680 lines
21 KiB
680 lines
21 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import os
import sys
import getopt
import shutil
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
SOURCE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../../')
HV_LICENSE_FILE = SOURCE_PATH + 'misc/acrn-config/library/hypervisor_license'
PY_CACHES = ["__pycache__", "../board_config/__pycache__", "../scenario_config/__pycache__"]
# Support 512M, 1G, 2G
# pre launch less then 2G, sos vm less than 24G
START_HPA_SIZE_LIST = ['0x20000000', '0x40000000', '0x80000000', 'CONFIG_SOS_RAM_SIZE']
MULTI_ITEM = ["guest_flag", "pcpu_id", "input", "block", "network"]
class MultiItem():
def __init__(self):
self.guest_flag = []
self.pcpu_id = []
self.vir_input = []
self.vir_block = []
self.vir_console = []
self.vir_network = []
class TmpItem():
def __init__(self):
self.tag = {}
self.multi = MultiItem()
def open_license():
""" Get the license """
with open(HV_LICENSE_FILE, 'r') as f_licence:
license_s = f_licence.read().strip()
return license_s
def print_if_yel(msg, warn=False):
Print the message with 'Warning' if warn is true
:param msg: the stings which will be output to STDOUT
:param warn: the condition if needs to be output the color of yellow with 'Warning'
if warn:
print("\033[1;33mWarning\033[0m: "+msg)
def print_if_red(msg, err=False):
Print the message with 'Error' if err is true
:param msg: the stings which will be output to STDOUT
:param err: the condition if needs to be output the color of red with 'Error'
if err:
print("\033[1;31mError\033[0m: "+msg)
def usage(file_name):
""" This is usage for how to use this tool """
print("usage= {} [h] ".format(file_name), end="")
print("--board <board_info_file> --scenario <scenario_info_file> [--enable_commit]")
print('board_info_file : file name of the board info')
print('scenario_info_file : file name of the scenario info')
print('enable_commit: enable the flag that git add/commit the generate files to the code base. without --enable_commit will not commit this source code')
def get_param(args):
Get the script parameters from command line
:param args: this the command line of string for the script without script name
err_dic = {}
board_info_file = False
scenario_info_file = False
enable_commit = False
if '--board' not in args or '--scenario' not in args:
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "wrong usage"
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, enable_commit)
args_list = args[1:]
(optlist, args_list) = getopt.getopt(args_list, '', ['board=', 'scenario=', 'enable_commit'])
for arg_k, arg_v in optlist:
if arg_k == '--board':
board_info_file = arg_v
if arg_k == '--scenario':
scenario_info_file = arg_v
if arg_k == '--enable_commit':
enable_commit = True
if not board_info_file or not scenario_info_file:
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "wrong usage"
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, enable_commit)
if not os.path.exists(board_info_file):
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "{} is not exist!".format(board_info_file)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, enable_commit)
if not os.path.exists(scenario_info_file):
err_dic['common error: get wrong parameter'] = "{} is not exist!".format(scenario_info_file)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, enable_commit)
return (err_dic, board_info_file, scenario_info_file, enable_commit)
def check_env(check_git=False):
""" Prepare to check the environment """
err_dic = {}
bin_list = []
if check_git:
usr_dir = os.environ['HOME']
if not os.path.isfile("{}/.gitconfig".format(usr_dir)):
err_dic['commn error: check env failed'] = "git not configured!"
for excute in bin_list:
res = subprocess.Popen("which {}".format(excute), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
line = res.stdout.readline().decode('ascii')
if not line:
err_dic['commn error: check env failed'] = "'{}' not found, please install it!".format(excute)
if excute == "git":
res = subprocess.Popen("git tag -l", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
line = res.stdout.readline().decode("ascii")
if "acrn" not in line:
err_dic['commn error: check env failed'] = "Run this tool in acrn-hypervisor mainline source code!"
for py_cache in PY_CACHES:
if os.path.exists(py_cache):
return err_dic
def check_hpa_size(hpa_size_list):
This is identify if the host physical size list is correct format
:param hpa_size_list: host physical size list
:return: True if good format
for hpa_size in hpa_size_list:
hpa_sz_strip_ul = hpa_size.strip('UL')
hpa_sz_strip_u = hpa_size.strip('U')
if hpa_sz_strip_u not in START_HPA_SIZE_LIST and hpa_sz_strip_ul not in START_HPA_SIZE_LIST:
if '0x' not in hpa_size and '0X' not in hpa_size:
return False
return True
def get_xml_attrib(config_file, attrib):
Get attribute from xml at fist line
:param config_file: it is a file what contains board information for script to read from
:param attrib: attribute of item in xml
value = ''
err_dic = {}
with open(config_file, 'rt') as fp_info:
while True:
line = fp_info.readline()
if not line:
if 'board=' in line or 'scenario=' in line:
if attrib not in line:
err_dic['common error: Not match'] = "The root item is not in xml file"
return (err_dic, value)
attrib_list = line.split()
for attrib_value in attrib_list:
if attrib in attrib_value:
value = attrib_value.split('"')[1].strip('"')
return (err_dic, value)
def get_board_info(board_info, msg_s, msg_e):
Get information which specify by argument
:param board_info: it is a file what contains board information for script to read from
:param msg_s: it is a pattern of key stings what start to match from board information
:param msg_e: it is a pattern of key stings what end to match from board information
info_start = False
info_end = False
info_lines = []
num = len(msg_s.split())
with open(board_info, 'rt') as f_board:
while True:
line = f_board.readline()
if not line:
if " ".join(line.split()[0:num]) == msg_s:
info_start = True
info_end = False
if " ".join(line.split()[0:num]) == msg_e:
info_start = False
info_end = True
if info_start and not info_end:
if not info_start and info_end:
return info_lines
def find_index_guest_flag(flag):
Find the index in GUEST_FLAG by flag
:param flag: flag contained by GUEST_FLAG
:return: index of GUEST_FLAG
if not flag or flag == '0':
return '0'
if not flag.isnumeric():
for i in range(len(GUEST_FLAG)):
if flag == GUEST_FLAG[i]:
flag_str = i
return flag_str
def find_tmp_flag(leaf_text):
Get flag and append the value
:param leaf_text: it is a value of guest flag item
:return: a list of flag or none
tmp_flag = []
tmp_flag = find_index_guest_flag(leaf_text)
#flag_index = find_index_guest_flag(leaf_text)
#if flag_index == '0':
# tmp_flag.append(0)
# tmp_flag.append(flag_index)
return tmp_flag
def get_config_root(config_file):
This is get root of xml config
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: top of root entry
# create element tree object
tree = ET.parse(config_file)
# get root element
root = tree.getroot()
return root
def get_vm_count(config_file):
Get vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: total vm number
vm_count = 0
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
# vm number in scenario
if item.tag == "vm":
vm_count += 1
return vm_count
def launch_vm_cnt(config_file):
Get post vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: total post vm number in launch file
post_vm_count = 0
# get post vm number
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
if item.tag == "uos":
post_vm_count += 1
return post_vm_count
def get_post_num_list(config_file):
Get post vm number list
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: total post dic: {launch_id:scenario_id} in launch file
post_vm_list = []
# get post vm number
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
if item.tag == "uos":
return post_vm_list
def get_tree_tag_val(config_file, tag_str):
This is get tag value by tag_str from config file
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param tag_str: it is key of pattern to config file item
:return: value of tag_str item
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
if item.tag == tag_str:
return item.text
return False
# TODO: This will be abandonment in future
def get_leaf_tag_val(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str=''):
This is get tag value by tag_str from config file
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param branch_tag: it is key of patter to config file branch tag item
:param tag_str: it is key of pattern to config file leaf tag item
:return: value of tag_str item
tmp_tag = []
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
# for each 2th level item
for sub in item:
tmp_flag = []
tmp_cpus = []
if sub.tag == branch_tag:
if not tag_str:
# for each 3rd level item
for leaf in sub:
if leaf.tag == tag_str and tag_str not in MULTI_ITEM and sub.tag != "vuart":
# get guest flag for logical partition vm1
if leaf.tag == "guest_flag" and tag_str == "guest_flag":
t_flag = find_tmp_flag(leaf.text)
# get cpu for vm
if leaf.tag == "pcpu_id" and tag_str == "pcpu_id":
# append guest flags for each vm
if tmp_flag and tag_str == "guest_flag":
# append cpus for vm
if tmp_cpus and tag_str == "pcpu_id":
return tmp_tag
def get_leaf_value(tmp, tag_str, leaf):
# get guest flag for logical partition vm1
if leaf.tag == "guest_flag" and tag_str == "guest_flag":
t_flag = find_tmp_flag(leaf.text)
# get cpu for vm
if leaf.tag == "pcpu_id" and tag_str == "pcpu_id":
# get virtio-input for vm
if leaf.tag == "input" and tag_str == "input":
# get virtio-blk for vm
if leaf.tag == "block" and tag_str == "block":
# get virtio-net for vm
if leaf.tag == "network" and tag_str == "network":
def get_sub_value(tmp, tag_str, vm_id):
# append guest flags for each vm
if tmp.multi.guest_flag and tag_str == "guest_flag":
tmp.tag[vm_id] = tmp.multi.guest_flag
# append cpus for vm
if tmp.multi.pcpu_id and tag_str == "pcpu_id":
tmp.tag[vm_id] = tmp.multi.pcpu_id
# append virtio input for vm
if tmp.multi.vir_input and tag_str == "input":
tmp.tag[vm_id] = tmp.multi.vir_input
# append virtio block for vm
if tmp.multi.vir_block and tag_str == "block":
tmp.tag[vm_id] = tmp.multi.vir_block
# append virtio network for vm
if tmp.multi.vir_network and tag_str == "network":
tmp.tag[vm_id] = tmp.multi.vir_network
def get_leaf_tag_map(config_file, branch_tag, tag_str):
This is get tag value by tag_str from config file
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param branch_tag: it is key of patter to config file branch tag item
:param tag_str: it is key of pattern to config file leaf tag item
:return: value of tag_str item map
tmp = TmpItem()
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
vm_id = int(item.attrib['id'])
# for each 2th level item
for sub in item:
tmp.multi = MultiItem()
if sub.tag == branch_tag:
if not tag_str:
if sub.text == None or not sub.text:
tmp.tag[vm_id] = ''
tmp.tag[vm_id] = sub.text
# for each 3rd level item
for leaf in sub:
if leaf.tag == tag_str and tag_str not in MULTI_ITEM and sub.tag != "vuart":
if leaf.text == None or not leaf.text:
tmp.tag[vm_id] = ''
tmp.tag[vm_id] = leaf.text
get_leaf_value(tmp, tag_str, leaf)
get_sub_value(tmp, tag_str, vm_id)
return tmp.tag
def order_type_map_vmid(config_file, vm_count):
This is mapping table for {id:order type}
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param vm_count: vm number
:return: table of id:order type dictionary
order_id_dic = {}
load_type_list = get_leaf_tag_val(config_file, "load_order")
for i in range(vm_count):
order_id_dic[i] = load_type_list[i]
return order_id_dic
def get_load_order_by_vmid(config_file, vm_count, idx):
Get load order by vm id
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param vm_count: vm number
:param idx: index of vm id
:return: table of id:order type dictionary
err_dic = {}
order_id_dic = order_type_map_vmid(config_file, vm_count)
if idx >= vm_count or not order_id_dic:
err_dic['vm number: failue'] = "Toatal vm number is less than index number"
return (err_dic, order_id_dic[idx])
def add_to_patch(srcs_list, commit_name):
Generate patch and apply to local source code
:param srcs_list: it is a list what contains source files
:param commit_name: distinguish the key commit message for the patch
err_dic = {}
changes = ' '.join(srcs_list)
git_add = "git add {}".format(changes)
ret = subprocess.call(git_add, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
if ret:
err_dic['add patch: failue'] = "Add patch failue"
return err_dic
# commit this changes
git_commit = 'git commit -sm "acrn-config: config patch for {}"'.format(commit_name)
ret = subprocess.call(git_commit, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
if ret < 0:
err_dic['commit patch: commit patch failue'] = "Commit patch failue"
except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
err_dic['commit patch: commit patch failue'] = "Commit patch failue"
return err_dic
def vm_pre_launch_cnt(config_file):
Calculate the pre launched vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: number of pre launched vm
pre_launch_cnt = 0
load_type_list = get_leaf_tag_val(config_file, "load_order")
for vm_type in load_type_list:
if vm_type == "PRE_LAUNCHED_VM":
pre_launch_cnt += 1
return pre_launch_cnt
def post_vm_cnt(config_file):
Calculate the pre launched vm number
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:return: number of post launched vm
post_launch_cnt = 0
load_type_list = get_leaf_tag_val(config_file, "load_order")
for vm_type in load_type_list:
if vm_type == "POST_LAUNCHED_VM":
post_launch_cnt += 1
return post_launch_cnt
def handle_root_dev(line):
"""Handle if it match root device information pattern
:param line: one line of information which had decoded to 'ASCII'
for root_type in line.split():
# only support ext4 rootfs
if "ext4" in root_type:
return True
return False
def get_max_clos(board_file):
Parse CLOS information
:param board_file: it is a file what contains board information for script to read from
:return: type of cache support for clos and clos max number
cache_support = False
clos_max = 0
cat_lines = get_board_info(board_file, "<CLOS_INFO>", "</CLOS_INFO>")
for line in cat_lines:
if line.split(':')[0].strip() == "clos supported by cache":
cache_support = line.split(':')[1].strip()
elif line.split(':')[0].strip() == "clos max":
clos_max = int(line.split(':')[1])
return (cache_support, clos_max)
def undline_name(name):
This convert name which has contain '-' to '_'
:param name: name which contain '-' and ' '
:return: name_str which contain'_'
# convert '-' to '_' in name string
name_str = "_".join(name.split('-')).upper()
# stitch '_' while ' ' in name string
if ' ' in name_str:
name_str = "_".join(name_str.split()).upper()
return name_str
def get_vuart_id(tmp_vuart, leaf_tag, leaf_text):
Get all vuart id member of class
:param tmp_vuart: a dictionary to store member:value
:param leaf_tag: key pattern of item tag
:param leaf_text: key pattern of item tag's value
:return: a dictionary to which stored member:value
if leaf_tag == "type":
tmp_vuart['type'] = leaf_text
if leaf_tag == "base":
tmp_vuart['base'] = leaf_text
if leaf_tag == "irq":
tmp_vuart['irq'] = leaf_text
if leaf_tag == "target_vm_id":
tmp_vuart['target_vm_id'] = leaf_text
if leaf_tag == "target_uart_id":
tmp_vuart['target_uart_id'] = leaf_text
return tmp_vuart
def get_vuart_info_id(config_file, idx):
Get vuart information by vuart id indexx
:param config_file: it is a file what contains information for script to read from
:param idx: vuart index in range: [0,1]
:return: dictionary which stored the vuart-id
tmp_tag = {}
vm_id = 0
root = get_config_root(config_file)
for item in root:
for sub in item:
tmp_vuart = {}
for leaf in sub:
if sub.tag == "vuart" and int(sub.attrib['id']) == idx:
tmp_vuart = get_vuart_id(tmp_vuart, leaf.tag, leaf.text)
# append vuart for each vm
if tmp_vuart and sub.tag == "vuart":
tmp_tag[vm_id] = tmp_vuart
if item.tag == "vm":
vm_id += 1
return tmp_tag