107 lines
3.8 KiB
107 lines
3.8 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef UART16550_H
#define UART16550_H
/* Register / bit definitions for 16c550 uart */
#define UART16550_RBR 0x00U
/*receive buffer register | base+00h, dlab=0b r*/
#define UART16550_THR 0x00U
/*transmit holding register | base+00h, dlab=0b w*/
#define UART16550_DLL 0x00U
/*divisor least significant byte | base+00h, dlab=1b rw*/
#define UART16550_IER 0x01U
/*interrupt enable register | base+01h, dlab=0b rw*/
#define UART16550_DLM 0x01U
/*divisor most significant byte | base+01h, dlab=1b rw*/
#define UART16550_IIR 0x02U
/*interrupt identification register | base+02h, dlab=0b r*/
#define UART16550_FCR 0x02U
/*fifo control register | base+02h, dlab=0b w*/
#define UART16550_LCR 0x03U
/*line control register | base+03h, dlab=xb rw*/
#define UART16550_MCR 0x04U
/*modem control register, only uart0 | base+04h, dlab=xb rw*/
#define UART16550_LSR 0x05U
/*line status register | base+05h, dlab=xb r*/
#define UART16550_MSR 0x06U
/*modem status register, only uart0 | base+06h, dlab=xb r*/
#define UART16550_SCR 0x07U
/*scratch pad register | base+07h, dlab=xb rw*/
#define UART16550_MDR1 0x08U
#define UARTML7213_BRCSR 0x0eU
/*baud rate reference clock select register dlab xb*/
#define UARTML7213_SRST 0x0fU /*Soft Reset Register dlab xb*/
/* value definitions for IIR */
#define IIR_FIFO_MASK 0xc0U /* set if FIFOs are enabled */
#define IIR_RXTOUT 0x0cU
#define IIR_RLS 0x06U
#define IIR_RXRDY 0x04U
#define IIR_TXRDY 0x02U
#define IIR_NOPEND 0x01U
#define IIR_MLSC 0x00U
#define IER_EDSSI (0x0008U)
/*enable/disable modem status interrupt*/
#define IER_ELSI (0x0004U)
/*enable/disable receive data error interrupt*/
#define IER_ETBEI (0x0002U)
/*enable/disable transmit data write request interrupt*/
#define IER_ERBFI (0x0001U)
/*enable/disable receive data read request interrupt*/
/* definition for LCR */
#define LCR_DLAB (1U << 7) /*DLAB THR/RBR&IER or DLL&DLM= Bit 7*/
#define LCR_SB (1U << 6) /*break control on/off= Bit 6*/
#define LCR_SP (1U << 5) /*Specifies the operation of parity bit*/
#define LCR_EPS (1U << 4) /*Specifies the logic of a parity bit*/
#define LCR_PEN (1U << 3) /*Specifies whether to add a parity bit*/
#define LCR_STB (1U << 2) /*stop bit length*/
#define LCR_WL8 (0x03U) /*number of bits of serial data*/
#define LCR_WL7 (0x02U) /*number of bits of serial data*/
#define LCR_WL6 (0x01U) /*number of bits of serial data*/
#define LCR_WL5 (0x00U) /*number of bits of serial data*/
#define LCR_PARITY_NONE 0x0U
#define LCR_NB_STOP_BITS_1 0x0U
/* bit definitions for LSR */
/* at least one error in data within fifo */
#define LSR_ERR (1U << 7)
/* Transmit data Present */
#define LSR_TEMT (1U << 6)
/* Transmit data write request present */
#define LSR_THRE (1U << 5)
/* Break interrupt data Present */
#define LSR_BI (1U << 4)
/* Framing Error Occurred */
#define LSR_FE (1U << 3)
/* Parity Error Occurred */
#define LSR_PE (1U << 2)
/* Overrun error */
#define LSR_OE (1U << 1)
/* Readable received data is present */
#define LSR_DR (1U << 0)
/* definition for MCR */
#define MCR_RTS (1U << 1) /* Request to Send */
#define MCR_DTR (1U << 0) /* Data Terminal Ready */
/* definition for FCR */
#define FCR_RX_MASK 0xc0U
#define FCR_DMA (1U << 3)
#define FCR_TFR (1U << 2) /* Reset Transmit Fifo */
#define FCR_RFR (1U << 1) /* Reset Receive Fifo */
#define FCR_FIFOE (1U << 0) /* Fifo Enable */
#define UART_IER_DISABLE_ALL 0x00000000U
#endif /* !UART16550_H */