
698 lines
28 KiB

.. _rt_industry_setup:
.. _clear_service_vm:
Run Clear Linux as the Service VM
Verified version
- Clear Linux\* version: **33050**
- ACRN-hypervisor tag: **v1.6.1 (acrn-2020w18.4-140000p)**
- ACRN-Kernel (Service VM kernel): **4.19.120-108.iot-lts2018-sos**
The example below is based on the Intel Whiskey Lake NUC platform with two
disks, an NVMe disk for the Clear Linux-based Service VM and a SATA disk
for the RTVM.
- Intel Whiskey Lake (aka WHL) NUC platform with two disks inside
(refer to :ref:`the tables <hardware_setup>` for detailed information).
- **com1** is the serial port on WHL NUC.
If you are still using the KBL NUC and trying to enable the serial port on it, navigate to the
:ref:`troubleshooting section <connect_serial_port>` that discusses how to prepare the cable.
- Follow the steps below to install Clear Linux OS (ver: 33050) onto the NVMe disk of the WHL NUC.
.. _Clear Linux OS Server image:
#. Create a bootable USB drive on Linux*:
a. Download the `Clear Linux OS Server image`_.
#. Plug in the USB drive.
#. Use the ``lsblk`` command line to identify the USB drive:
.. code-block:: console
:emphasize-lines: 6,7
$ lsblk | grep sd*
sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2 8:2 0 930.1G 0 part /
└─sda3 8:3 0 977M 0 part [SWAP]
sdc 8:32 1 57.3G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 1 57.3G 0 part
#. Unmount all the ``/dev/sdc`` partitions and burn the image onto the USB drive::
$ umount /dev/sdc* 2>/dev/null
$ sudo dd if=./clear-33050-live-server.iso of=/dev/sdc oflag=sync status=progress bs=4M
#. Plug in the USB drive to the WHL NUC and boot from USB.
#. Launch the Clear Linux OS installer boot menu.
#. With Clear Linux OS highlighted, select :kbd:`Enter`.
#. Log in with your root account and new password.
#. Run the installer using the following command::
# clr-installer
#. From the Main menu, select :kbd:`Configure Installation Media` and set
:kbd:`Destructive Installation` to the NVMe disk.
#. Select :kbd:`Manage User` and choose :kbd:`Add New User`.
#. Select :kbd:`Telemetry` to set Tab to highlight your choice.
#. Press :kbd:`A` to show the :kbd:`Advanced` options.
#. Select :kbd:`Select additional bundles` and add bundles for
**network-basic**, and **user-basic**.
#. Select :kbd:`Automatic OS Updates` and choose :kbd:`No [Disable]`.
#. Select :kbd:`Install`.
#. Select :kbd:`Confirm Install` in the :kbd:`Confirm Installation` window to start the installation.
.. _step-by-step instructions:
.. note:: Refer to these `step-by-step instructions`_ from the Clear Linux OS installation guide.
.. _hardware_setup:
Hardware Setup
.. table:: Hardware Setup
:widths: auto
:name: Hardware Setup
| Platform (Intel x86) | Product/kit name | Hardware | Descriptions |
| Whiskey Lake | WHL-IPC-I7 | Processor | - Intel |reg| Core |trade| i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz |
| | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| | | Graphics | - UHD Graphics 620 |
| | | | - ONE HDMI\* 1.4a ports supporting 4K at 60 Hz |
| | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| | | System memory | - 8GiB SODIMM DDR4 2400 MHz [1]_ |
| | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| | | Storage capabilities | - SATA: 128G KINGSTON RBUSNS8 |
| | | | - NVMe: 256G Intel Corporation SSD Pro 7600p/760p/E 6100p |
.. [1] The maximum supported memory size for ACRN is 16GB. If you are using
32GB memory, follow the :ref:`config_32GB_memory` instructions to make
a customized ACRN hypervisor that can support 32GB memory. For more
detailed information about how to build ACRN
from the source code, refer to this :ref:`guide <getting-started-building>`.
Set up the ACRN Hypervisor for industry scenario
The ACRN industry scenario environment can be set up in several ways. The
two listed below are recommended:
- :ref:`Using the pre-installed industry ACRN hypervisor <use pre-installed industry efi>`
- :ref:`Using the ACRN industry out-of-the-box image <use industry ootb image>`
.. _use pre-installed industry efi:
Use the pre-installed industry ACRN hypervisor
.. note:: Skip this section if you choose :ref:`Using the ACRN industry out-of-the-box image <use industry ootb image>`.
#. Boot Clear Linux from NVMe disk.
#. Log in and download ACRN quick setup script:
.. code-block:: none
$ wget
$ sudo chmod +x
#. Run the script to set up Service VM:
.. code-block:: none
$ sudo ./ -s 33050 -d -e /dev/nvme0n1p1 -i
.. note:: ``-i`` option means the industry scenario efi image will be used, e.g. ``acrn.nuc7i7dnb.industry.efi``.
For the detailed usage of the ```` script, refer to the :ref:`quick setup ACRN guide <quick-setup-guide>`
or simply type ``./ -h``.
#. Use ``efibootmgr -v`` command to check the ACRN boot order:
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 3,4
BootCurrent: 0005
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0003,0005,0001,0004
Boot0000* ACRN HD(1,GPT,cb72266b-c83d-4c56-99e3-3e7d2f4bc175,0x800,0x47000)/File(\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi)u.a.r.t.=.d.i.s.a.b.l.e.d. .
Boot0001* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,335d53f0-50c1-4b0a-b58e-3393dc0389a4,0x800,0x47000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)..BO
Boot0003* Linux bootloader HD(3,GPT,af681d62-3a96-43fb-92fc-e98e850f867f,0xc1800,0x1dc31800)/File(\EFI\org.clearlinux\bootloaderx64.efi)
Boot0004* Hard Drive BBS(HD,,0x0)..GO..NO........o.K.I.N.G.S.T.O.N. .R.B.U.S.N.S.>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. . . . .......BO..NO........m.F.O.R.E.S.E.E. .2.5.6.G.B. .S.S.D...................A......................................0..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.J.
Boot0005* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,cb72266b-c83d-4c56-99e3-3e7d2f4bc175,0x800,0x47000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)..BO
.. note:: Ensure that ACRN is first in the boot order, or you may use the
``efibootmgr -o 1`` command to move it to the first position. If you need to enable the serial port, run the following command before rebooting:
``efibootmgr -c -l '\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi' -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L ACRN -u "uart=port@0x3f8 "``
Note the extra space at the end of the EFI command-line options
string. This is a workaround for a current `efi-stub bootloader name
issue <>`_.
It ensures that the end of the string is properly detected.
#. Reboot WHL NUC.
#. Use the ``dmesg`` command to ensure that the Service VM boots:
.. code-block:: console
:emphasize-lines: 2
$ sudo dmesg | grep ACRN
[ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: ACRN
[ 1.252840] ACRNTrace: Initialized acrn trace module with 4 cpu
[ 1.253291] ACRN HVLog: Failed to init last hvlog devs, errno -19
[ 1.253292] ACRN HVLog: Initialized hvlog module with 4
.. note:: If you want to log in to the Service VM with root privileges, use ``sudo passwd`` to create a root user
so that you can log in as root on the next reboot.
.. _use industry ootb image:
Use the ACRN industry out-of-the-box image
.. note:: If you are following the section above to set up the Service VM, jump to the next
:ref:`section <install_rtvm>`.
#. Boot Clear Linux from SATA disk.
#. Download the Service VM industry image:
.. code-block:: none
# wget
.. note:: You may also follow :ref:`set_up_ootb_service_vm` to build the image by yourself.
#. Decompress the .xz image::
# xz -d sos-industry-33050.img.xz
#. Burn the Service VM image onto the NVMe disk::
# dd if=sos-industry-33050.img of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M oflag=sync status=progress iflag=fullblock seek=0 conv=notrunc
#. Configure the EFI firmware to boot the ACRN hypervisor by default:
# efibootmgr -c -l "\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi" -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L "ACRN" -u "uart=disabled "
Or use the following command to enable the serial port:
# efibootmgr -c -l "\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi" -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L "ACRN" -u "uart=port@0x3f8 "
.. note:: Note the extra space at the end of the EFI command-line options
strings above. This is a workaround for a current `efi-stub bootloader
name issue <>`_.
It ensures that the end of the string is properly detected.
#. Reboot the test machine. After the Clear Linux OS boots,
log in as ``root`` for the first time.
.. _install_rtvm:
Install and launch the Preempt-RT VM
In this section, we will use :ref:`virtio-blk` to launch the Preempt-RT VM.
If you need better performance, follow :ref:`building-acrn-in-docker` to
build the ACRN kernel for the Service VM, and then :ref:`passthrough the SATA disk <passthru rtvm>` to launch the Preempt-RT VM.
#. Log in to the Service VM with root privileges.
#. Download the Preempt-RT VM image:
.. code-block:: none
# wget
.. note:: You may also follow :ref:`set_up_ootb_rtvm` to build the Preempt-RT VM image by yourself.
#. Decompress the xz image::
# xz -d preempt-rt-33050.img.xz
#. Burn the Preempt-RT VM image onto the SATA disk::
# dd if=preempt-rt-33050.img of=/dev/sda bs=4M oflag=sync status=progress iflag=fullblock seek=0 conv=notrunc
#. Modify the script to use the virtio device.
.. code-block:: none
# NVME pass-through
#echo ${passthru_vpid["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
#echo ${passthru_bdf["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${passthru_bdf["nvme"]}/driver/unbind
#echo ${passthru_bdf["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 6
/usr/bin/acrn-dm -A -m $mem_size -s 0:0,hostbridge \
--lapic_pt \
--rtvm \
--virtio_poll 1000000 \
-U 495ae2e5-2603-4d64-af76-d4bc5a8ec0e5 \
-s 2,virtio-blk,/dev/sda \
-s 3,virtio-console,@stdio:stdio_port \
$pm_channel $pm_by_vuart \
--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd \
#. Upon deployment completion, launch the RTVM directly onto your WHL NUC::
# /usr/share/acrn/samples/nuc/
RT Performance Test
.. _cyclictest:
Cyclictest introduction
The cyclictest is most commonly used for benchmarking RT systems. It is
one of the most frequently used tools for evaluating the relative
performance of real-time systems. Cyclictest accurately and repeatedly
measures the difference between a thread's intended wake-up time and the
time at which it actually wakes up in order to provide statistics about
the system's latencies. It can measure latencies in real-time systems
that are caused by hardware, firmware, and the operating system. The
cyclictest is currently maintained by Linux Foundation and is part of
the test suite rt-tests.
Firmware update on the NUC
If you need to update to the latest UEFI firmware for the NUC hardware.
Follow these `BIOS Update Instructions
for downloading and flashing an updated BIOS for the NUC.
Recommended BIOS settings
.. csv-table::
:widths: 15, 30, 10
"Hyper-Threading", "Intel Advanced Menu -> CPU Configuration", "Disabled"
"Intel VMX", "Intel Advanced Menu -> CPU Configuration", "Enable"
"Speed Step", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Power & Performance -> CPU - Power Management Control", "Disabled"
"Speed Shift", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Power & Performance -> CPU - Power Management Control", "Disabled"
"C States", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Power & Performance -> CPU - Power Management Control", "Disabled"
"RC6", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Power & Performance -> GT - Power Management", "Disabled"
"GT freq", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Power & Performance -> GT - Power Management", "Lowest"
"SA GV", "Intel Advanced Menu -> Memory Configuration", "Fixed High"
"VT-d", "Intel Advanced Menu -> System Agent Configuration", "Enable"
"Gfx Low Power Mode", "Intel Advanced Menu -> System Agent Configuration -> Graphics Configuration", "Disabled"
"DMI spine clock gating", "Intel Advanced Menu -> System Agent Configuration -> DMI/OPI Configuration", "Disabled"
"PCH Cross Throttling", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration", "Disabled"
"Legacy IO Low Latency", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration -> PCI Express Configuration", "Enabled"
"PCI Express Clock Gating", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration -> PCI Express Configuration", "Disabled"
"Delay Enable DMI ASPM", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration -> PCI Express Configuration", "Disabled"
"DMI Link ASPM", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration -> PCI Express Configuration", "Disabled"
"Aggressive LPM Support", "Intel Advanced Menu -> PCH-IO Configuration -> SATA And RST Configuration", "Disabled"
"USB Periodic Smi", "Intel Advanced Menu -> LEGACY USB Configuration", "Disabled"
"ACPI S3 Support", "Intel Advanced Menu -> ACPI Settings", "Disabled"
"Native ASPM", "Intel Advanced Menu -> ACPI Settings", "Disabled"
.. note:: BIOS settings depend on the platform and BIOS version; some may not be applicable.
Configure RDT
In addition to setting the CAT configuration via HV commands, we allow
developers to add CAT configurations to the VM config and configure
automatically at the time of RTVM creation. Refer to :ref:`rdt_configuration`
for details on RDT configuration and :ref:`hv_rdt` for details on RDT
high-level design.
Set up the core allocation for the RTVM
In our recommended configuration, two cores are allocated to the RTVM:
core 0 for housekeeping and core 1 for RT tasks. In order to achieve
this, follow the below steps to allocate all housekeeping tasks to core 0:
#. Launch RTVM::
# /usr/share/acrn/samples/nuc/
#. Log in to RTVM as root and run the script as below:
.. code-block:: bash
# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Move all IRQs to core 0.
for i in `cat /proc/interrupts | grep '^ *[0-9]*[0-9]:' | awk {'print $1'} | sed 's/:$//' `;
echo setting $i to affine for core zero
echo 1 > /proc/irq/$i/smp_affinity
# Move all rcu tasks to core 0.
for i in `pgrep rcu`; do taskset -pc 0 $i; done
# Change realtime attribute of all rcu tasks to SCHED_OTHER and priority 0
for i in `pgrep rcu`; do chrt -v -o -p 0 $i; done
# Change realtime attribute of all tasks on core 1 to SCHED_OTHER and priority 0
for i in `pgrep /1`; do chrt -v -o -p 0 $i; done
# Change realtime attribute of all tasks to SCHED_OTHER and priority 0
for i in `ps -A -o pid`; do chrt -v -o -p 0 $i; done
echo disabling timer migration
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/timer_migration
.. note:: You can ignore the error messages during the script running.
Run cyclictest
#. Refer to the :ref:`troubleshooting section <enabling the network on RTVM>` below that discusses how to enable the network connection for RTVM.
#. Launch RTVM and log in as root.
#. Install the ``cyclictest`` tool::
# swupd bundle-add dev-utils --skip-diskspace-check
#. Use the following command to start cyclictest::
# cyclictest -a 1 -p 80 -m -N -D 1h -q -H 30000 --histfile=test.log
Parameter descriptions:
:-a 1: to bind the RT task to core 1
:-p 80: to set the priority of the highest prio thread
:-m: lock current and future memory allocations
:-N: print results in ns instead of us (default us)
:-D 1h: to run for 1 hour, you can change it to other values
:-q: quiet mode; print a summary only on exit
:-H 30000 --histfile=test.log: dump the latency histogram to a local file
Launch additional User VMs
With the :ref:`CPU sharing <cpu_sharing>` feature enabled, the Industry
scenario supports a maximum of 6 post-launched VMs, including 1 post
Real-Time VM (Preempt-RT, VxWorks\*, Xenomai\*) and 5 post standard VMs
(Clear Linux\*, Android\*, Windows\*).
You should follow the steps below to launch those post standard VMs.
Prepare the launch scripts
#. Install :ref:`dependencies <install-build-tools-dependencies>` on your workspace
and get the acrn-hypervisor source code::
$ git clone
#. Generate launch scripts by :ref:`acrn-configuration-tool <acrn_configuration_tool>`::
$ cd acrn-hypervisor
$ export board_file=$PWD/misc/acrn-config/xmls/board-xmls/whl-ipc-i5.xml
$ export scenario_file=$PWD/misc/acrn-config/xmls/config-xmls/whl-ipc-i5/industry.xml
$ export launch_file=$PWD/misc/acrn-config/xmls/config-xmls/whl-ipc-i5/industry_launch_6uos.xml
$ python misc/acrn-config/launch_config/ --board $board_file --scenario $scenario_file --launch $launch_file --uosid 0
#. Launch scripts will be generated in
``misc/acrn-config/xmls/config-xmls/whl-ipc-i5/output`` directory.
The launch scripts are:
| For Windows: | For Preempt-RT: | For other VMs: |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
#. Copy those files to your WHL board::
$ scp -r misc/acrn-config/xmls/config-xmls/whl-ipc-i5/output <board address>:~/
Launch Windows VM
#. Follow this :ref:`guide <using_windows_as_uos>` to prepare the Windows image file,
update Service VM kernel and then reboot with new ``acrngt.conf``.
#. Modify ```` script as following and then launch Windows VM as one of the post-launched standard VMs:
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 4,6
acrn-dm -A -m $mem_size -s 0:0,hostbridge -U d2795438-25d6-11e8-864e-cb7a18b34643 \
--windows \
$logger_setting \
-s 5,virtio-blk,<your win img directory>/win10-ltsc.img \
-s 6,virtio-net,tap_WaaG \
-s 2,passthru,0/2/0,gpu \
--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd \
-s 1:0,lpc \
-l com1,stdio \
$boot_audio_option \
.. note:: ``-s 2,passthru,0/2/0,gpu`` means Windows VM will be launched as GVT-d mode, which is passthrough VGA
controller to the Windows. You may find more details in :ref:`using_windows_as_uos`.
Launch other standard VMs
If you want to launch other VMs such as Clearlinux\* or Android\*, then you should use one of these scripts:
````, ````, ````,
Here is an example to launch a Clear Linux VM:
#. Download Clear Linux KVM image::
$ cd ~/output && curl -o clearlinux.img.xz
$ unxz clearlinux.img.xz
#. Modify ```` script to launch Clear Linux VM:
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 1,2,3,5,16,17,23
#echo ${passthru_vpid["gpu"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
#echo ${passthru_bdf["gpu"]} > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${passthru_bdf["gpu"]}/driver/unbind
#echo ${passthru_bdf["gpu"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
echo 100 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb-storage/module/parameters/delay_use
#interrupt storm monitor for pass-through devices, params order:
intr_storm_monitor="--intr_monitor 10000,10,1,100"
#logger_setting, format: logger_name,level; like following
logger_setting="--logger_setting console,level=4;kmsg,level=3;disk,level=5"
acrn-dm -A -m $mem_size -s 0:0,hostbridge -U 615db82a-e189-4b4f-8dbb-d321343e4ab3 \
--mac_seed $mac_seed \
$logger_setting \
-s 2,virtio-blk,./clearlinux.img \
-s 3,virtio-console,@stdio:stdio_port \
--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd \
-s 8,virtio-hyper_dmabuf \
$intr_storm_monitor \
launch_clearlinux 3
.. note::
Remove ``-s 2,passthru,0/2/0,gpu`` parameter before you launch Clear Linux VM
because the VGA controller is already passthrough to the Windows
VM and it's no longer visible for other VMs.
Before launching VMs, check available free memory using ``free -m``
and update the ``mem_size`` value.
If you will run multiple Clear Linux User VMs, also make sure
the VM names don't conflict
with others or you must change the number in the last line of
the script, such as ``launch_clearlinux 3``.
.. _connect_serial_port:
Use serial port on KBL NUC
You can enable the serial console on the
`KBL NUC <>`_
(NUC7i7DNH). The KBL NUC has a serial port header you can
expose with a serial DB9 header cable. You can build this cable yourself;
refer to the `KBL NUC product specification
as shown below:
.. figure:: images/KBL-serial-port-header.png
:scale: 80
KBL serial port header details
.. figure:: images/KBL-serial-port-header-to-RS232-cable.jpg
:scale: 80
KBL `serial port header to RS232 cable
Or you can `purchase
such a cable.
You'll also need an `RS232 DB9 female to USB cable
or an `RS232 DB9 female/female (NULL modem) cross-over cable
to connect to your host system.
Note that If you want to use the RS232 DB9 female/female cable, choose
the **cross-over**
type rather than **straight-through** type.
.. _efi image not exist:
EFI image doesn't exist
You might see the error message if you are running the ```` script
on an older Clear Linux OS ( < 31470 ):
.. code-block:: console
/usr/lib/acrn/acrn.wl10.industry.efi doesn't exist.
Use one of these efi images from /usr/lib/acrn.
Copy the efi image to /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.wl10.industry.efi, then run the script again.
To fix it, just rename the existing efi image to ``/usr/lib/acrn/acrn.wl10.industry.efi`` and
then run the script again::
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.nuc7i7dnb.industry.efi /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.wl10.industry.efi
$ sudo ./ -s <target OS version> -d -e <target EFI partition> -i
.. _enabling the network on RTVM:
Enabling the network on RTVM
If you need to access the internet, you must add the following command line to the
```` script before launch it:
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 8
/usr/bin/acrn-dm -A -m $mem_size -s 0:0,hostbridge \
--lapic_pt \
--rtvm \
--virtio_poll 1000000 \
-U 495ae2e5-2603-4d64-af76-d4bc5a8ec0e5 \
-s 2,passthru,02/0/0 \
-s 3,virtio-console,@stdio:stdio_port \
-s 8,virtio-net,tap0 \
$pm_channel $pm_by_vuart \
--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd \
.. _passthru rtvm:
Passthrough a hard disk to the RTVM
#. Use the ``lspci`` command to ensure that the correct SATA device IDs will
be used for the passthrough before launching the script:
.. code-block:: none
# lspci -nn | grep -i sata
00:17.0 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation Cannon Point-LP SATA Controller [AHCI Mode] [8086:9dd3] (rev 30)
#. Modify the script to use the correct SATA device IDs and bus number:
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 5, 10
# vim /usr/share/acrn/samples/nuc/
["eth"]="8086 156f"
["sata"]="8086 9dd3"
["nvme"]="8086 f1a6"
# SATA pass-through
echo ${passthru_vpid["sata"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
echo ${passthru_bdf["sata"]} > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${passthru_bdf["sata"]}/driver/unbind
echo ${passthru_bdf["sata"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
# NVME pass-through
#echo ${passthru_vpid["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
#echo ${passthru_bdf["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${passthru_bdf["nvme"]}/driver/unbind
#echo ${passthru_bdf["nvme"]} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 5
--lapic_pt \
--rtvm \
--virtio_poll 1000000 \
-U 495ae2e5-2603-4d64-af76-d4bc5a8ec0e5 \
-s 2,passthru,00/17/0 \
-s 3,virtio-console,@stdio:stdio_port \
-s 8,virtio-net,tap0 \
$pm_channel $pm_by_vuart \
--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd \
#. Upon deployment completion, launch the RTVM directly onto your WHL NUC:
.. code-block:: none
# /usr/share/acrn/samples/nuc/