
275 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This script provides a quick and automatic setup of the Service VM or User VM.
# Run this script with root privilege since it will modify various system parameters.
# Usages:
# Upgrade Service VM to 31080 without reboot; this is highly recommended so that you can check configurations after the upgrade Service VM.
# sudo <script> -s 31080 -d
# Upgrade Service VM to 31080 with the specified proxy server
# sudo <script> -s 31080 -p <your proxy server>:<port>
# Upgrade User VM to 31080 with the specified proxy server
# sudo <script> -u 31080 -p <your proxy server>:<port>
# Upgrade User VM to 31080 without downloading the User VM image; you should put the User VM image in the /root directory previously.
# sudo <script> -u 31080 -k
function print_help()
echo "Usage:"
echo "Launch this script as: sudo $0 -s 31470"
echo -e "\t-s to upgrade the Service VM"
echo -e "\t-u to upgrade the User VM"
echo -e "\t-p to specify a proxy server (HTTPS)"
echo -e "\t-m to use the swupd mirror url"
echo -e "\t-k to skip downloading the User VM; if enabled, you must download the User VM image before you upgrade. Default is off"
echo -e "\t-d to disable the reboot device so that you can check configurations after you upgrade the Service VM"
echo -e "\t-i to set up the Service VM with the industry scenario"
echo -e "\t-e to specify the EFI System Partition (ESP); default: /dev/sda1"
echo -e "\n\t<Note>:"
echo -e "\tThis script is using /dev/sda1 as the default EFI System Partition (ESP)."
echo -e "\tThe ESP may be different based on your hardware; in this case, specify it directly with the '-e' option."
echo -e "\tThis will typically be something like /dev/mmcblk0p1 on platforms that have an on-board eMMC"
echo -e "\tOr /dev/nvme0n1p1 if your system has a non-volatile storage media attached via a PCI Express (PCIe) bus (NVMe)."
exit 1
# get the previous Clear Linux version
source /etc/os-release
# switcher for downloading the User VM function
# switcher for disabling the reboot device
# set default scenario name
# swupd config file path
function upgrade_sos()
# Check Service VM version
[[ `echo $sos_ver | awk '{print length($0)}'` -ne 5 ]] && echo "Input the correct Service VM version to which to upgrade" && exit 1
[[ $VERSION_ID -gt $sos_ver ]] && echo "You are attempting to install an older version of Clear Linux." && exit 1
echo "Upgrading Service VM..."
# get board name
BOARD_NAME=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name | cut -d' ' -f1`
[[ -z $BOARD_NAME ]] && echo "Unknown board name." && exit 1
echo "Board name is: $BOARD_NAME"
# set up mirror and proxy url while specified with m and p options
[[ -n $mirror ]] && echo "Setting swupd mirror to: $mirror" && \
sed -i 's/#allow_insecure_http=<true\/false>/allow_insecure_http=true/' $swupd_config && \
swupd mirror -s $mirror
[[ -n $proxy ]] && echo "Setting proxy to: $proxy" && export https_proxy=$proxy
# Check that the EFI path exists.
[[ ! -b $efi_partition ]] && echo "Set the right EFI System partition first." && exit 1
partition=`echo $efi_partition | sed 's/1$//g;s/p$//g'`
echo "Disable auto update..."
swupd autoupdate --disable 2>/dev/null
# Compare with the current Clear linux and skip the upgrade Service VM if you get the same version.
if [[ $VERSION_ID -eq $sos_ver ]]; then
echo "Clear Linux version $sos_ver is already installed. Continuing to set up the Service VM..."
echo "Upgrading the Clear Linux version from $VERSION_ID to $sos_ver ..."
swupd repair -x --picky -V $sos_ver 2>/dev/null
# Do the setups if previous process succeed.
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
[[ -n $mirror ]] && sed -i 's/#allow_insecure_http=<true\/false>/allow_insecure_http=true/' $swupd_config
echo "Adding the service-os and systemd-networkd-autostart bundles..."
swupd bundle-add service-os systemd-networkd-autostart 2>/dev/null
# get acrn.efi path
if [[ $BOARD_NAME == "wl10" ]] && [[ ! -f $acrn_efi_path ]]; then
echo "$acrn_efi_path does not exist."
echo "Using /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.nuc7i7dnb.industry.efi instead."
set -x
cp -r /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.nuc7i7dnb.industry.efi $acrn_efi_path
{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null
if [[ ! -f $acrn_efi_path ]]; then
echo "$acrn_efi_path doesn't exist."
echo "Use one of these efi images from /usr/lib/acrn."
echo "------"
ls /usr/lib/acrn/acrn.*.$scenario.efi -1
echo "------"
echo "Copy the efi image to $acrn_efi_path, then run the script again."
exit 1
mount $efi_partition /mnt
echo "Add /mnt/EFI/acrn folder"
mkdir -p /mnt/EFI/acrn
echo "Copy $acrn_efi_path to /mnt/EFI/acrn/acrn.efi"
if [[ ! -f $acrn_efi_path ]]; then
echo "Missing $acrn_efi_path file"
umount /mnt && sync
exit 1
cp -r $acrn_efi_path /mnt/EFI/acrn/acrn.efi
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to copy $acrn_efi_path" && exit 1; fi
new_kernel=`ls /usr/lib/kernel/org*sos* -tl | head -n1 | awk -F'/' '{print $5}'`
echo "Getting the latest Service OS kernel version: $new_kernel"
echo "Add the default (5 seconds) boot wait time."
clr-boot-manager set-timeout 5 || { echo "Failed to add the default boot wait time" && exit 1; }
clr-boot-manager update
echo "Set $new_kernel as the default boot kernel."
clr-boot-manager set-kernel $new_kernel || { echo "Failed to set $new_kernel as the default boot kernel." && exit 1; }
# Rename Clear-linux-iot-lts2018-sos conf to acrn.conf
conf=`sed -n 2p /mnt/loader/loader.conf | sed "s/default //" | sed "s/.conf$//"`
cp -r ${conf_directory}${conf}.conf ${conf_directory}acrn.conf 2>/dev/null || \
{ echo "${conf_directory}${conf}.conf does not exist." && exit 1; }
sed -i 2"s/$conf/acrn/" /mnt/loader/loader.conf
echo "Check the ACRN efi boot event"
check_acrn_bootefi=`efibootmgr | grep ACRN | wc -l`
if [[ "$check_acrn_bootefi" -ge 1 ]]; then
echo "Clean all ACRN efi boot events"
efibootmgr | grep ACRN | cut -d'*' -f1 | cut -d't' -f2 | xargs -i efibootmgr -b {} -B >/dev/null
echo "Check the Linux bootloader event"
number=$(expr `efibootmgr | grep 'Linux bootloader' | wc -l` - 1)
if [[ $number -ge 1 ]]; then
echo "Clean all Linux bootloader events"
efibootmgr | grep 'Linux bootloader' | cut -d'*' -f1 | cut -d't' -f2 | head -n$number | xargs -i efibootmgr -b {} -B >/dev/null
echo "Add new ACRN efi boot events; uart is disabled by default."
set -x
efibootmgr -c -l "\EFI\acrn\acrn.efi" -d $partition -p 1 -L "ACRN" -u "uart=disabled " >/dev/null
{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null
echo "Service OS setup is complete!"
echo "Failed to upgrade the Service VM to $sos_ver."
echo "Upgrade the Service VM with this command:"
echo "swupd update -V $sos_ver"
exit 1
umount /mnt
[[ $disable_reboot == 0 ]] && echo "Rebooting the Service OS to take effect." && reboot -f
function upgrade_uos()
# Check User VM version
[[ `echo $uos_ver | awk '{print length($0)}'` -ne 5 ]] && echo "Input the correct User VM version to which to upgrade" && exit 1
echo "Upgrading User VM..."
# User VM download link
# Set proxy if needed.
[[ -n $proxy ]] && echo "Setting the proxy to: $proxy" && export https_proxy=$proxy
# Corrupt script if /mnt is already mounted.
if [[ ! -z `findmnt /mnt -n` ]]; then
echo "/mnt is already mounted; unmount it if you want to continue upgrading the User VM."
exit 1
# Do upgrade User VM process.
if [[ $skip_download_uos != 1 ]]; then
cd ~
echo "Downloading the User VM image: $uos_image_link"
curl $uos_image_link -o clear-$uos_ver-kvm.img.xz
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Download User VM failed."
rm clear-$uos_ver-kvm.img.xz
exit 1
uos_img_xz=$(find ~/ -name clear-$uos_ver-kvm.img.xz)
uos_img=$(find ~/ -name clear-$uos_ver-kvm.img)
if [[ -f $uos_img ]] && [[ -f $uos_img.xz ]]; then echo "Moving $uos_img to $uos_img.old."; mv $uos_img $uos_img.old; fi
if [[ ! -f $uos_img_xz ]] && [[ ! -f $uos_img ]]; then
echo "Download the User VM clear-$uos_ver-kvm.img.xz file first." && exit 1
if [[ -f $uos_img_xz ]]; then
echo "Unxz User VM file: $uos_img_xz"
unxz $uos_img_xz
uos_img=`echo $uos_img_xz | sed 's/.xz$//g'`
echo "Get the User VM image: $uos_img"
uos_loop_device=`losetup -f -P --show $uos_img`
mount ${uos_loop_device}p3 /mnt || { echo "Failed to mount the User VM rootfs partition" && exit 1; }
mount ${uos_loop_device}p1 /mnt/boot || { echo "Failed to mount the User VM EFI partition" && exit 1; }
# set up mirror and proxy url while specified with m and p options
[[ -n $mirror ]] && echo "Setting swupd mirror to: $mirror" && \
sed -i 's/#allow_insecure_http=<true\/false>/allow_insecure_http=true/' /mnt$swupd_config && \
swupd mirror -s $mirror --path=/mnt
echo "Install kernel-iot-lts2018 to $uos_img"
swupd bundle-add --path=/mnt kernel-iot-lts2018 || { echo "Failed to install kernel-iot-lts2018" && \
sync && umount /mnt/boot /mnt && exit 1; }
echo "Configure kernel-ios-lts2018 as $uos_img default boot kernel"
uos_kernel_conf=`ls -t /mnt/boot/loader/entries/ | grep Clear-linux-iot-lts2018 | head -n1`
echo "default $uos_kernel" > /mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf
umount /mnt/boot
umount /mnt
cp -r /usr/share/acrn/samples/nuc/ ~/launch_uos_$
sed -i "s/\(virtio-blk.*\)\/home\/clear\/uos\/uos.img/\1$(echo $uos_img | sed "s/\//\\\\\//g")/" ~/launch_uos_$
[[ -z `grep $uos_img ~/launch_uos_$` ]] && echo "Failed to replace the User VM image in the launch script: ~/launch_uos_$" && exit 1
echo "Upgrade User VM complete..."
echo "Run this command to start the User VM..."
echo "sudo /root/launch_uos_$"
# Set script options.
while getopts "s:u:p:m:e:kdhi" opt
case "$opt" in
s) sos_ver="$OPTARG"
u) uos_ver="$OPTARG"
p) proxy="$OPTARG"
m) mirror="$OPTARG"
e) efi_partition="$OPTARG"
k) skip_download_uos=1
d) disable_reboot=1
h) print_help
i) scenario=industry
?) print_help
# Check args
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo "You must run the script as root." && exit 1
[[ -z $1 ]] && print_help
[[ -z $efi_partition ]] && efi_partition=/dev/sda1 || echo "Setting the EFI System partition to: $efi_partition..."
[[ -n $sos_ver && -n $uos_ver ]] && echo "Select upgrading the Service VM or the User VM" && exit 1
[[ -n $uos_ver ]] && upgrade_uos || upgrade_sos