. _gsg-run-acrn:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Run ACRN and the Service VM
The ACRN hypervisor boots the Ubuntu Service VM automatically.
#. On the target, log in to the Service VM. (It will look like a normal
graphical Ubuntu session.)
#. Verify that the hypervisor is running by checking ``dmesg`` in the Service
.. code-block:: bash
dmesg | grep -i hypervisor
You should see "Hypervisor detected: ACRN" in the output. Example output of a
successful installation (yours may look slightly different):
.. code-block:: console
[ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: ACRN
#. Enable and start the Service VM's system daemon for managing network configurations,
so the Device Model can create a bridge device (acrn-br0) that provides User VMs with
wired network access:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo systemctl enable --now systemd-networkd
.. _gsg-user-vm:
.. rst-class:: numbered-step
Launch the User VM
#. On the target system, use the web browser to go to the `official Ubuntu website <>`__ to
get the Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS ISO image
``ubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso`` for the User VM. (The same image you
specified earlier in the ACRN Configurator UI.) Alternatively, instead of
downloading it again, you can use a USB drive or ``scp`` to copy the ISO
image file to the ``~/acrn-work`` directory on the target system.
#. If you downloaded the ISO file on the target system, copy it from the
Downloads directory to the ``~/acrn-work/`` directory (the location we said
in the ACRN Configurator for the scenario configuration for the VM), for
.. code-block:: bash
cp ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso ~/acrn-work
#. Launch the User VM:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo chmod +x ~/acrn-work/
sudo ~/acrn-work/
#. It may take about a minute for the User VM to boot and start running the
Ubuntu image. You will see a lot of output, then the console of the User VM
will appear as follows:
.. code-block:: console
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS ubuntu hvc0
ubuntu login:
#. Log in to the User VM. For the Ubuntu 20.04 ISO, the user is ``ubuntu``, and
there's no password.
#. Confirm that you see output similar to this example:
.. code-block:: console
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-30-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
Your Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is supported until April 2025.
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
#. This User VM and the Service VM are running different Ubuntu images. Use this
command to see that the User VM is running the downloaded Ubuntu ISO image:
.. code-block:: console
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ uname -r
Then open a new terminal window and use the command to see that the Service
VM is running the ``acrn-kernel`` Service VM image:
.. code-block:: console
acrn@vecow:~$ uname -r
The User VM has launched successfully. You have completed this ACRN setup.
#. (Optional) To shut down the User VM, run this command in the terminal that is
connected to the User VM:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo poweroff
.. _gsg-next-steps:
Next Steps
* :ref:`overview_dev` describes the ACRN configuration process, with links to
additional details.
* A follow-on :ref:`GSG_sample_app` tutorial shows how to
configure, build, and run a more real-world sample application with a Real-time
VM communicating with an HMI VM via inter-VM shared memory (IVSHMEM).