
557 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import os
import getopt
import common
import board_cfg_lib
import scenario_cfg_lib
BOOT_TYPE = ['no', 'vsbl', 'ovmf']
RTOS_TYPE = ['no', 'Soft RT', 'Hard RT']
DM_VUART0 = ['Disable', 'Enable']
PT_SUB_PCI['usb_xdci'] = ['USB controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['ipu'] = ['Multimedia controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['ipu_i2c'] = ['Signal processing controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['cse'] = ['Communication controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['audio'] = ['Audio device', 'Multimedia audio controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['audio_codec'] = ['Signal processing controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['sd_card'] = ['SD Host controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['wifi'] = ['Ethernet controller', 'Network controller', '802.1a controller',
'802.1b controller', 'Wireless controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['bluetooth'] = ['Signal processing controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['ethernet'] = ['Ethernet controller', 'Network controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['sata'] = ['SATA controller']
PT_SUB_PCI['nvme'] = ['Non-Volatile memory controller']
# passthrough devices for board
PASSTHRU_DEVS = ['usb_xdci', 'ipu', 'ipu_i2c', 'cse', 'audio', 'sata',
'nvme', 'audio_codec', 'sd_card', 'ethernet', 'wifi', 'bluetooth']
PM_CHANNEL = ['', 'IOC', 'PowerButton', 'vuart1(pty)', 'vuart1(tty)']
'IOC':'--pm_notify_channel ioc',
'PowerButton':'--pm_notify_channel power_button',
'vuart1(pty)':'--pm_notify_channel uart \\\n --pm_by_vuart pty,/run/acrn/life_mngr_$vm_name \\\n -l com2,/run/acrn/life_mngr_$vm_name',
'vuart1(tty)':'--pm_notify_channel uart --pm_by_vuart tty,/dev/ttyS1',
GPU_BDF = "00:02.0"
def usage(file_name):
""" This is usage for how to use this tool """
print("usage= {} [h]".format(file_name), end="")
print("--board <board_info_file> --scenario <scenario_info_file> --launch <launch_info_file> --uosid <uosid id> --out [output folder]")
print('board_info_file : file name of the board info')
print('scenario_info_file : file name of the scenario info')
print('launch_info_file : file name of the launch info')
print('uosid : this is the relateive id for post launch vm in scenario info XML:[1..max post launch vm]')
print('output folder : path to acrn-hypervisor_folder')
def get_param(args):
Get the script parameters from command line
:param args: this the command line of string for the script without script name
vm_th = '0'
err_dic = {}
board_info_file = False
scenario_info_file = False
launch_info_file = False
output_folder = False
param_list = ['--board', '--scenario', '--launch', '--uosid']
for arg_str in param_list:
if arg_str not in args:
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "wrong usage"
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
args_list = args[1:]
(optlist, args_list) = getopt.getopt(args_list, '', ['board=', 'scenario=', 'launch=', 'uosid=', 'out='])
for arg_k, arg_v in optlist:
if arg_k == '--board':
board_info_file = arg_v
if arg_k == '--scenario':
scenario_info_file = arg_v
if arg_k == '--launch':
launch_info_file = arg_v
if arg_k == '--out':
output_folder = arg_v
if '--uosid' in args:
if arg_k == '--uosid':
vm_th = arg_v
if not vm_th.isnumeric():
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "--uosid should be a number"
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
if not board_info_file or not scenario_info_file or not launch_info_file:
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "wrong usage"
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
if not os.path.exists(board_info_file):
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "{} is not exist!".format(board_info_file)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
if not os.path.exists(scenario_info_file):
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "{} is not exist!".format(scenario_info_file)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
if not os.path.exists(launch_info_file):
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "{} is not exist!".format(launch_info_file)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, launch_info_file, int(vm_th), output_folder)
def launch_vm_cnt(config_file):
Get post vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: total post vm number in launch file
post_vm_count = 0
# get post vm number
root = common.get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
if item.tag == "uos":
post_vm_count += 1
return post_vm_count
def get_post_num_list():
Get post vm number list
:return: total post dic: {launch_id:scenario_id} in launch file
post_vm_list = []
# get post vm number
root = common.get_config_root(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE)
for item in root:
if item.tag == "uos":
return post_vm_list
def post_vm_cnt(config_file):
Calculate the pre launched vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: number of post launched vm
post_launch_cnt = 0
for vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.values():
if scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[vm_type]['load_type'] == "POST_LAUNCHED_VM":
post_launch_cnt += 1
return post_launch_cnt
def get_post_vm_cnt():
Get board name from launch.xml at fist line
:param scenario_file: it is a file what contains scenario information for script to read from
launch_vm_count = launch_vm_cnt(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE)
post_vm_count = post_vm_cnt(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE)
return (launch_vm_count, post_vm_count)
def is_config_file_match():
match = True
# check if the board config match scenario config
(err_dic, scenario_for_board) = common.get_xml_attrib(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "board")
(err_dic, board_name) = common.get_xml_attrib(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "board")
if scenario_for_board != board_name:
err_dic['scenario config: Not match'] = "The board xml and scenario xml should be matched!"
match = False
# check if the board config match launch config
(err_dic, launch_for_board) = common.get_xml_attrib(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE, "board")
if launch_for_board != board_name:
err_dic['launch config: Not match'] = "The board xml and launch xml should be matched!"
match = False
return (err_dic, match)
def get_vm_uuid_idx(vm_type, uosid):
i_cnt = 0
for vm_i,vm_t in common.VM_TYPES.items():
if vm_t == vm_type and vm_i <= uosid:
i_cnt += 1
if i_cnt > 0:
i_cnt -= 1
return i_cnt
def get_scenario_uuid(uosid):
# {id_num:uuid} (id_num:0~max)
scenario_uuid = ''
i_cnt = get_vm_uuid_idx(common.VM_TYPES[uosid], uosid)
scenario_uuid = scenario_cfg_lib.VM_DB[common.VM_TYPES[uosid]]['uuid'][i_cnt]
return scenario_uuid
def get_sos_vmid():
sos_id = ''
for vm_i,vm_type in common.VM_TYPES.items():
if vm_type == "SOS_VM":
sos_id = vm_i
return sos_id
def get_bdf_from_tag(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str):
bdf_list = {}
bdf_list = common.get_leaf_tag_map(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str)
# split b:d:f from pci description
for idx, bdf_v in bdf_list.items():
if bdf_v:
bdf_list[idx] = bdf_v.split()[0]
return bdf_list
def get_vpid_from_bdf(bdf_vpid_map, bdf_list):
vpid_list = {}
post_vm_list = get_post_num_list()
for p_id in post_vm_list:
for bdf_k, vpid_v in bdf_vpid_map.items():
if bdf_k == bdf_list[p_id]:
# print("k:{}, v{}".format(bdf_k, bdf_list[p_id]))
# convert "808x:0xxx" to "808x 0xxx"
tmp_vpid = " ".join(vpid_v.split(':'))
vpid_list[p_id] = tmp_vpid
elif not bdf_list[p_id]:
vpid_list[p_id] = ''
return vpid_list
def get_uos_type():
Get uos name from launch.xml at fist line
uos_types = common.get_leaf_tag_map(common.LAUNCH_INFO_FILE, "uos_type")
return uos_types
def is_bdf_format(bdf_str):
bdf_len = 7
status = True
if not bdf_str:
return status
bdf_str_len = len(bdf_str)
if ':' in bdf_str and '.' in bdf_str and bdf_len == bdf_str_len:
status = True
status = False
return status
def is_vpid_format(vpid_str):
status = True
if not vpid_str:
return status
vpid_len = 9
vpid_str_len = len(vpid_str)
if ' ' in vpid_str and vpid_len == vpid_str_len:
status = True
status = False
return status
def pt_devs_check(bdf_list, vpid_list, item):
i_cnt = 1
# check bdf
for bdf_str in bdf_list.values():
if is_bdf_format(bdf_str):
key = "uos:id={},passthrough_devices,{}".format(i_cnt, item)
ERR_LIST[key] = "Unkonw the BDF format of {} device".format(item)
i_cnt += 1
# check vpid
i_cnt = 1
for vpid_str in vpid_list.values():
if is_vpid_format(vpid_str):
key = "uos:id={},passthrough_devices,{}".format(i_cnt, item)
ERR_LIST[key] = "Unkonw the Vendor:Product ID format of {} device".format(item)
i_cnt += 1
def empty_err(i_cnt, item):
add empty error message into ERR_LIST
:param i_cnt: the launch vm index from config xml
:param item: the item of tag from config xml
:return: None
key = "uos:id={},{}".format(i_cnt, item)
ERR_LIST[key] = "The parameter should not be empty"
def args_aval_check(arg_list, item, avl_list):
check arguments from config xml are available and validate
:param arg_list: the list of arguments from config xml
:param item: the item of tag from config xml
:param avl_list: available argument which are allowed to chose
:return: None
# args should be set into launch xml from webUI
i_cnt = 1
skip_check_list = ['']
if item in skip_check_list:
for arg_str in arg_list.values():
if arg_str == None or not arg_str.strip():
empty_err(i_cnt, item)
i_cnt += 1
if arg_str not in avl_list:
key = "uos:id={},{}".format(i_cnt, item)
ERR_LIST[key] = "The {} is invalidate".format(item)
i_cnt += 1
def mem_size_check(arg_list, item):
check memory size list which are set from webUI
:param arg_list: the list of arguments from config xml
:param item: the item of tag from config xml
:return: None
# get total memory information
total_mem_mb = board_cfg_lib.get_total_mem()
# available check
i_cnt = 1
for arg_str in arg_list.values():
if arg_str == None or not arg_str.strip():
empty_err(i_cnt, item)
i_cnt += 1
mem_size_set = int(arg_str.strip())
if mem_size_set > total_mem_mb:
key = "uos:id={},{}".format(i_cnt, item)
ERR_LIST[key] = "{}MB should be less than total memory {}MB".format(item)
i_cnt += 1
def virtual_dev_slot(dev):
max_slot = 31
base_slot = 3
# get devices slot which already stored
if dev in list(PT_SLOT.keys()):
return PT_SLOT[dev]
# alloc a new slot for device
for slot_num in range(base_slot, max_slot):
if slot_num not in list(PT_SLOT.values()):
if (slot_num == 6 and 14 in list(PT_SLOT.values())) or (slot_num == 14 and 6 in list(PT_SLOT.values())):
if (slot_num == 7 and 15 in list(PT_SLOT.values())) or (slot_num == 15 and 7 in list(PT_SLOT.values())):
PT_SLOT[dev] = slot_num
return slot_num
def get_slot(bdf_list, dev):
slot_list = {}
post_vm_list = get_post_num_list()
for p_id in post_vm_list:
if not bdf_list[p_id]:
slot_list[p_id] = ''
bus = int(bdf_list[p_id][0:2], 16)
slot = int(bdf_list[p_id][3:5], 16)
fun = int(bdf_list[p_id][6:7], 16)
slot_fun = str(bus) + ":" + str(slot) + ":" + str(fun)
if bus != 0:
slot_fun = virtual_dev_slot(dev)
PT_SLOT[dev] = slot_fun
# add already used slot for pass-throught devices to avoid conflict with virtio devices
PT_SLOT[dev] = slot
slot_list[p_id] = slot_fun
return slot_list
def get_pt_dev():
""" Get passthrough device list """
return cap_pt
def get_vuart1_from_scenario(vmid):
"""Get the vmid's vuart1 base"""
vuart1 = common.get_vuart_info_id(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, 1)
return vuart1[vmid]['base']
def pt_devs_check_audio(audio_map, audio_codec_map):
Check the connections about audio/audio_codec pass-through devices
If audio_codec is selected as pass-through device, the audio device
must to be chosen as pass-through device either.
:param audio_map: the dictionary contains vmid and bdf of audio device
:param audio_codec_map: the dictionary contains vmid and bdf of audio_codec device
for vmid in list(audio_map.keys()):
bdf_audio = audio_map[vmid]
bdf_codec = audio_codec_map[vmid]
if not bdf_audio and bdf_codec:
key = "uos:id={},passthrough_devices,{}".format(vmid, 'audio_codec')
ERR_LIST[key] = "Audio codec device should be pass through together with Audio devcie!"
def check_block_mount(virtio_blk_dic):
(blk_dev_list, num) = board_cfg_lib.get_rootfs(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE)
for vmid in list(virtio_blk_dic.keys()):
mount_flags = []
for blk in virtio_blk_dic[vmid]:
rootfs_img = ''
if not blk:
if ':' in blk:
blk_dev = blk.split(':')[0]
rootfs_img = blk.split(':')[1]
blk_dev = blk
if blk_dev in blk_dev_list and rootfs_img:
MOUNT_FLAG_DIC[vmid] = mount_flags
def bdf_duplicate_check(bdf_dic):
Check if exist duplicate slot
:param bdf_dic: contains all selected pass-through devices
:return: None
bdf_used = []
for dev in bdf_dic.keys():
dev_bdf_dic = bdf_dic[dev]
for vm_i in dev_bdf_dic.keys():
dev_bdf = dev_bdf_dic[vm_i]
if not dev_bdf:
if dev_bdf in bdf_used:
key = "uos:id={},{},{}".format(vm_i, 'passthrough_devices', dev)
ERR_LIST[key] = "You select the same device for {} pass-through !".format(dev)
def get_gpu_vpid():
vpid = ''
vpid_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<PCI_VID_PID>", "</PCI_VID_PID>")
for vpid_line in vpid_lines:
if GPU_BDF in vpid_line:
vpid = " ".join(vpid_line.split()[2].split(':'))
return vpid
def uos_cpu_affinity(uosid_cpu_affinity):
cpu_affinity = {}
sos_vm_id = get_sos_vmid()
for uosid,cpu_affinity_list in uosid_cpu_affinity.items():
cpu_affinity[uosid + sos_vm_id] = cpu_affinity_list
return cpu_affinity
def check_slot(slot_db):
slot_values = {}
# init list of slot values for Post VM
for dev in slot_db.keys():
for uosid in slot_db[dev].keys():
slot_values[uosid] = []
# get slot values for Passthrough devices
for dev in PASSTHRU_DEVS:
for uosid,slot_str in slot_db[dev].items():
if not slot_str:
# update slot values and replace the fun=0 if there is no fun 0 in bdf list
for dev in PASSTHRU_DEVS:
for uosid,slot_str in slot_db[dev].items():
if not slot_str or ':' not in str(slot_str):
bus_slot = slot_str[0:-1]
bus_slot_fun0 = bus_slot + "0"
if bus_slot_fun0 not in slot_values[uosid]:
slot_db[dev][uosid] = bus_slot_fun0