317 lines
13 KiB
317 lines
13 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import sys
import enum
import board_cfg_lib
import common
class RDT(enum.Enum):
L2 = 0
L3 = 1
MBA = 2
#include <asm/board.h>
#include <asm/vtd.h>
#include <asm/msr.h>
#include <pci.h>
#include <misc_cfg.h>
MSR_IA32_L2_MASK_BASE = 0x00000D10
MSR_IA32_L2_MASK_END = 0x00000D4F
MSR_IA32_L3_MASK_BASE = 0x00000C90
MSR_IA32_L3_MASK_END = 0x00000D0F
def gen_dmar_structure(config):
"""Generate dmar structure information"""
dmar_info_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<DRHD_INFO>", "</DRHD_INFO>")
drhd_cnt = 0
drhd_dev_scope_cnt = []
dev_scope_type = []
if not dmar_info_lines:
print("\n#ifndef CONFIG_ACPI_PARSE_ENABLED", file=config)
print("#error \"DMAR info is not available, please set ACPI_PARSE_ENABLED to y. \\", file=config)
print("\tOr use acrn-config tool to generate platform DMAR info.\"", file=config)
print("#endif\n", file=config)
print("struct dmar_info plat_dmar_info;\n", file=config)
# parse to get DRHD count and dev scope count
for dmar_line in dmar_info_lines:
if "DRHD_COUNT" in dmar_line and not drhd_cnt:
drhd_cnt = int(dmar_line.split()[2].strip('U'))
for i_cnt in range(drhd_cnt):
for dmar_line in dmar_info_lines:
dev_scope_cnt_str = "DRHD{}_DEV_CNT".format(i_cnt)
if dev_scope_cnt_str in dmar_line:
tmp_dev_scope_cnt = int(dmar_line.split()[2].strip('U'), 16)
# gen dmar structure information
for i_drhd_cnt in range(drhd_cnt):
dev_cnt = drhd_dev_scope_cnt[i_drhd_cnt]
print("static struct dmar_dev_scope drhd{}_dev_scope[DRHD{}_DEV_CNT] = {{".format(
i_drhd_cnt, i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
for i_dev_cnt in range(dev_cnt):
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.type = DRHD{}_DEVSCOPE{}_TYPE,".format(i_drhd_cnt, i_dev_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.id = DRHD{}_DEVSCOPE{}_ID,".format(i_drhd_cnt, i_dev_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.bus = DRHD{}_DEVSCOPE{}_BUS,".format(i_drhd_cnt, i_dev_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.devfun = DRHD{}_DEVSCOPE{}_PATH,".format(i_drhd_cnt, i_dev_cnt), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
print("};", file=config)
print("", file=config)
print("static struct dmar_drhd drhd_info_array[DRHD_COUNT] = {", file=config)
for i_drhd_cnt in range(drhd_cnt):
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.dev_cnt = DRHD{}_DEV_CNT,".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.segment = DRHD{}_SEGMENT,".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.flags = DRHD{}_FLAGS,".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.reg_base_addr = DRHD{}_REG_BASE,".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.ignore = DRHD{}_IGNORE,".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t\t.devices = drhd{}_dev_scope".format(i_drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
print("};", file=config)
print("", file=config)
print("struct dmar_info plat_dmar_info = {", file=config)
print("\t.drhd_count = DRHD_COUNT,", file=config)
print("\t.drhd_units = drhd_info_array,", file=config)
print("};", file=config)
def populate_clos_mask_msr(rdt_res, cat_mask_list, config):
Populate the clos bitmask and msr index for a given RDT resource
:param rdt_res: it is a string representing the RDT resource
:param cat_mask_list: cache mask list corresponding to each CLOS
:param config: it is a file pointer of board information for writing to
idx = 0
for cat_mask in cat_mask_list:
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.value.clos_mask = CLOS_MASK_{},".format(idx), file=config)
print("\t\t.msr_index = MSR_IA32_{0}_MASK_BASE + {1},".format(
rdt_res, idx), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
idx += 1
def populate_mba_delay_mask(rdt_res, mba_delay_list, config):
Populate the mba delay mask and msr index for memory resource
:param rdt_res: it is a string representing the RDT resource
:param mba_delay_list: mba delay value list corresponding to each CLOS
:param config: it is a file pointer of board information for writing to
idx = 0
for mba_delay_mask in mba_delay_list:
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.value.mba_delay = MBA_MASK_{},".format(idx), file=config)
print("\t\t.msr_index = MSR_IA32_{0}_MASK_BASE + {1},".format(
rdt_res, idx), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
idx += 1
def gen_rdt_res(config):
Get RDT resource (L2, L3, MBA) information
:param config: it is a file pointer of board information for writing to
err_dic = {}
rdt_res_str =""
res_present = [0, 0, 0]
(rdt_resources, rdt_res_clos_max, _) = board_cfg_lib.clos_info_parser(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE)
common_clos_max = board_cfg_lib.get_common_clos_max()
cat_mask_list = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "FEATURES", "RDT", "CLOS_MASK")
mba_delay_list = common.get_hv_item_tag(common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE, "FEATURES", "RDT", "MBA_DELAY")
if common_clos_max > MSR_IA32_L2_MASK_END - MSR_IA32_L2_MASK_BASE or\
common_clos_max > MSR_IA32_L3_MASK_END - MSR_IA32_L3_MASK_BASE:
err_dic["board config: generate board.c failed"] = "CLOS MAX should be less than reserved adress region length of L2/L3 cache"
return err_dic
print("\n#ifdef CONFIG_RDT_ENABLED", file=config)
if len(rdt_resources) == 0 or common_clos_max == 0:
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[MAX_CACHE_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES];".format("l2"), file=config)
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[MAX_CACHE_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES];".format("l3"), file=config)
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[MAX_MBA_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES];".format("mba"), file=config)
for idx, rdt_res in enumerate(rdt_resources):
if rdt_res == "L2":
rdt_res_str = "l2"
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}] = {{".format(rdt_res_str,
populate_clos_mask_msr(rdt_res, cat_mask_list, config)
print("};\n", file=config)
res_present[RDT.L2.value] = 1
elif rdt_res == "L3":
rdt_res_str = "l3"
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}] = {{".format(rdt_res_str,
populate_clos_mask_msr(rdt_res, cat_mask_list, config)
print("};\n", file=config)
res_present[RDT.L3.value] = 1
elif rdt_res == "MBA":
rdt_res_str = "mba"
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}] = {{".format(rdt_res_str,
"MAX_MBA_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES"), file=config)
err_dic = populate_mba_delay_mask(rdt_res, mba_delay_list, config)
print("};\n", file=config)
res_present[RDT.MBA.value] = 1
err_dic['board config: generate board.c failed'] = "The input of {} was corrupted!".format(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE)
return err_dic
if res_present[RDT.L2.value] == 0:
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}];".format("l2", "MAX_CACHE_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES"), file=config)
if res_present[RDT.L3.value] == 0:
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}];".format("l3", "MAX_CACHE_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES"), file=config)
if res_present[RDT.MBA.value] == 0:
print("struct platform_clos_info platform_{0}_clos_array[{1}];".format("mba", "MAX_MBA_CLOS_NUM_ENTRIES"), file=config)
print("#endif", file=config)
print("", file=config)
return err_dic
def gen_single_data(data_lines, domain_str, config):
line_i = 0
data_statues = True
data_len = len(data_lines)
if data_len == 0:
for data_l in data_lines:
if line_i == 0:
if "not available" in data_l:
print(data_l.strip(), file=config)
print("static const struct acrn_{}state_data board_cpu_{}x[0];".format(domain_str, domain_str), file=config)
print("", file=config)
data_statues = False
print("static const struct acrn_{}state_data board_cpu_{}x[{}] = {{".format(domain_str, domain_str, data_len), file=config)
print("\t{0}".format(data_l.strip()), file=config)
line_i += 1
if data_statues:
print("};\n", file=config)
def gen_px_cx(config):
Get Px/Cx and store them to board.c
:param config: it is a file pointer of board information for writing to
cpu_brand_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(
cx_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<CX_INFO>", "</CX_INFO>")
px_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<PX_INFO>", "</PX_INFO>")
gen_single_data(cx_lines, 'c', config)
gen_single_data(px_lines, 'p', config)
if not cpu_brand_lines:
print("\nconst struct cpu_state_table board_cpu_state_tbl;\n", file=config)
for brand_line in cpu_brand_lines:
cpu_brand = brand_line
print("const struct cpu_state_table board_cpu_state_tbl = {", file=config)
print("\t{0},".format(cpu_brand.strip()), file=config)
print("\t{(uint8_t)ARRAY_SIZE(board_cpu_px), board_cpu_px,", file=config)
print("\t(uint8_t)ARRAY_SIZE(board_cpu_cx), board_cpu_cx}", file=config)
print("};", file=config)
def gen_pci_hide(config):
"""Generate hide pci information for this platform"""
if board_cfg_lib.BOARD_NAME in list(board_cfg_lib.KNOWN_HIDDEN_PDEVS_BOARD_DB.keys()) and board_cfg_lib.KNOWN_HIDDEN_PDEVS_BOARD_DB[board_cfg_lib.BOARD_NAME] != 0:
hidden_pdev_list = board_cfg_lib.KNOWN_HIDDEN_PDEVS_BOARD_DB[board_cfg_lib.BOARD_NAME]
hidden_pdev_num = len(hidden_pdev_list)
print("const union pci_bdf plat_hidden_pdevs[MAX_HIDDEN_PDEVS_NUM] = {", file=config)
for hidden_pdev_i in range(hidden_pdev_num):
bus = hex(int(hidden_pdev_list[hidden_pdev_i].split(':')[0], 16))
dev = hex(int(hidden_pdev_list[hidden_pdev_i].split(':')[1], 16))
fun = hex(int(hidden_pdev_list[hidden_pdev_i].split(':')[2], 16))
print("\t{", file=config)
print("\t\t.bits.b = {}U,".format(bus), file=config)
print("\t\t.bits.d = {}U,".format(dev), file=config)
print("\t\t.bits.f = {}U,".format(fun), file=config)
print("\t},", file=config)
print("};", file=config)
print("const union pci_bdf plat_hidden_pdevs[MAX_HIDDEN_PDEVS_NUM];", file=config)
def gen_known_caps_pci_devs(config):
"""Generate information for known capabilities of pci devices"""
known_caps_pci_devs = board_cfg_lib.get_known_caps_pci_devs()
for dev,bdf_list in known_caps_pci_devs.items():
if dev == "VMSIX":
print("", file=config)
bdf_list_len = len(bdf_list)
if bdf_list_len == 0:
print("const struct vmsix_on_msi_info vmsix_on_msi_devs[MAX_VMSIX_ON_MSI_PDEVS_NUM];", file=config)
for i in range(bdf_list_len):
b = bdf_list[i].split(":")[0]
d = bdf_list[i].split(":")[1].split(".")[0]
f = bdf_list[i].split(".")[1]
print("#define VMSIX_ON_MSI_DEV{}\t.bdf.bits = {{.b = 0x{}U, .d = 0x{}U, .f =0x{}U}},".format(i, b, d, f), file=config)
for i in range(bdf_list_len):
if i == 0:
print("const struct vmsix_on_msi_info vmsix_on_msi_devs[MAX_VMSIX_ON_MSI_PDEVS_NUM] = {", file=config)
print("\t{{VMSIX_ON_MSI_DEV{}}},".format(i), file=config)
if i == (bdf_list_len - 1):
print("};", file=config)
def generate_file(config):
Start to generate board.c
:param config: it is a file pointer of board information for writing to
err_dic = {}
print("{0}".format(board_cfg_lib.HEADER_LICENSE), file=config)
# insert bios info into board.c
print(INCLUDE_HEADER, file=config)
# start to parse DMAR info
# start to parse RDT resource info
err_dic = gen_rdt_res(config)
if err_dic:
return err_dic
# start to parse PX/CX info
# gen hide pci info for platform
# gen known caps of pci dev info for platform
return err_dic